I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 339 Perfect Machine

"In thirty-eight seconds, you will disappear and she will come back. Although I don't know who you are, I am grateful to you for creating me."

The robot nodded to Mo Ling.

"How did you know? I'm not her." Mo Ling asked in surprise.


The robot replied softly. This short answer seemed to be able to answer everything. At this time, Mo Ling, whose IQ had been temporarily improved, immediately understood the principle.

It sensed the difference between the two through bioelectricity.

"Then how do you know that I will disappear in thirty-eight seconds?" This seems to be a more terrifying ability.

However, the robot looked at Mo Ling and uttered those two words again:


Or electric current? This time, even Lin Nian's IQ didn't understand.

Just when Mo Ling wanted to ask again, he felt his whole body go numb, and he lost control of his body for an instant.

Not only the control of the limbs, but also the five senses disappeared in an instant, and it was suddenly dark, as if he was locked in an eternal darkness.

After a while, the numb feeling slowly disappeared, and Mo Ling found that everything in front of him had changed.

In front of him, a complete robot was standing in front of him, skillfully operating a piece of equipment.

Standing beside him were densely packed researchers, and some in suits, who looked like senior figures from Yuanxin Technology.

Mo Ling actually saw Li Luo among these people.

She was standing in the middle of a group of senior executives in suits, holding an electronic screen absentmindedly, not listening to the researcher's report at all.

As if she felt someone was looking at her, Li Luo suddenly raised her head and looked here, then gently waved her hand and said hello.

Mo Ling was in a trance for a moment.

"Is this the old Li Luo?"

In the laboratory at this time, a middle-aged researcher wearing a white coat was talking nonstop to the senior officials about the working robot:

"The information it carries is all in the electric current, no database is needed, and the manufacturing is very simple. The most important thing is that the robot carrying human bioelectric current is smart enough to fully understand human instructions."

The middle-aged researcher looked at the robot.

"It is currently operating the access control identification system of Yuanxin Technology, which requires a high degree of concentration, sufficient intelligence, and humanized operation. In the past, this system required ten employees to complete, but now it only requires one robot. "

A senior executive in a suit looked at the busy robot, interrupted the researcher's introduction, and asked curiously: "In other words, can ten employees be optimized?"

His focus doesn't seem to be on the robot's practicality.

"Uh." The middle-aged researcher nodded awkwardly: "Logically yes, but it is still in the experimental stage."

"Can other jobs be substituted?" the senior executive asked.

"Of course, this is just the simplest application." The middle-aged researcher did not dare to lie, and his sweat flowed uncontrollably.

"Can your job be replaced?" the senior executive said aggressively.

The middle-aged researcher wiped his sweat and his whole body trembled.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it can really be done, as long as you give him a certain amount of learning time."

After much hesitation, the middle-aged researcher admitted this fact.

He is no match for that machine.

The senior executive received an affirmative answer, nodded, and started discussing with his colleagues.

The middle-aged researcher stood in the middle of the crowd, at a loss. He took off his glasses and wiped them again and again.

After discussing for a while, the senior executive looked at the middle-aged researcher again.

"You don't have to be afraid. We won't optimize any employees. I'm just surprised. Is there really such a perfect machine?"

His tone betrayed deep suspicion.

The middle-aged researcher breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the senior management's words, then shook his head helplessly and looked at the robot: "We don't want to admit it, but this machine is perfect..."

"Obviously its discovery is just a coincidence, but it is as if it is destined to come to us. If you have been in contact with it for a long time, you will find that its intelligence is not an anthropomorphism, but a kind of divinity. '."

"Divinity?" When the senior management heard this word, he asked in confusion.

"Yes, divinity, almost unlimited tolerance, and all the beautiful qualities of human beings will make people feel very...comfortable?"

As the middle-aged researcher was talking, he actually started to get stuck and doubted what he was saying.

"It seems that it comes from the 'massage device'. Its electric current simulates the kind that makes humans absolutely comfortable. No one will feel discomfort when in contact with it, so it shows this kind of 'divineness'. "

"You know, no matter how perfect a person is, some people will dislike him, but this machine will not. Everyone likes it and can't fault it. Sometimes we really feel that we are not making a machine, but A 'god' was created."

The middle-aged researcher sighed: "We are always like this. We pursue machines to be like humans, but are afraid of machines being like humans, leading to this tangled cycle."

Hearing the researcher's heartfelt sigh, the senior management was silent for a long time before speaking again: "Let nature take its course."

"After debugging for a while, we will start mass production and launch it on the market as a sixth-generation intelligent machine. You don't have to worry about those philosophical issues."

The middle-aged researcher also nodded: "I also think I think too much."

The senior management discussed with the colleagues around him for a while and then left the laboratory together.

After they left, the middle-aged researcher also turned to look at Mo Ling.

"Lin Nian, let's continue with the debugging. We won't disturb you anymore. This machine will definitely be put on the market. Yuanxin Technology is a company after all, and our research institute is just a worker. Don't worry too much."

After saying that, the researchers left the laboratory one by one, leaving only Mo Ling and the busy machine.

"You're here again."

A steady mechanical sound came from the robot. It was busy with what it was doing and said hello to Mo Ling.

"you know?"

"Of course I know, it's about electric current." the robot replied.

"They are going to put you on the market." Mo Ling thought of the report just now.

"Yes, but I will not be widely used. At that time, the official will ban my distribution and even destroy it, including those of my compatriots who have not yet been born."

The robot said lightly, and Mo Ling could no longer suppress the shock in his heart.

"Why do you know what will happen in the future?"

These things, according to the current time, the robot should not know.

While the robot was operating the equipment, it spoke the answer that Mo Ling had heard countless times.

"Current, still current."

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