"Who am I? Or, who are we?"

Light and Shadow often think about this issue.

It huddled in the endless sea of ​​feathers, thinking about it all day long, until a gust of wind blew its feathers into the sky, interrupting its thoughts and falling into confusion again.

"I am the main control program of Paradise Island and am responsible for the operation of the entire Paradise Island."

This is the answer engraved in its mind, but it always feels that this answer is incorrect. It is just a memory forced on it later, but when it is asked to tell its true origin, Guangying cannot remember it.

But now, it seems to remember:

It is also a member of this feather sea...

They, called featherers, are creatures composed of pure white feathers.

When they are first born, they have only one feather, which floats aimlessly in the wind until it acquires another feather.

They will obtain fallen feathers from other creatures, most of which are birds in the abyss. After obtaining these feathers, the featherers will attach them to their bodies.

As a result, the feathers on the featherer's body increased.

After turning into a ball of feathers, they reach "adulthood."

The increase in feathers allowed them to slowly gain wisdom and self-awareness.

They will gradually realize that they are not just a feather, but a special kind of creature.

As a result, they will start to actively search for feathers until the feathers on their bodies form a human shape. At the same time, they will also start to arrange and replace the feathers on their bodies to make themselves whiter and flawless.

When the body is fully human-sized and completely white, they stop searching for feathers and gather on an island.

Here they will create the seeds of life, which is a white stone.

The Featherers carried these stones around the world and placed them where the wind could blow them.

After a while, the wind will blow the stone into a piece of feathers, and the feathers will fly farther and farther with the wind, starting a new life cycle.

This is the life of a feathered person.

That stone, the white light stone, represents the birth and death of life.

The feathers shed by living things are a symbol of their past existence. Although they have been separated from the living body, they can still remain pure white and exist forever. Featherers believe that this is the most vital part of the living body.

The reason why they collect so many white feathers is to use these vital feathers to make white light stones.

Making white light stones is the meaning of their lives and the only way for the continuation of their race.

However, even such a simple and unsophisticated race was also involved in that "unparalleled war".

One day, many creatures came to the island where the Feathers gathered. They ignored the existence of the Feathers, pointed at the island, and picked up the White Light Stone of the Feathers, marveling at it.

Immediately afterwards, more and more creatures came to the island. They began to wander around the island, detecting the white light stones in various places, and checking the structure of the island. In the end, they turned their attention to Feathers.

"Is the white light stone made by this kind of creature?"

"Yes, sir."

"Let them continue building, the current materials are not enough."



The fate of the Feathered Ones was thus determined.

They were trapped on the island, making white light stones day and night. As long as they wanted to leave, there would be many guards stopping them.

At the same time, they are also responsible for laying the manufactured white light stones on the island, because their feathers have the function of retaining energy. Only if they lay the white light stones themselves will the energy leakage not be so serious.

Other creatures couldn't tell what they looked like, so they numbered the Feathered Ones one by one.

"1, 2, 3...500..."

The races on the island are inherently hierarchical. Strong races can occupy the leadership, weak races are responsible for guards and coolies, and there are also a few marginal races responsible for communications and chores.

Under the threat of hell beasts, all this seemed to be a matter of course, and there was no race to object.

They have become a group of slaves that no one takes seriously. Their only task is to make white light stones and lay them on the island.

Those powerful races often come to construction sites, talking and pointing.

They have all kinds of ideas about Paradise Island.

Yuzhe also heard about the future of Paradise Island from their mouths:

"The cage that seals the hell beast, the battlefield, the last great wall of the abyss, the alliance frontline..."

The Feathers also gradually understood that it was an extremely terrifying creature. Those powerful races described this creature as extremely terrifying, as if if they did not fight it, the entire abyss would fall into destruction.

But these have nothing to do with the Feathers.

There is only endless white light stone in their eyes.

"Spread forward until the entire island is covered." This is what the chief in charge of them said.

But the construction didn't end once they paved the entire island.

"There's another layer."

The chief told the featherers that there was another dome.

The featherers continued to spread, and they had no other choice.

"There is another layer..."

"There is another layer..."

Just like this, Yuzhe repeated it countless times until he became numb.

Finally, after losing many of their compatriots, the chief finally told them that it was over.

All the feathered ones were driven to the bottom, and those powerful creatures stood aside and talked about the next thing without any scruples:

"Now it's just time to refuel Paradise Island."

"Is this the race? Are we too cruel to them?" someone retorted.

"What's the point? Their home has been gone for a long time, and they are almost dead. The abyss is so dangerous now, and such a weak race may become extinct soon, so it is better to play the last role."

"In the process of fighting against hell beasts, there will definitely be sacrifices. This is just a small part."

The rebuttal still disagreed: "But I think they should be allowed to decide for themselves whether such a sacrifice is worth it..."

As soon as these words came out, these races were silent for a long time, until someone said this:

"For the initial operation of Paradise Island, there must be consumables. If it's not them, it will be someone else. Since you are so opposed, why don't you let your race be used as consumables?"

"Our race..."

Opponents have nothing to say when faced with such a situation.

When the fire is not burning on their heads, everyone wants to be a good person, but once their own interests are touched, no one dares to stand up.

After a period of silence, someone finally spoke again:

"No one objects, let's just decide."




In this way, the fate of the Feathers was once again determined in the midst of heated discussions.

The center's exit slowly closed, and the feathers scattered...

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