I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 336 Li Luo’s Prophecy

That person was of course Li Luo. The prophet saw everything she went through after coming to this hell island, and he also realized new possibilities.

However, a lot of things seemed to go wrong with her prophecy.

The prophetic picture is incomplete.

"There are many gaps in your experience. It's like things have lost their coherence. A story suddenly jumps from one scene to another without any cause and effect..."

"In my prophecy, the Night Watchman suddenly disappeared, and you easily escaped from his pursuit. The Watcher was originally following you, but disappeared after following you. Even the Nest Builder failed to trap you. , It seems that there is an invisible force that is always protecting you.”

"Is this your ability? The ability of a fire thief?"

The prophet looked at Li Luo in confusion.

"But, it seems you can't escape your fate..."

Her tone became increasingly lonely.


"Yes, the fate of death, I saw you...died on Hell Island."

The prophet raised his hand and pointed his fingertips at Li Luo.

"You will be swallowed up by the invisible force and disappear completely like the night watchers, watchers and nest builders. That is not expulsion, that is complete annihilation. There is absolutely no way to escape."


The prophet's palm suddenly slapped on the door, and his nails scraped the door hard, and a sharp noise came out.

The prophet's tone became more and more desperate: "Nothing has changed. The prediction will still come true. No matter how you resist fate, you will return to the right track."

"I saw……"

"The entire Hell Island will be destroyed, and no one will be able to escape!"

"The hell beast will break through heaven and descend to the real world!"

"It was that power that helped it! That invisible power was brought to Hell Island by you, Fire Stealer! What you brought was the fire that destroyed everything, the fire that plunged the entire human race into divine punishment!"

"You will also get the price you deserve, just like Prometheus, being tied to a cliff and having your internal organs gnawed by giant eagles forever!"

The prophet scratched the glass even more crazily while shouting those incomprehensible words to Li Luo.

"It's right next to you! The source of that power is right next to you! Extinguish the fire! Fire thief, the fire will eventually burn you!"

Her other hand also hit the door, scratching it frantically. The harsh scratching sound scared both Li Luo and the terminal to take a few steps back.

The terminal also looked at Li Luo strangely: "Where is the fire?"

Li Luo shook his head and looked in front of and behind him. There was nothing but squares.

"I don't know. Do you believe what she said?"

"I don't believe it, it's a bit outrageous. What kind of hell beast is this thing that's so blabbering?" Jilou scratched his head and looked out the door: "But she is a prophet, shouldn't everything she says be true?"

"Prophecies are all lies. I believed this when I was a child."

Li Luo looked outside the house and said loudly: "I have no fire!"

"You have!"


"at your side!"

"There's nothing around me!"

"Yes! It's getting bigger and bigger as it burns! It keeps getting bigger! Throw it away quickly, and throw it away!"


No matter how Li Luo argued, the prophet did not believe it. Instead, he became more and more excited. His hands kept scratching the door and he kept mumbling, asking Li Luo to throw the fire far away. .

Finally, after realizing that his advice had no effect, the prophet put down his hand and walked away from the door.

"Leaved?" The two people in the room were very confused.

You were shouting hysterically just now, why did you leave so suddenly?

However, the black smoke in the house has not disappeared and is still billowing.

The prophet did not go far, but came to an open space not far from the gate, raised his hand and began to recite something.

Immediately afterwards, an air mass composed of black smoke gathered above her head. With the appearance of the air mass, many figures suddenly appeared in the surrounding alleys.

These figures seemed to be very sluggish, as if they had seen something they longed for, and they were walking towards the Fire Thief's Studio like zombies.

The eyelids of these figures are covered with a layer of thick black smoke, and a faint black line is connected to the prophet's aura.

There were more and more figures, and after a while, even the inheritor who had been far away from the safe house appeared again. His eyes were also covered with a layer of black smoke. He also seemed to see something he longed for, and headed towards the safe house. rushed to the door.

"Destroy the hell beast! Destroy! Destroy!"

The huge body started to run, and even the ground trembled a little. The books behind him fell down while running. He didn't pay attention and crashed straight towards the door of the safe house.

The body like a truck hit the door directly, smashing the door into pieces, and the inheritor's own body began to slowly dissipate.

However, he still didn't stop.

Although half of his body was gone, he still used his other hand to pull out his walrus tusk. The tusk suddenly grew in size and turned into a terrifying giant sword.

The inheritor raised the giant sword crookedly and slashed it towards the safe house.

"Hell beast! Get off my island!"

He shouted, as if he was really protecting the island, and all his strength was concentrated on this chop.

The thick giant sword drew a trace like ink in the air, and the blade cut through the air, making a sword sound.

It was clearly the sound of a sword, but it seemed like countless people were reciting the slogans in the inheritor's book. Repeated and penetrating chanting sounds rippled along with the ink-like sword marks.

Sharp sound waves swept through the watery night and hit the safe house, followed immediately by a terrifying vibration!

The figure of the inheritor was instantly shaken away by the reaction force, but the rippling sonic sword energy never stopped, splitting open the roof of the safe house!

Just like cutting an egg, the soft white is gently sliced ​​open by a sharp blade.

"Get out of the way!"

The machine building suddenly pounced on Li Luo and pulled her aside.

The invincible sonic sword energy fell instantly, and actually cut the Fire Thief's Studio in half!

The hemispherical building is divided into two parts in the middle, and the cut edges are extremely smooth.

It was obviously a soft sound wave, but when it turned into sword energy, it was as sharp as iron.

The aftermath of the sword energy penetrated deeply into the ground, and the entire building trembled with the sound wave.

Although the inheritor has disappeared, his chanting has remained, echoing in the air along with the sword energy.

Although both Ji Lou and Li Luo avoided the terrifying sword energy in time, they were entangled in the sound in an instant.

Li Luo's blood surged instantly, and an impulse appeared in her heart.

"Xiao Zi! Beat the gong!"

Hearing this cry, Xiao Zi, who was originally wrapped around the aircraft building, instantly flew up, crossed the crack cut by the giant sword, and flew to the other side.

This time, it didn't attack the cube, but understood Li Luo's meaning very accurately.

Rolling up the gong, Xiao Zi banged it on the ground desperately, and a noisy gong sounded instantly, disrupting the sound of the sword energy's aftermath.

"Dong-dong-clang! Dong-dong-clang!"

Xiao Zi perfectly reproduced the rhythm of Li Luo's gong before, and even the earth-shattering momentum was exactly the same.

"Don't stop, keep knocking!"

Li Luo shouted loudly while covering his ears.

Xiao Zi followed her instructions and struck the gong loudly.

The purple silk thread rolled up the gong and kept beating it on the ground, resisting the sound waves of the chanting that were still echoing.

As the sound became more and more chaotic, the fighting spirit in Li Luo's heart gradually calmed down.

It wasn't until the aftermath of the sword energy slowly disappeared that Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

My eardrums were already buzzing from the shock, but fortunately everything had subsided.

Shaking his head, the noisy tinnitus subsided slightly.

"Okay, stop..." Li Luo said to Xiao Zi who was still beating the gong.

Upon hearing the order to stop, Xiao Zi threw the gong to the ground, turned around and rushed towards the square.

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