I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 358 A ray of sunshine

The young man left.

He is just a passerby to this island.

Siyang sat quietly on the beach, like the twilight old man, watching the ship drift further and further away until there was no trace.

The seawater laps gently on the shore, hitting the white sandy beach and then slowly recedes. The sun shines on the sparkling seawater, and the sound of the waves makes people feel comfortable.

The sunshine today was particularly beautiful, but Siyang's thoughts drifted far away, and messy thoughts filled her originally unpeaceful heart.

The hell beast is not a disaster that can destroy the world.

"Isn't this a good thing? I can go home." Siyang asked herself.

There is no need to bear any responsibility. Even if the hell beasts escape, it doesn't matter. They will just eat and drink everywhere, causing no harm.

There is nothing worth protecting on this pure white island.

The comrades are gone, the guardian is gone, and I am left alone. There are no buildings on the island, no beautiful scenery, only an empty white space, and the endless sea in front of me.

Siyang suddenly felt that he was so tired. He looked at the sky and lay down. The mycelium spread evenly on the pure white ground.

The sun shone down, making it warm.

Siyang was lazy and lay like this all day.

It wasn't until the next day that it got up from the ground.

As usual, Siyang patrolled the entire island according to the route.

Immediately afterwards, it came to the sealed node, opened the entrance, and jumped down.

It landed on a black hill. These hell beasts had built a lair here before they knew it. Because they were afraid of the white color, they buried themselves in the black debris like coal.

Siyang casually grabbed one from the ground.

Seeing the cute creature twisting like a briquette, Siyang smiled helplessly.

"So you guys look like this."

It walked on the black hills, digging out a few hell beasts from the coal from time to time.

These little guys have very low IQs and are very timid. After seeing Siyang, they will even jump out of the ground in fright, then roll away and roll farther and farther on the hills.

At the same time, Siyang also found that these little guys were very tired, many of them were motionless, and they seemed to have lost their strength.

"I'm probably starving."

Siyang stopped, slowly lowered his body, and finally lay down on the black hill.

It looked at the high white dome, a little lost in thought.

"I haven't seen the island from this angle."

Siyang suddenly realized that this was also the first time that it had "lived" in a building built by herself.

"feel good."

It lay on this hill, finally feeling much more relaxed.

Those briquette-like hell beasts slowly approached Siyang when they saw him motionless.

Siyang allowed these hell beasts to climb up its body and gather next to its body's hyphae.

Siyang remained motionless, looking at the white dome.

It seemed to see the slaves who died on the island, and it seemed to see the guardians leaving one by one. It saw dark clouds in the sky, and all the races were closely together.

White, slowly blurring.

Those slaves did not die, but slowly fell asleep with the light of the white light stone.

Those guardians who have gone away will all return.

The dark clouds will eventually disperse, and the dawn of victory will spread across the earth...

In this juncture of white and black, Siyang felt an unprecedented sense of tranquility.

However, for some reason, a square hole appeared in the white sky in front of her. Siyang was still confused when she saw the sunlight passing through the hole and shining on herself.

"So warm..."

among the squares.

The black fragments of the frenulum climbed up the square sky, swallowing it whole, and the frenulum returned to its original shape.

Mo Ling held the frenulum while holding her chest, gasping for air.

This memory was the same as the ones he had read before, making Mo Ling very uncomfortable.

Mo Ling found that the memory of his contact with the aircraft building seemed to be completely different. The memory of his contact was "deeper" and more specific.

Perhaps, the "corrosiveness" mentioned by the computer building comes from this. After the computer building eliminates these corrosive memories, all it sees is some useless fragments and cannot obtain accurate information.

Siyang's memory was horribly suppressed, and the time was frighteningly long. Mo Ling almost escaped from that memory. Fortunately, the white sky was so distinctive that Mo Ling suddenly remembered his mission. .

At the last moment, Mo Ling teleported the only thing in front of him, and a square hole appeared in the sky in Siyang's memory.

"Fortunately, the builder's memory has been restored."

What we have to do now is to return this memory to him.

Mo Ling did not hesitate, suppressing the discomfort in his heart, and sent the lace out to the machine's hands.

"You succeeded, and you broke the established future."

The machine held the lanyard and said happily.

Then, it stood there and raised the lanyard.

"Do yourself a favor and let the sunshine in."

When Mo Ling heard this, he slowly floated into the sky.

Until the white dome appeared in the field of vision, Mo Ling started the teleportation. In an instant, another familiar gap appeared on the dome.

At the same time, a ray of sunlight shone down and fell impartially on the lace.

Dense hyphae suddenly grew out of the frenulum and spread in all directions.

The machine squatted down calmly and placed the laces on the ground.

The mycelium wrapped around the coal. After a while, the coal quickly gathered together to form a black stone statue, and the mycelium lay on the back of the stone statue's head.

The giant god in the sky suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

The black stone statue stood there blankly for a while, then raised its head and looked at the ray of sunlight.

"Why did it break again..."

As soon as it opened its mouth, it let out a helpless sigh.

"Are you Siyang?" Ji Tai stepped forward and said to the stone statue.

When the stone statue heard someone calling his name, he turned his head and stared blankly for a long time.

It just regained its memory and it seems that it hasn't reacted yet.

"You helped me get my memory back?"


"Thank you." Siyang said politely.

The machine nodded and asked, "Do you still want to forget them now?"

Siyang lowered his head and thought for a moment, then caught the ray of sunshine with his hand.

"I don't want to forget them for a long time..."

"I was very desperate. I felt that all my efforts were in vain and everything was meaningless. But before I fell asleep, I saw a ray of sunshine. When that ray of sunshine shone on me, I regretted it."

Speaking of this, Siyang seemed a little embarrassed.

"But those little guys seemed to be hungry and ate very quickly. Before I had time to stand up, my memory was eaten up by them..."

As if sensing that someone was speaking ill of him, the hell beast in the cage rolled again, shrunk up, and hit the cage hard.

But this time it seemed to knock itself out, and its whole body went limp, like a puddle of mud, and collapsed in the cage.

The machine shook his head helplessly, opened the cage and placed it on the ground.

The hell beast also stood up like a carp, quickly came to life, pushed aside the coal, and twisted into the ground.

"Is this a terrible creature that can destroy the world?"


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