I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 410 The Balloon and Its Brothers

"You should be able to see the ubiquitous hostile lines now, right? They are intertwined, like a big net covering the whole world."

The balloon slowly floated out of the pile of rocks and said to Mo Ling.

"How did you find out?" Mo Ling asked in shock. At this moment, the world in his eyes was indeed as described by the balloon, with countless hostilities intertwined and messy like a spider web.

"I just walked faster than you..." The balloon raised the sponge line and moved the ubiquitous hostile net.

"At the beginning, I was also deeply involved in it..."


Like many of its kind, the balloon was born in a hidden corner of the volcanic plain.

It was lucky, there were no predators around, and there was no danger.

It was the edge of a cooled plain, the temperature had become very low, and the balloon lay on the coast, eating impurities brought up by the ups and downs of the sea.

Because it had not been stimulated, its mind had been muddled, and every day it thought about what kind of impurities were delicious.

Of course, the balloon could also feel the hostility, but those hostilities were very subtle.

It could be small crabs on the beach, or some larger waves, which would hurt it, but it would recover quickly, and it didn't care about these things at all.

At this time, it became interested in its strange perception.

The greater the hostility, the greater the damage it suffered.

The balloon would not dodge, and let the hostility fall on it.

Slowly, it learned to use hostility to predict the size of the next wave.

A question also appeared in the balloon's simple mind: "Why are the waves hostile to me? Is it also a living thing?"

It can understand the hostility of those crabs, but it can't understand the hostility of the waves.

"They keep hitting me, as if I am their eternal enemy. I have no hatred for them, and I even thank them for bringing me food, but they still remain hostile to me."

The balloon even tried to talk to the waves to stop them from attacking it.

"If you can't kill me, you can kill others."

The waves of course ignored it and continued to hit it unchanged.

The balloon didn't think about killing the waves. It didn't have enough ability and didn't want to lose its food source.

Therefore, the balloon could only give advice to each wave before it arrived.

"Don't hit me."

"Go hit someone else."

"Why don't you go fight the crab."


Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the balloon, a wave finally listened to its advice, turned a corner, and hit the crab in the distance heavily.

Looking at the crab that turned over and struggled continuously, the balloon was extremely excited.

"I succeeded!"

The waves listened to its advice and transferred the hostility.

Because the balloon would not hide or resist, it would be attacked after it felt hostility in the past, but this time, the hostility from the waves completely disappeared, and it was not attacked.

With the successful experience, the balloon was very excited and continued to talk to the waves.

"Don't hit me! Go hit the shell over there!"

The wave turned around and hit the shell.

"Stop, calm down, why don't you fight with the waves behind."

The wave suddenly slowed down, collided with the waves behind, and slowly dissipated.

The balloon found that its advice was becoming more and more useful, and the waves gradually stopped attacking it.

However, the waves still would not listen to some outrageous advice, such as:

"Waves, stop hitting me, go hit the dark clouds in the sky!"

The waves generally chose to ignore such advice.

The balloon could understand that it was too embarrassing for the waves.

So, the balloon never made such a request again.

In this way, the balloon continued to lie on the beach, giving advice to the waves year after year, day after day.

All the waves that came to the balloon's position would not hit it, but hit other directions instead.

But other creatures on the coast suffered. They were often attacked by sudden waves. Those waves were clearly rushing to the other side, but suddenly turned in a reverse direction and rushed towards them.

However, these simple-minded creatures could not understand what was happening. They shook their bodies and ran away.

The balloon's hostility control became more and more perfect. It could even control the waves to roll impurities in the cracks of the rocks in the distance to its own position.

It also enjoys this kind of life very much. It doesn't need to move, just lie down.

However, there is no real peace in the volcanic plain.

One day, the balloon suddenly felt the earth shaking, and a strange red light seemed to emerge from the top of the distant mountain.

The eruption period has arrived, and all volcanoes have become active.

Although the magma moves very slowly, it will soon flow along the plain to the seaside and come to the location of the balloon.

The balloon looked at the magma flow approaching every day, and the worry in his heart became deeper and deeper.

"Since I can persuade the waves, can I persuade the magma?"

Soon after, the balloon felt the hostility of the magma.

"Don't hit me, go hit the crab." The balloon said to the magma.

So, the hot magma flowed towards the crab.

The red light flashed, and a burst of shells was heard. When the balloon looked at its "crab brother" again, only a charred piece was left.

"Where are the crabs?"

The balloon was a little sad, because the crab brother was gone.

"No one will help me block the waves in the future."

After a few seconds of sadness, the balloon forgot about the crab brother.

The magma was still spreading.

"Go hit the shells, don't hit me."

Then the shell brother was gone.

As the brothers disappeared one by one, the balloon had no choice.

"Why don't you fight the waves?"


Finally, the magma flowed into the sea, and after a burst of thick smoke, new land began to form.

The balloon was safe.

After entering the sea, the magma cooled down, and this wave of magma flow bypassed it under the "advisement" of the balloon.

But the crisis was not over.

There are many waves of volcanic eruptions, and the active period is not so easy to get through.

The balloon saw from a distance that a wave of hotter magma flow was slowly flowing down from the top of the volcano.

"But my brothers are gone."

There was nothing around that could divert the hostility.

Only the waves were still rising, covering the newly formed land and coming to the side of the balloon.

"Brother Wave, you are the only one left."

The balloon looked at the waves that were still hitting the shore, and suddenly an idea came to its mind.

It looked at the sea, and then at the volcano in the distance.

Then it turned its head and said to the sea seriously:

"Brother Wave, can you go and fight the volcano?"

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