I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 373 Next Stop

As the beggar said, the island began to get better and better.

The reconstruction work also went extremely smoothly, thanks to God's help.

An official fleet happened to notice what was happening on Paradise Island and promised to expedite a batch of supplies.

Mo Ling looked at the changes on Paradise Island and couldn't help but sigh at the power of the Cup of Lies.

"I don't know what the price is..."

The price for such a powerful relic should be terrible.

However, Mo Ling also sighed when he thought of what happened to the beggar.

Perhaps, the beggar has already borne the unknown price.

After seeing the beggar's behavior, Mo Ling realized that maybe the supplies were not placed on the dock "by accident". The beggar might have arranged everything before Li Luo arrived.

He told a lie to let Li Luo accept the supplies with peace of mind.

After obtaining enough supplies, Li Luo also put it on the agenda to leave the island.

Because of her previous memory confusion, she missed the ferry that led to a deeper part of the route.

However, that ship has also returned and will set off again soon.

Before leaving, Li Luo carefully visited everyone he knew on the island...

The power on the island has been restored, and Lin Nian is busy helping the machine to make a new machine body, while the machine is also working on it.

Li Luo stood at the door of the newly built research institute and stared at the two people for a long time.

After the two of them finished their work, she stepped forward and told Lin Nian the news that she was leaving.

"You can stop and rest sometimes. Don't push yourself too hard. The abyss will not escape..." Lin Nian persuaded Li Luo when he saw how anxious he was.

Li Luozai looked at Lin Nian carefully for a while, then walked forward and hugged her.

"I'm afraid that once I stop, I won't want to leave again."

In front of this relative, Li Luo rarely expressed his emotions.

She was always in a hurry and didn't want to stop anywhere, just for this reason.

Rather than saying that she is decisive, it is better to say that she is actually evading.

To escape those deepening emotions.

Only by constantly rushing can we escape the shackles of these emotions.

Listening to Li Luo's explanation, Lin Nian's eyes moved and he wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed.

"Is everything ready?"

"Okay." Li Luo replied obediently.

Lin Nian just touched Li Luo's head and didn't say anything.

The same was true for the machine. It didn't say a word, but it came to Li Luo's electronic screen and transmitted some data to it.

"What is this?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"The situation at the end of the route is more complicated. I have put some information in it. You can take a look at it when you have time on the ship."

"Thank you." Li Luo nodded towards the machine.

"The terminal asked me to tell you, pay attention to safety." The terminal said calmly.


The two of them still had things to do. Li Luo didn't chat for a long time and continued searching on the island non-stop.

She found Siyang in front of a building under construction.

It was sitting on its side, arranging its tools.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Siyang was surprised to hear the news that Li Luo was leaving.

"Yes, I'm here to say goodbye."

"Where are you going?" Siyang asked curiously.

"The fourth level of the abyss, the fifth level of the abyss, all the way down..."

Listening to Li Luo's words, Siyang's men also stopped moving.

"It's so far. I have never been to such a far place. I have been traveling for so long and I have always been on the third floor." Siyang's words revealed infinite yearning.

"After the reconstruction of Paradise Island is completed, I should go back home, replace my current body, and then start again..."

"Are you going to the bottom of the abyss too?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"No, I want to travel around the entire Infinite Sea." Siyang said expectantly: "I want to go to the islands I have been to before, see what the buildings of those races have become, and I also want to visit my former comrades. , I also want to see the buildings of other races..."

Siyang started dancing while talking.

When it comes to things about architecture, it gets very excited and talks endlessly about all kinds of things.

Li Luo also listened carefully, listening to it talk about architecture, culture, and the history of those abyssal races...

"The end of the route you are going to is a cultural gathering place. You may encounter many strange races. You must be careful not to conflict with them."

"What is that place?"

"A sea area with many races, or land..." Siyang scratched his head, not knowing how to explain it.

"You'll know it when you go there. It's hard for me to describe it in detail."

Listening to these ambiguous words, Li Luo sighed helplessly.

It seems that we need to carefully study the data coming from the machine.

It was getting late, so Li Luo said goodbye to Siyang and hurried towards the dock.

A strange-looking white boat has docked on the shore.

The ship is like a long shuttle, with a long and narrow hull, and the front end of the ship is like a sharp awl, wrapped in a thick protective layer.

Under the fluctuation of the sea water, the front end is still rotating, rolling the sea water like a drill, and the hull is also twisting with the rotation of the bow, seeming to be adjusting its direction.

Some robots stand on top of the ship, holding equipment for repairs.

"Please wait a moment, the ship is still being debugged." A robot blocked Li Luo's path and asked her to stand where she was and wait.

"What are you debugging?"

"Debugging turns to accuracy." The robot replied calmly.


"What a weird way to turn."

The way the ship turns is to "roll" in the sea, using the rotation of one end to change the direction of the long hull.

After Li Luo looked at it for a while, he finally understood.

"That's it. No wonder it needs to be debugged."

This kind of steering method does require a high degree of precision.

At the same time, Mo Ling's vision also sank into this strange ship.

There is nothing strange about the interior of this ship. It is very similar to the Paradise that I rode on before, except that there are some more components that control the rotation of the front end of the ship.

The hull also seems to be much thicker than a normal ship, and the thickness is very uniform, and the space between the hull and the cabin is filled with soft cushioning material.

After seeing these buffers, Mo Ling realized that the environment in which the ship sailed must be very harsh, so it needed so much protection.

"The rest of the trip is probably not going to be very stable."

After a period of debugging, the ship finally stopped rotating and slowly approached the shore.

"You can board the ship, ma'am, please register with me."

Li Luo was still staring at the ship, unable to react for a moment, and was startled by the robot's words.

"Okay." She stepped forward and started to register her information.

However, what is different from the previous voyage is that the bottom of the registration page is filled with dense notes, and the red letters are particularly eye-catching, which is extremely dazzling.

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