I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 308 Dim white light

"I'll take you to the hotel first. The boat you want to take will happen to be one tomorrow morning. Have a good night's rest and I'll take you to the port in the morning."

The two of them were reminiscing about old times and chatting about things on this paradise island. After walking around for a few times, the sun slowly set.

On both sides of the pure white streets, a faint light began to shine on the surfaces of the buildings.

It was as if someone was shining a light behind those buildings, and the cool white light was transmitted through the stone curved surface.

This kind of light is not bright, it can even be said to be a bit dim, making the already white streets even paler.

After night falls, the white light makes Paradise Island a little foggy, as if it is shrouded in a layer of white gauze.

The temperature was also a bit colder. The stone walls were icy and cold. The sun's temperature did not last long before it dissipated quickly. Pedestrians also hurried back home, as if they were avoiding the arrival of the night.

The darkness of night was suppressed, and the white light seemed to be extinguished, struggling to persist.

Lin Nian also quickened his pace and led Li Luo through the black and white streets to a hotel.

This hotel, like the previous restaurant, was pure white. When the hotel owner saw the two guests arriving, he greeted them warmly.

The boss is a middle-aged woman with a formulaic smile on her face, which looks a little cold under the white light.

"Do you two want to stay?"

"One person." Lin Nian pointed at Li Luo and said.

"Register your identity." The boss took out an electronic screen with only a short line of words on it.


Not even a name is needed.

After Li Luo filled it out in confusion, the boss put the electronic screen back.

She did not check Li Luo's nameplate, nor did she verify Li Luo's identity.

A prompt came from the electronic screen.

Li Luo quickly took it out and took a look, and found that there was an additional name inside - "Innkeeper".

"If anything happens, just contact me directly."

The boss smiled and walked out of the counter.

"Let me take you to your room. Many of the recent robots have problems. You may not be able to find them without someone to take them."

Lin Nian also patted Li Luo on the shoulder: "Go, I have to rush back, see you tomorrow morning."

After saying that, he hurriedly left the hotel.

Before Li Luo even had time to say goodbye, the hotel owner's urging voice came from beside him.

"Guest, hurry up, the night is coming."

Although the innkeeper was still smiling, his tone became much faster.

Li Luo glanced at the door. Lin Nian was gone. She could only follow the boss up the stairs.

Because the buildings on Paradise Island are very strange, with irregular curved surfaces, the corridors in the hotel are also very strange, with twists and turns. The hotel owner took Li Luo through several turns before he found the room.

"Here we go, room 500. It's quite complicated here, right? If you don't remember how to get there, just contact me and I'll come and help you."

The hotel owner placed the electronic screen at the door of the guest room, and the door lock clicked open.

"Open the door like this. As long as the identity is correct, it will be opened quickly."

The boss opened the door, bent slightly, and raised his hand.

"Please come in."

After Li Luo entered the room, the hotel owner closed the door.

"Hope you have a nice night..."

The door was gently closed and the innkeeper's voice disappeared.

There was silence.

In the guest room, all kinds of furniture are neatly arranged.

But these furniture are still pure white without any color.

Like the buildings outside, these furniture have no edges and corners. Even the edges of the bed are covered with soft quilts, and the cabinets are integrated with the walls, as if the edge lines are deliberately avoided.

The faint light illuminated every shadow in the room, and there was no trace of darkness in the whole room, but this unclear light made people feel a little groggy.

Pure white without shadows would only make people dizzy. Li Luo rubbed her eyes. She stayed on the island for an afternoon and still couldn't adapt to this strange color scheme.

"Did you notice anything strange?"

Li Luo looked at Cube and asked.

Cubes are even more out of place on this island.

The bright metallic color and regular edges are very abrupt when compared with everything on the island.

"I think everything is weird." Mo Ling wrote his answer on the electronic screen.

He followed Li Luo around the island all afternoon. Not only the strange identity rules, but also the architectural form of the island made Mo Ling very awkward.

Even Lin Nian and Mo Ling found it a little strange. When she talked about this island, she would always show a happy expression unconsciously, as if this island could really give her the meaning of life.

However, she never mentioned how she came to Paradise Island.

When chatting with Li Luo, Lin Nian would always bring the topic to Li Luo, asking what Li Luo had experienced in the abyss and what interesting things he had done.

Although this seemed like an elder's concern for a younger generation, Mo Ling always found it strange.

"She seems to be rationalizing everything on the island in an understatement, and constantly instilling these concepts into Li Luo."

Paradise Island is a relic.

People came to this island in exchange for suppressing the relics.

Identity definition is the price of this relic.

After telling Li Luo everything logically, it seemed that everything made sense.

However, there are still many things that have not been answered.

Why do those robots that should be destroyed appear on Paradise Island?

How does Paradise Island achieve mechanical intelligence?

And how did these residents of Paradise Island find themselves here?

From the moment they met, Lin Nian had been deliberately guiding Li Luo to pay attention to the "rules" on the island, letting Li Luo follow her thoughts to understand the island, but instead she forgot the original purpose of coming to the island.

That's why Mo Ling feels very awkward now.

"I feel weird too, but I can't tell where it is." Li Luo sat on the chair and bed and said doubtfully.

When Mo Ling reminded her that she still needed to investigate the robot matter, she suddenly realized.

"How could I forget this... The white light on this island made me dizzy, and I forgot the most important things." Li Luo rubbed his eyes and said regretfully.

"I'll ask again tomorrow, my eyes hurt..."

Li Luo yawned.

This dim light really makes people feel sleepy.

Li Luo searched around but couldn't find a place to control the lights. It seemed that these white lights must be on to keep the pure white color forever.

She sent a message to the hotel owner, and the answer she received was that the lights could not be turned off manually and would only turn off automatically after the time.

"What kind of strange rule is this?"

Li Luo had no choice but to wash up and rest first.

Although it was still early, Li Luo had already covered himself with a quilt and fell asleep due to the unstoppable sleepiness.

Mo Ling, on the other hand, remained awake, waiting for the time to turn off the lights.

He always felt that something would happen when black enveloped everything.

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