I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 304 Set foot on heaven

Li Luo declined Ji Ting's suggestion to send her back and stayed alone on the deck.

She was still thinking about Ji Ting's meaningful words.

"If you still want to find the answer, please go to the island to find it..."

Li Luo looked at Cube and asked in confusion: "Do you think it is lying to us?"

Mo Ling controlled the cube and shook it.


He didn't think Ji Ting was lying. Regarding those identity matters, Mo Ling also thought Ji Ting's words made sense.

I just don’t know why Ji Ting asked Li Luo to go to the island to find the answer.

Li Luo also sighed. She did not expect that just trying to guide the fitness instructor out of his identity would actually cause such a big reaction from the robots on the Paradise. It seems that identity is really important to them.

The waves gently lapped the white hull of the boat, and the cool sea breeze blew Li Luo's hair loose. She leaned on the railing and thought for a long time. She still didn't know the answer, so she had to look at Cube.

"Let's go back."

When sailing on the ship, time will become very slow, because there is nothing to do, and Li Luo still takes Mo Ling to wander around.

However, after that incident, Li Luo did not try to make the robot behave beyond its identity.

The robots were still the same, welcoming Li Luo warmly, no different from before.

"Ms. Li Luo, this is your last dinner on the Paradise. The restaurant has specially prepared immobile crabs from Paradise waters for you. You'd better try the colorful crab claws, although they are very thin. But the juice inside is rich and the taste is varied, you will not be disappointed..."

"I forgot to tell you that the chef has processed all the fish bones you caught on the deck and turned them into dried fish bones. He also specially added special seahorse spicy kernels. They will be packed and delivered to you specially. On the table, you can take it off the ship. Don’t forget to think of our Paradise when you eat..."

The doorman still greeted Li Luo warmly. This was the last dinner Li Luo had on the Paradise. The chef who had never met before made Li Luo an extremely sumptuous meal.

There are many robots on the Paradise that Li Luo has never seen before. They are hidden in forbidden areas on the ship. They do not need to move or rest, and they always stick to their identities.

After eating, Li Luo returned to the gym with the cube, but there was nothing in it except fitness equipment.


In the past, when I came here, I would be greeted by the coach's warm greeting, but now the place where the coach used to stand is empty.

"Is it really right for me to do this?"

Li Luo asked gently to the cube behind him.

Looking at the coach's original position, her face showed confusion.

Mo Ling said nothing and directly controlled the cube to fly forward and block Li Luo.

Suddenly a metal wall appeared in front of him, and Li Luo's eyes instantly cleared.

She sighed: "Go back and rest, we have to go to the island to find answers."

After saying that, he walked towards the room without looking back.

In the afternoon of the next day, the pure white Paradise docked slowly. Li Luo, who had already packed his luggage, stood in the middle of the cabin with his backpack and Cube behind him, waiting for the door to open.

Ji Ting stood nearby, asking Li Luo if he had left anything behind.

It remained as gentle and calm as if what had happened on the deck that day had never happened.

The cabin door slowly opened, and a dazzling light came in.

After the dazzling light dissipated, Li Luo could see clearly that the port outside was also pure white, and even the place where the beach should have been was covered with pure white floor tiles.

"We're here. Let me accompany you down. Welcome to Paradise Island."

Ji Ting led Li Luo onto the pure white port.

All white.

Not only are the ports and floor tiles white, but even the buildings are white.

The style of the building is also very similar to that of Paradise. They are all curved buildings with no edges. They look very soft and elegant. The material seems to be some kind of lightweight stone and the surface is very smooth.

There is not even a crack between these whites, as if they were completely natural. The people who built Paradise Island seemed to want to completely remove the black from the gaps, leaving only pure white.

The reason why there are no edges and corners is also to prevent black lines on the edges.

They did indeed do it. Except for the inevitable shadow, all they could see was white.

If it weren't for the warm sunshine, it would even feel like we were standing in a snow-covered village.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Ji Ting asked from the side.

"It's very beautiful and clean, but... why is it like this?" Li Luo couldn't adapt to such pure white.

"Because this is Paradise Island." Ji Ting replied calmly.

"It's time for me to go back to the ship. Someone will pick you up later."

Jiting turned around and walked slowly towards the Paradise.

Before leaving, he whispered to Li Luo: "I hope you can find the answer you want."

Li Luo wanted to turn around and say thank you, but suddenly realized something and didn't look back, just stood there silently.

After getting used to the dazzling white, Li Luo stood by the port and watched the white robots transporting the goods brought from the Fish-Man Island.

These fish-man island goods of different colors are very abrupt on the white port, as if someone was scribbling on a white canvas.

Fortunately, these robots stack the goods neatly, so it doesn't look so awkward.

Just as Li Luo was looking at the goods, a weak voice sounded from behind her.

"Hello, may I ask, is this Li Luo?"

Li Luo quickly turned around to check, and found a short and rustic girl standing behind him. She was dressed in simple white clothes, wearing a pair of thick glasses, and braids. She was holding an electronic screen and looking at her shyly. .

The girl's hand holding the electronic screen was even shaking.

"Yes, I am Li Luo. I just arrived here on the Paradise from Fish-Man Island."

Li Luo stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with the girl with glasses.

Seeing this, the girl with glasses hurriedly took out her hand, almost falling off the electronic screen she was holding.

"My name is Qi Qi, from Xiangqi, and I am the receptionist at Paradise Island."

After shaking hands with Li Luo, she hurriedly retracted, picked up the electronic screen and started checking it.

"Level 3 hunter, Fire Thief Li Luo, right?"

"That's right."

"Okay, what is your purpose for coming to Paradise Island?" Qi Qi asked cautiously: "I want to register here, there is no other purpose."

As if he was afraid of causing Li Luo to misunderstand, Qi Qi deliberately raised the electronic screen in front of her.

The form above must be filled in with the purpose of landing on the island.

"Prepare to pass through Paradise Island and go to the passage leading to the fourth level of the abyss." Li Luo answered truthfully.

"Okay." Qi Qi recorded it very seriously.

After recording, she looked at Li Luo again and asked seriously:

"Last question, what is your identity?"

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