I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 391 Building Blocks and Stones

The Block Bird flapped its wings and hovered in the air, not pursuing the victory as the head asked.

"What are you doing?" The head was very anxious: "Destroy them quickly!"

The building bird looked at the frozen rocks that were completely covered in black smoke, and asked in confusion: "They no longer pose a threat to us, why bother killing them all?"

"Who knows what other tricks these rocks have? Are you so sure that they pose no threat to us? Why pity at this time?" The head was very angry and kept questioning the Block Bird.

"You come." It directly handed over control of the body to the head.

"Indecision! Indecision!"

While cursing, the head took over the body. The Block Bird shook its body, and the blocks on its body began to join together again, and finally turned into a huge and ferocious human-headed bat.

The thin human head directly replaced the original bat head, and the bat's limbs also turned into slender arms, which looked extremely weird.

The human-headed bat cursed and flew directly towards the rock.

After reaching the edge of the stone, the building blocks on its body changed again, and a claw-shaped relic was moved to the surface of the building blocks.

Immediately afterwards, the human-headed bat grabbed his left hand with his right hand and pulled it out with force.

Building blocks were scattered everywhere, and the entire left hand was broken at the root and hung down.


The arm that was pulled out instantly began to rot, and a layer of mildew stained the surface of the original building blocks. Then, crackling bubbles emerged from the building blocks.

The entire arm seemed to be doused with some corrosive liquid, and dark yellow smoke emitted.

Soon, the blocks on the arm fell off one by one, and were reduced to ashes under the strong corrosion.

At the same time, bubbles began to appear on the stiff rocks covered in black smoke, and they began to corrode.

Mo Ling looked at the cube in awe.

The functions of the relics used by the Brick Man are extremely simple, and the costs are easy to understand.

But being simple doesn't mean it's useless. It didn't take long before the rocks had been corroded into pits.

Next to the altar, the scene at this time is a bit strange:

A ferocious and strange brick-headed bat was confronting a pile of eroding stones.

The human-headed bat stared at the stone, not daring to relax.

In fact, Mo Ling didn't quite understand why the skull had to kill all these dead rocks. They seemed to have no lethality.

But the head not only paid great attention to it, but also used relic methods to clean up the dead rocks.

Just when Mo Ling was confused, the situation beside the altar changed again.

For some unknown reason, the corrosion on the surface of the rigid stone suddenly stopped, and the shrouded black smoke continued to dissipate, as if the influence of the relics was constantly weakening.

When the human-headed bat saw this, it instantly felt like it was facing a formidable enemy.

It took advantage of the influence of the dead stone to rush around the altar before it reappeared.

A stream of bright red liquid twisted onto the surface of the building blocks, and then, the building blocks on the human-headed bat suddenly began to fall apart.

Those small building blocks fell on the altar, like sand, and quickly covered the altar.

Because there are fewer building blocks on its body, the human-headed bat has also become sluggish, and the frequency of flapping its wings has significantly slowed down.


The building blocks that fell on the altar suddenly turned into liquid and merged into the altar, creating colorful ink spots on the altar.

These ink spots spread and slowly blended together.

Immediately afterwards, the entire altar began to melt as if it was infected.

Like a candle, the hard stone altar quickly turned into a pool of lime-gray liquid, and then lost its support and dripped toward the ground bit by bit.

In the sky, gray raindrops slowly sprinkled down, and before long, the drizzle turned into a heavy downpour. Under the influence of the relics, the entire altar fell to the ground and turned into a pool of mud on the mirror.

At this time, the battlefield in the sky was in a mess.

The original altar has disappeared without a trace, and the dead stone is also riddled with holes.

The human-headed bat flapped its wings feebly, showing its listlessness.

It fought fiercely with the immobile enemy, and Jimu's body was bruised and bruised by the fighting method of injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging himself eight hundred times.

The left arm has disappeared, the building blocks all over the body are missing, and even the original appearance cannot be maintained.

But it seemed like it still wouldn't give up and continued to rush towards those stiff rocks.

However, the movement of the human-headed bat suddenly stopped, and the blocks began to reassemble.

"Didn't you say let me come! Why do you want to take back control again?"

"If you keep hitting like this, all the blocks will be damaged. Stop it." The fat man inside advised him.

"The battle will last until the last moment, how can we stop now?" Bat said stubbornly.

It raised its only intact right hand and pointed at the stiff rock in front of it.

"You see, the influence of the relic is still weakening, which means that the divine sacrifice is not over yet. Once the divine sacrifice is completed, we have no idea what will happen next!"


"Indecisive! Indecisive!" Seeing that the fat man was still so hesitant, the bat cursed again.

"I don't care! You asked me to come out, but you don't believe me, so why did you ask me to come out? The control is returned to you, and you can do it yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the damaged body of the human-headed bat instantly disintegrated and reassembled into a building block bird.

Because of the missing building blocks, the body of the building block bird has also shrunk a lot.

Before the fat man, who had just regained control, could react, the influence of the stiff stone came upon him again, and the movements of the building block bird were instantly petrified.

Although the head said he didn't care, when faced with this situation, he could only get out again: "I told you, we must kill them all."

"If you break into a sacred place of worship of other races, others will not be able to spare you. At this time, what is the use of talking about kindness and mercy with others? If you don't kill others, others will kill you. You don't understand such a simple truth... …”

"Forget it, I won't say anything anymore. While you can still move, hurry up and kill those rocks. God is already coming."

Listening to the head's words, the Block Bird panicked: "God is coming? They don't have any divine objects, and the altar is destroyed. Why is God still coming?"

"Don't even think about it! These stones can't move, so where do the altars and divine objects come from?" The head cursed with hatred of steel: "Use your brain! The altars and divine objects are all their own!"

The head's words were enlightening, and Block Bird understood everything instantly.

It finally made up its mind and wanted to destroy those damaged rocks.

However, during the period of hesitation, the petrification of its body reached the point of irreparable.

The zombies were still floating motionless in the air, doing nothing, but the situation had been reversed.

A faint smell of lime suddenly filled the air.

At some point, even the air had been petrified and turned into solidified dust.

The entire sky suddenly turned gray.

"It's over, God is here."

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