I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 315 Torch

"I tried using an alarm clock to force myself to wake up at night, but that kind of sleep was so dead that I didn't even hear the sound of the alarm clock in my sleep."

The cyclist said helplessly.

"But I also have some other gains..."

He operated on the electronic screen for a while and sent a video to Li Luo.

Li Luo clicked on it, and there was a burst of familiar white light.

"Is this that kind of light?"

"That's right, look down, or just pull back for a while," the cyclist reminded.

Following his instructions, Li Luo pulled the progress bar back a little.

At this time, the content on the electronic screen was already dark.

Li Luo looked at it for a long time, but everything was pitch black. She almost thought the electronic screen was broken.

"It's like this from now on, until daytime."

"What do you mean?" Li Luo didn't understand what the cyclist meant.

"This is night..." the cyclist explained: "That burst of white light is time-limited. Soon after people fall asleep, it will disappear, and the entire paradise island will fall into darkness until dawn."

"So my method of waking up with an alarm clock is feasible. As long as I can cross the period of white light, I can come to darkness and not fall asleep again. But I tried many times and I couldn't wake up. "

After hearing the cyclist's explanation, Li Luo finally understood.

If you want to investigate the dark night, you can only go into the dark night yourself, so you must find a way to cross the period of white light and wake up in the dark night.

"Why can't you wake up? No matter how loud the alarm clock is, it won't work?"

"No, I'm too sleepy. Making too much noise will attract other people's attention, and I don't want to get into trouble."

He looked at Li Luo and said seriously: "Fire Thief, if you also want to investigate the dark night, you have to think about how to enter the darkness. You may need a torch."

"Torch?" Li Luo listened to the cyclist's words and was a little confused.

"Yes, only by holding a torch can you enter the darkness and pass on the light." The cyclist continued to say these confusing words.

Li Luo was a little helpless: "Where should I find the 'torch'?"

"I don't know, I'm not a fire thief, you might have to ask Prometheus." The cyclist smiled and joked.

"I have to continue riding. Today's goal has not been completed. If you need help, come to me. If I can help, I will definitely help."

He looked at Li Luo who was still deep in thought, put on goggles and a mask, and rode away quickly on his bicycle.

Li Luo wanted to ask again, but found that the cyclist had disappeared, probably by turning somewhere.

"What he means is for me to find a way to enter the darkness..." Li Luo looked at Cube and shook his head: "But if the alarm clock doesn't work, what else can?"

Suddenly, Li Luo seemed to have thought of something and asked Cube: "Are you awake at night?"

"I slept soundly too..."

Mo Ling thought of what happened last night and felt helpless.

He also wanted to be awake, but he really couldn't resist the strong feeling of sleep.

However, just as he was about to tell Li Luo on the electronic screen, he suddenly thought of something: If he had been hiding in the square and not looking at the white light, would he have been able to overcome that period of time?

When Mo Ling thought of this, he quickly erased the words on the electronic screen and reorganized the language.

"I can try to be awake, but I need to know when the white light disappears."

He wanted to try hiding in the square and wait until the white light disappeared before releasing his vision.

Seeing this, Li Luo quickly took out the video that the cyclist had just sent her.

The exact time is marked on the progress bar.

"After the sun goes down, the lights turn on. After one hour, the hypnotic effect reaches its peak. After half an hour, the lights dim and disappear quickly."

"So from the time the sun goes down, in an hour and a half, the white light will disappear."

Li Luo held the electronic screen and said to Cube while sliding the progress bar.

Looking at the time on the progress bar, Mo Ling also had a plan in mind: "So I hid in the square before the sun set, and released my vision after an hour and a half, so that I could escape that period and not be affected by the white light. , always awake."

Li Luo also continued: "If you can wake up, you can wake me up, so that we can all go into the darkness!"

"So, you are my torch!"


Inside the Fire Thief's studio.

Li Luo sat at his desk, with cubes floating aside.

"I'll repeat the plan again..."

"In an hour and a half, when the white light dissipates, you can try to wake me up. Use this first."

Li Luo pointed to a white gong in front of him.

They spent a long time preparing the props for waking up during the day, and this was one of them, which Li Luo borrowed from a "drummer".

At this time, this gong was hanging on the desk. Li Luo had tried it before, and the sound was very loud and deafening.

"Try hitting the gong first to see if I have a reaction. If the sound doesn't wake you up, try this again."

Li Luo pointed to the white bucket in the sky.

The bucket was filled to the brim with water, and Li Luo added a lot of ice cubes to prevent the effect from being bad.

It is really difficult to find ice cubes on Paradise Island. During the day, Li Luo searched for them for a long time. Li Luo bought these ice cubes from the cold drink shop owner.

At this time, two thin ropes were tied to the edge of the bucket above, holding both sides of the bucket.

"You break the rope on one side and let the ice water pour on me."

Immediately afterwards, Li Luo patted his chair again.

"After you sprinkle the water on me, if I still don't wake up, overturn my chair. The conditioned reflex should make me wake up..."

"If you haven't woken up yet, it proves that this hypnosis is irreversible, and we need to find another way."

Li Luo knocked on the table and said worriedly.

She looked at the sky outside the window and then looked at the time.

"It's almost time, start getting ready."

Li Luo placed the gong on the table closer, adjusted his seat so that he was facing the bucket in the sky, placed his feet flat, and sat on the chair in an orderly manner.

After making a gesture towards the square, she closed her eyes in advance.

Mo Ling couldn't see the sky outside the house, so she could only stare at the electronic screen on the table and pay close attention to her surroundings.

Inside the house, it gradually became dark.

The white light on the wall also lit up slightly.

"The sun is setting."

Seeing the faint light, Mo Ling quickly retracted his vision, hid in the box, and turned on the timing button of the electronic screen in the box.

"An hour and a half."

Mo Ling looked at the time and felt that it was not safe enough, so he extended the timer by another ten minutes.

"One hour and forty minutes, that should be about enough..."

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