I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 405 Hostility Perception

Mo Ling understood instantly that the hostility came from the pangolin in front of him.

The strong hostility like a needle pierced deeply into Mo Ling's tiny body. It was the suppression of species and the contempt from higher up the food chain.

A chill spread throughout Mo Ling's body. He was just a flying insect and shouldn't feel anything, but the chill still penetrated his soul.

The hot magma continued to flow, but the flying insect's body stiffened and was chilled to the bone.

Mo Ling endured the discomfort and flew back.

However, as he moved, the death countdown suddenly jumped a few seconds.

It was still nine seconds, but in the blink of an eye it became four seconds!

"It's getting shorter and shorter!"

The chill also continued to intensify. In the cold eyes of the red lizard, there was contempt for the superior and coldness towards food.


When the hostility warning reached the top and the countdown reached zero seconds, Mo Ling saw the lizard suddenly open its mouth, and a red shadow flew towards Mo Ling.

"That's its tongue!"

Although he had seen the flying tongue clearly, Mo Ling couldn't dodge it. The speed of the flying insect seemed extremely slow at this moment, and he could only watch the tongue completely entangle him.

Then, a strong wind came, and the lizard quickly retracted its tongue, intending to swallow Mo Ling into its stomach.

The hostility from the lizard overwhelmed the scorching wind, and Mo Ling's mind was filled with thunderous alarms:

"Someone wants to hurt me!"

"Someone wants to hurt me!"


The flying insect struggled constantly, but couldn't escape the entanglement of the tongue, and was about to fall into the lizard's stomach.

But just when the hostility reached its peak and Mo Ling was overwhelmed by countless warnings, he calmed down completely.

"What am I afraid of?"

From the beginning, this hostility would only make him more and more panicked.

While knowing the danger, these hostilities made Mo Ling anxious and at a loss. He even had a feeling:

"I am driven by these hostilities."

At this moment, Mo Ling had an epiphany.

"I should be the master of hostility, not its puppet!"

This ability to feel hostility is the instinct of sponge creatures. Creatures should control instincts, not be controlled by instincts!

Thinking of this, the icy hostility instantly turned into a pool of cold spring water, flowing through Mo Ling's thoughts.

Mo Ling also thought of a way to deal with it in an instant.

He felt the hot wind around him and looked at the shadow that flashed by quickly.

Under the high-speed movement of the tongue, the surrounding scenes were blurred, leaving only the light of magma and the white shadow of steam...

But there was one thing that was accurate - hostility.

The closer you get to the lizard, the stronger the hostility will be.

Although the hostility was like thunder at this time, there were differences between thunder. There was a difference between the gentle spring thunder and the thunder in the summer rainstorm.

"Zero seconds... zero seconds..."

Mo Ling gave up all his senses and focused only on the overwhelming hostility.

He let the strong wind blow, and there was no ripple in his heart. He still carefully felt the hostility around him like the air.

Finally, he broke through the limitations of his senses and saw more accurate information.



The time units that Mo Ling saw became more and more accurate, and the numbers on the countdown became larger and larger. He caught the most detailed one in the torrent of hostility.

Finally, the hostility stopped making noise and the wind quieted down.

The moment Mo Ling gave orders to his body, the hostility disappeared without a trace.

At the most critical moment when the lizard's tongue was about to be completely retracted, the entangled little fly suddenly swelled up and turned into a huge sponge, which smashed into the lizard's mouth and blocked the lizard's throat.

Before the lizard could close its mouth, its entire mouth was stretched tightly by the expanding sponge.

The lizard panicked and began to roll on the ground with its mouth open, but the sponge completely filled its mouth and it couldn't spit it out.

The time when the sponge expanded was just right, and the lizard couldn't react at all, and didn't have time to close its mouth. The soft sponge was stuck in the most uncomfortable position, and it couldn't spit it out or swallow it.

As time went by, the sponge continued to grow.

The lizard felt a numbness in its mouth, and the water in its body was constantly absorbed by the sponge. Soon, the whole mouth had lost consciousness.

At the same time, the sponge was still growing because it absorbed water, and the lizard's eyeballs were squeezed out and full of blood.

But soon, the eyeballs lost their color, and all the blood seemed to flow toward the mouth. The originally full eyeballs quickly shrank, like a punctured water ball, and in the blink of an eye, they became a thin layer of grape skin.

The lizard's consciousness had completely blurred and it was completely disoriented, trembling and spinning in place.

Finally, the overwhelmed lizard fell down, its huge head drooping on the ground, and a yellow sponge covered with a mixture of red and white liquids came out of the holes in its head.

Sponges also spread out from the holes in its two eyes, and its mouth could not be closed until it died. The entire head became the nutrients for the growth of the sponge, completely dried up, and only hard scales remained.

The scales were propped up by the swollen sponges, trembling slightly, and swollen terribly.

After the sponge sucked the head, it spread to the lizard's stomach and finally completely swallowed the lizard's body.

A yellow sponge lizard crawled out of the swollen scales like a molting, twisted its body, and ran away.

This sponge lizard was of course Mo Ling.

He once again felt the magic of this sponge creature. In addition to the powerful hostility perception, this simulation ability was also very terrifying.

He could simulate the structure of a creature, and he could imitate it vividly as long as it was a creature he had absorbed.

As long as you ignore the yellow skin full of holes, it looks like a lizard.

Mo Ling recalled that when he began to implement the countermeasures, the hostility completely quieted down, and the warning had completely disappeared in the lizard's mouth.

Avoidance is a way to eliminate hostility, and so is fighting.

"As long as the enemy is eliminated, there will be no hostility."

What surprised him was that the hostility actually determined in advance that he could defeat the lizard, so it stopped repeating the prompt.

"It seems to have some kind of predictive effect."

In battle, as long as you choose the right way to deal with it, you can know the result in advance.

As long as the hostility disappears, it means that the decision is successful.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling suddenly realized that he might have underestimated this ability.

If the result of each battle can be predicted in advance, the success rate of the battle will be greatly improved, and if you encounter a strong enemy that you cannot fight, you can also escape in time.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling began to be eager to try again.

At this moment, the sharp hostility came again.

Mo Ling turned his head and saw a giant bird staring at him coldly in the distance, and a sticky liquid was flowing in its terrifying beak...

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