I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 393 Petrochemical Dust

This is an extremely dark and dirty seabed. Gray dust like dust is constantly falling from the endless water surface, covering the already dark seabed.

From time to time, a bubble emerges from the sea floor covered with thick gray dust and floats rapidly upward.

However, the watermelon bug's senses seem to have already adapted to this lightless environment.

Mo Ling found that he didn't need any adaptation process when operating this inhuman body, as if he was the owner of this body.

The kind-hearted insect who rescued him from the stone shell took him jumping around on the seabed and talked to him about various things:

"I have seen many similar people who have become petrified to the point of becoming possessed. Like you, they don't like to talk very much. Their minds are filled with petrification. Some of them even don't eat and starve to death. I don't know why this is the case. "

The good-hearted insect stopped as he spoke.

"How long has it been since you last eaten?"

This question stunned Mo Ling. After he came to his senses, he answered briefly: "Not long."

"That's good." The kindhearted insect breathed a sigh of relief and continued to climb up with Mo Ling on the lightless seabed.

The dust on the seabed piled up into piles. Sometimes the good-hearted insects would jump around on the mounds with Mo Ling, and sometimes they would use the undercurrent to quickly walk through the gaps in the mounds.

"Wait a minute." When they came to a canyon, the good-hearted insect suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

The kind-hearted insect did not answer, but stayed where he was and looked around intently.

Mo Ling didn't know what was happening, so he had no choice but to imitate it, staying where he was and looking around.

There is still a diffuse gray dust, and there are some floating bubbles occasionally.

It doesn't seem to be any different here than before.

However, Mo Ling soon noticed something strange.

"What it is?"

In Mo Ling's strange senses, he saw some flashing white shadows.

These white shadows are like small flying insects moving at high speed. If you don't look carefully, you can't detect them at all.

While Mo Ling was observing, the kindhearted insect was also staring at the flashing white figures.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked Mo Ling happened.

The surrounding gray dust suddenly surged on its own as if being pushed by the water flow, and gray whirlpools swept towards the white figures silently.

Wrapped in the whirlpool, those white shadows seemed to be imprisoned instantly, their movement speed continued to slow down, and their originally flexible movements became sluggish.

It didn't take long for those white figures to be "still" in the whirlpool, and their bodies were surrounded by a thick stone shell.


The good-hearted insect slowly climbed forward and used its flexible jointed limbs to collect the white shadows trapped in the stone shell one by one.

"do you want to eat?"

It stretched out its jointed limbs and handed a handful of "melon seeds" to Mo Ling.

Mo Ling was still in a daze, and the kindhearted person stuffed the "melon seeds" into his hand.

"Take it, eat on the way, don't go hungry."

Mo Ling looked at the melon seeds in his hand, feeling a little dazed.

The gray stone shell has a strange fragrance...

He picked one up by mistake and put it in his mouth.


"Is this, Xiami?"

Under the crispy stone shell, Mo Ling tasted something familiar, like some kind of sun-dried shrimp, with a very rich umami flavor.

In order to confirm his guess, Mo Ling carefully crushed a stone shell with his own jointed limbs, and found a white and tender shrimp lying inside.

"So the white shadow just now was these shrimps?"

Mo Ling finally understood what the kindhearted insect was doing just now.


And it’s a strange way of hunting.

This kind of hunting reminded Mo Ling of his previous battle with Zombie Stone.

Zombie Stone also has the ability to petrify enemies. What is the relationship between the two?

"Doesn't it taste good?" The kindhearted insect interrupted Mo Ling's thinking.

"It's very fragrant." Mo Ling replied truthfully. He had never tasted such delicious shrimps before.

"How did you do it?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"What?" The good-hearted man was a little confused.

"That is, wrap them with stones." Mo Ling knew that his question might arouse the suspicion of well-wishers, but he still couldn't suppress his curiosity.

However, the kindhearted insect did not suspect anything, but taught him patiently:

"You mean that kind of whirlpool, right? That's the power of petrification..."

It raised a melon seed and said to Mo Ling: "You should realize that as our level of petrification becomes higher and higher, hunting will become more and more difficult, right?"

"The prey that could have been easily caught suddenly turned into a white shadow that was impossible to catch..."

"They are getting faster and faster, or we are getting too slow..."

"So, if we want to catch them, we have to make them very slow. So what should we do at this time?"

The kindhearted insect looked at Mo Ling and asked him such a question.

Mo Ling looked at the melon seed and understood everything immediately.

"Petrify them too..."

"That's right."

The kindhearted insect put the melon seeds in his hand into his mouth.

"You have been eating shellfish before. Those guys don't move. Even if you become very slow, you can still feed on them."

"But this is not enough. When your petrification reaches a deeper level, you will find that they have also turned into white shadows that cannot be caught."

"Come and try, try using petrification on them."

The good-hearted insect pointed at a group of white figures nearby with its arthropods and said to Mo Ling.

It probably thought that Mo Ling had not yet mastered such hunting ability, so it taught him step by step.

"Use all your senses to feel the dust around you. They are everywhere..."

"They float in this endless world. The center is solidified time. The farther out, the faster time flows. When they come together, even time will be hindered."

"You can't affect them, you can only stir up the water, like a whirlpool, and take them to where they should go..."

The good-hearted insect raised its arthropods and spun in the water.

Mo Ling also followed his words and began to make a whirlpool...

Not long after, Mo Ling was at a loss as she held a large handful of dried shrimps and melon seeds.

He succeeded.

And it was very successful.

According to the words of the kindhearted insect, he really felt the petrified dust everywhere in the water, which also caused the invisible whirlpool. Of course, he also got a lot of shrimp melon seeds.

"You are so awesome. It took me a long time to master this ability." The kindhearted man praised seriously.

"You taught me well." Mo Ling replied humbly.

He was still recalling the feeling just now.

All this seems to fall into place and is extremely simple...

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