I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 328 Mr. Guo

All day long, Mr. Guo was restless at his desk.

What he has been anxious about is not the big business, but the "private matter" in the afternoon - he has to meet someone.

A very important person.

Even when Mr. Guo thinks about it, his heart beats so nervously that he can only stand up from time to time and come to the floor-to-ceiling windows to calm down.

Finally, it was afternoon.

With an uneasy mood, Mr. Guo came to a restaurant.

He booked this restaurant in advance as a place for the two of them to meet. He even gave up a lot of work, arrived an hour early, and sat down anxiously.

He was able to handle things in the company with ease, but now he was like a young man waiting for an interview, restless...

Half an hour later, a girl appeared at the door. She looked ordinary, but was dressed very plainly and cleanly. She checked the address with her electronic screen, and after confirming that it was correct, she opened the door of the restaurant.

Seeing that the restaurant was empty, she was obviously confused.

But soon she found the right spot.

"It's Mr. Guo, right?"

"Yes, please sit down."

Mr. Guo stood up in a hurry, and guided the trembling girl to her seat, which made her feel flattered and waved her hands repeatedly.

After sitting down, the girl looked at Mr. Guo for a while, and then asked doubtfully: "Excuse me, Mr. Guo, where did we meet?"

"Five years ago, do you still remember the beggar you often helped?" Mr. Guo didn't feel embarrassed at all: "At that time, you often gave me things I didn't need at home, encouraging me to find a job and support myself."

The girl in front of her was stunned for a moment when she heard Mr. Guo's words.

"Are you the 'Master'?"

Mr. Guo smiled: "That's right, people around there called me Master at that time, because I really had no place to shave, so I could only do it as an 'immortal style'."

The girl immediately became happy: "I thought you were really a master, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

Mr. Guo also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the girl didn't care about his identity.

She has always been like this, never caring about other people's status.

Living in a wealthy area, she would make friends with beggars near her home, bring things from home to share with beggars, and even sit with beggars by the river embankment, chatting about life.

Mr. Guo remembered that at that time, the girl looked at the river and said to him: She wanted to become a doctor and save lives.

Thinking of this, he looked at the girl in front of him and asked, "Have you become a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded now?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head, a little disappointed.

"No, I followed my family's arrangements and learned management. I will join my family's company in the future... and my family said that a marriage has been arranged for me. I will get married after graduation next year, but I don't even have a marriage partner." Have seen..."

The girl spoke softer and quieter, and then shook her head.

"Forget it, why are you talking about these unhappy things? What about you? Can you eat now?"

Of course Mr. Guo nodded.

He became a beggar back then because his family was in trouble. His parents were debt collectors and they went their separate ways, leaving him alone and homeless.

At that time, by the river embankment, the girl also asked him about his life wishes, and he only said one thing: It would be good if he could have enough to eat.

But now, it seems a little too perfect.

Instead, he felt a little distressed when he listened to the girl's words.

"Then do you still want to be a doctor?"

"I don't want to think about it anymore. It's not necessary. At that time, we were just young and frivolous, and everyone had the time to talk grandly. Besides, doctors nowadays are very tired and have to deal with the difficult and complicated diseases brought out from the abyss..."

The girl said with a wry smile, but Mr. Guo could see that there was still a trace of desire in her eyes.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting dull again, the girl quickly changed the topic and started talking about Mr. Guo's work, the decoration of the restaurant, and the recent news...

"She's still so talkative."

The girl is exactly the same as Mr. Guo remembers, and has not changed at all.

In this way, the two spent a pleasant afternoon.

"I'll treat you to dinner next time!" Before leaving, the girl excitedly made an appointment to meet next time.

Mr. Guo also happily agreed.

After returning home, he took out his electronic screen and searched for the company of the girl's parents...

On Saturday, Mr. Guo rarely worked overtime.

He made an appointment with the girl's father to come to the company to discuss cooperation.

"Mr. Guo, you are young and promising." As soon as they met, the girl's father cordially held Mr. Guo's hand.

"Thank you very much. I hurriedly invite you over this time. It's also urgent. I'll get straight to the point. Do you mind?"

"Please say."

"Our company has a batch of products and we need to temporarily increase production because we have to negotiate with Yuanxin Technology in a few days. They have production requirements, but our material supplier cannot provide so much material at the moment, so we want to take care of it. I bought it from our company as a supplement. The price is good, what do you think?”

The girl's father was stunned. He clearly said that he wanted to ask for something, but in the end he wanted to send him a batch of big orders.

Although he is not a human spirit, he has been in the business field for so many years and knows that there is something fishy in it.

"What product is it?"

"It's used in intelligent machinery. Yuanxin Technology has a confidentiality agreement with us, and we can't elaborate on it with you."

"I understand, but I have another question. Mr. Guo, how did you know about our company? With our size, we shouldn't be your alternative, right? Although I am very confident in the materials in my factory, I I didn’t think a big company would approach us directly, and it’s such an important order.”

Seeing that the girl's father was so confused, Mr. Guo stopped hiding it and smiled lightly: "Your daughter and I know each other and are very good friends..."

"Is that why?"


The cooperation was concluded naturally. A few days later, the negotiation with Yuanxin Technology was very pleasant and everything went very smoothly.

"Xiao Ling, in a few days, daddy will take you to meet your engagement partner."

The girl's father suddenly said this to her.

She opened her mouth to say something, but ended up swallowing it and just whispered back, "Okay."

A few days later, the girl looked at the engagement partner in front of her and her eyes widened.

"why you?"

"Maybe it's fate?"

Mr. Guo smiled. He didn't know whether this approach was right or wrong.

Facing the girl, his heart began to beat faster again, and this meeting was still in front of her parents.

His arms trembled slightly and he looked at the table beside him.

An ordinary glass was placed on top.

After taking a deep breath, he picked up the water glass and swallowed the water inside.

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