I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 398 Big Whirlpool

"They didn't mean it, it's just that the things you said had a great impact on them." Good Heart Stone comforted them.

"It doesn't matter." Mo Ling would not complain about the stiff rocks.

At this time, they have not really experienced the dead universe, and have not seen the demise of the world, so of course they will not feel the same way.

This is determined by experience and cannot be changed.

Mo Ling only felt a little sad that the petrification he had pursued all his life could only step into nothingness and turn into a thoughtless stone.

All he can do now is give him good advice.

"Don't continue to be petrified, and enjoy this world." He said seriously to the Good Heart Stone.

Good Heart Stone was stunned for a moment and fell into silence.

After a long time, it replied apologetically:

"I... still want to continue petrification."

"Don't you believe me?" Mo Ling asked in confusion.

"No, I just want to see it for myself. I think that is more meaningful than wandering around the seabed in confusion."

Good Heart Stone said with some yearning:

"That is the destruction of the sun! There is also the destruction of life. How magnificent is that?"

"If I were not petrified, even if I ran out of life, I would not be able to see such a scene."

"I don't want my eyes to be always gray, and I'm tired of this dim seabed. If I could see the colorful nebulae in the universe with my own eyes, it would be worth it."

"But, it's all fleeting." Mo Ling said helplessly.

He knew that even Good Heart Stone could not understand that kind of nothingness. These beauties were not worth mentioning under the whirlpool of time.

What is the difference between the gray seabed and the brilliant nebula?

"And, after you see all this, you will regret it." Mo Ling advised: "You will long for everything to go back to the past, you will want to turn back time, and you will miss this gray seabed."

Mo Ling had seen the desperate look of the Good Heart Stone with his own eyes, and knew how painful it would be when the time came.

However, even with Mo Ling's persuasion, Good Heart Stone was still unwilling to change his decision.

"If I give up petrification and spend my whole life shrouded in this gray dust, I will regret it."

Listening to Good Heart Stone's stubborn words, Mo Ling finally understood that he could not change Good Heart Stone's decision.

After all, he couldn't change the minds of those zombies.

Even the scenes he mentioned will become the motivation for them to strive to petrify.

The dust in the whirlpool continued to fall, and the stiff rocks began to gather together in groups to create whirlpools. With Mo Ling as an example, they also understood how to quickly gather dust.

Good Heart Stone is also ready to join in.

"Go." Mo Ling saw its thoughts and said to it calmly.

"Okay, take care." The good-hearted stone floated along the current into the whirlpool without any intention of staying.

Mo Ling just sank alone on the bottom of the sea, watching the vortex re-form.

Countless rocks were involved in it and became part of the whirlpool.

The shadow of the Good Heart Stone overlaps with the other dead stones and disappears into them.

The scattered dust was gathered again, and the whirlpool unknowingly returned to its original appearance.

Mo Ling allowed the current to take away the stone shell on his body, exposing the original carapace and jointed limbs.

The heavy burden was lifted, and Mo Ling instantly felt that his body was much more flexible.


Mo Ling climbed to a high place away from the whirlpool, grabbed a few handfuls of shrimp and melon seeds, found a stone, lay down on it softly, and started gnawing on it.

The dust was gathered by the whirlpool in the distance, and the originally gray sea above Mo Ling's head became rare and clear. A ray of sunlight passed through the clear sea water and shone on Mo Ling's head.

There are no destroying stars, just warm sunlight.

There is no such thing as the death of civilization, only the death of shrimps.

Mo Ling lay on his stomach, feeling sleepy for a while.

Just like that, the round watermelon worm lay on the stone and fell asleep. The arthropods in its hands were still holding on to the shrimp, unwilling to let go...

When he suddenly woke up, he found that he was lying on the bed in the square.

"What am I doing? How dare I sleep in a place like that?"

He suddenly realized that his behavior was a little too relaxed.

During the period when he turned into a stiff stone, he actually didn't have any sense of crisis, as if he was one of those stiff stones.

In the end, I even lay on the rocks and ate shrimps...

"Is it because the zombies have no brains that I was affected by their bodies?"

Mo Ling suddenly remembered what the Building Block Man said before:

"Zombie stone has no brain."

So far, it seems that is indeed the case.

After returning to the cube, Mo Ling instantly felt that his thinking became much clearer, and many forgotten things resurfaced.

"Oh no, God is still coming!"

After his brain returned to normal, Mo Ling quickly looked out.

The cube was also surrounded by a thick stone shell. Mo Ling quickly broke the stone shell and controlled the cube to escape into the air.

The sky was still gray, but something that didn't exist before appeared in the sky.

It was a - whirlpool.

A gray vortex, with countless stone powder twisting and rotating in it. The surging dust sticks together to form a floc-like cantilever, which keeps swinging as the vortex rotates.

The network of dust covered the sky, with the vortex as the center, spreading wantonly. Under the reflection of the mirror, it looked like a ferocious giant beast.

That terrifying gaze came from the ubiquitous dust net. It seemed that every particle of dust had its own consciousness. They stared at the cube, as if they wanted to eat the cube alive.

Under the slowly rotating vortex, Mo Ling felt a terrifying pressure. He looked at the sky, as if looking up at a dark cloud, as if a heavy rain would fall in the next second.

However, the heavy rain did not come, but those gazes suddenly became gentle.

Surrounded by dust, a pure spherical area suddenly appeared around the cube.

There is no dust in this pure area, as if it was a specially created space.

Mo Ling didn't know the function of this space and quickly controlled the cube to escape, but he found that no matter where he hid, the pure space always followed the cube.


Just when Mo Ling was about to escape again, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

It was the sound of some kind of horny friction, like arthropods slapping against each other.

Mo Ling knew this sound. It was the language of the Zombie Stone tribe.

Upon hearing this familiar language, Mo Ling stopped escaping.

"It wants to communicate with me?"

After realizing this, Mo Ling looked at the terrifying whirlpool in the sky and slowly calmed down.

The voice was intermittent, as if he was trying different speech speeds. Sometimes he seemed to slow down his speech deliberately, and sometimes he suddenly sped up and turned into an incomprehensible noise.

Finally, after listening carefully, Mo Ling finally heard clearly what the voice wanted to express:

"God, please wait for us..."

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