I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 412 The End of the Line

"They should have died a noble death, but now they died of a ruthless disaster and became floating corpses in the sea, being tossed around without dignity..."

Although the balloon is special, it is still a sponge creature and has the same moral values.

"Death should be glorious and beautiful, it shouldn't be like this."

Those creatures should not have met such an ugly death.

But the root of everything comes from it.

It aroused the hostility of the waves and devastated the entire volcanic plain, all because of its ignorance of its own power.

"At that time, I didn't have enough mind to bear this power." Balloon said to Mo Ling, blaming herself.

"An unintentional sin is also a sin. After that, I decided to face my own strength and explore the nature of hostility. Until now..."

Balloon lifted up the sponge thread and hooked the silk thread in front of him.

"We are caught in it without knowing it. Our race, which seems to have the power to control hostility, is actually trapped in this huge network, fighting and killing... This power is eating away at our souls, making us We are more irritable."

It looked at Mo Ling and asked very seriously:

"Have you ever thought that our thoughts have actually been eroded by this kind of power? Because we can feel hostility, we will worship struggle, worship power, and even think that death is a glorious thing."

"I have learned about other races, and their views on death are very different from ours. They believe that death is the end of life and something that should be feared, so they avoid fighting and reduce killing."

"And we feel this ubiquitous hostility and can only be forced to face a cruel world."

"Everything in the outside world is ugly and hostile, so we must be on guard, be cruel, and suppress everything with absolute power in order to achieve complete inner peace."

"Is this supposed to be right?"

Balloon looked at Mo Ling and asked seriously.

Mo Ling was stunned. He had never thought that there would be sponge creatures. He began to think about the nature of race and began to explore the influence of power on the thoughts of creatures.

However, Mo Ling already had the answer to such a question.

He learned it when he was in junior high school.

“Worldview determines methodology.”

Mo Ling directly recited the knowledge he had learned.

"And there is never anything right or wrong about the worldview."

"World view? Methodology?" Balloon obviously couldn't understand what Mo Ling meant. The concept of the human world gave it a huge impact.

"It's your view of the world and your actual approach." Mo Ling explained briefly.

"If you feel that the world is full of hostility, you will choose to fight against hostility. If you feel that the world is full of kindness, you will repay the kindness. This is determined by the way you look at the world."

"Since we can see the overwhelming hostility, we will naturally fall into endless struggles. This is inevitable. There is nothing right or wrong."

"Is that so?" Qiangqiu thought thoughtfully after listening to Mo Ling's words.

Mo Ling also knew that Balloon had actually understood this truth a long time ago, but he just missed the mark and was always struggling with right and wrong.

It seems that the previous experience of destroying the volcanic plain had a great impact on it, otherwise it would not have fallen into such a tangle.

"Your confusion is ultimately due to a deviation in your understanding of the world. The worldview of other creatures is impacting your inherent concepts. Just adapt slowly and you will be fine." Mo Ling comforted you.

He couldn't understand the concepts of sponge creatures at first, but after seeing the hostility with his own eyes, he gradually understood the origin of these concepts.

However, the balloon denied Moring's statement.

"I'm not confused. I can also understand the world view of other creatures. What I'm confused about is something else."

"What's going on?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"You come with me." The balloon shook, signaling Mo Ling to follow.

"You pull away the hostility of the magma, and they won't be able to hurt you." The balloon said as it sank into the magma lake.

Mo Ling quickly followed its instructions, tore apart the silk threads wrapped around his body, and tried to put his body into the magma.

Sure enough, the magma did not harm it, but instead bypassed his body.

"Can it still be used like this?" Mo Ling was a little surprised.

After confirming that the magma could not harm him, he followed the balloon and sank into the magma lake.

"Did you see those threads? The threads wrapped around the magma." The balloon floated and asked Mo Ling.


"It's everywhere. If you look carefully, it's not coming from them, but other things wrapping around them."

Listening to the balloon's words, Mo Ling looked more carefully. Finally, it found some invisible thin lines, like light hairs, which were basically completely transparent and hidden in the high-heat magma, making them difficult to detect.

After repeated confirmations, Mo Ling was sure that it was the line the balloon was talking about.

These lines are somewhat messy, hidden in the red light of the magma, and occasionally tangled into a ball, making them very hidden.

"I saw it. It was very thin and difficult to detect."

"Yes, those are the ones." Balloon said happily: "Your perception is very keen."

"What is that?" Mo Ling looked at the thin line and asked curiously.

Balloon did not answer immediately, but asked Mo Ling about his perception of hostility:

"What was the hostility you felt when you were born?"

"I just felt that something was going to hurt me..." Mo Ling recalled and answered.

"Is there a specific time, the size of the hostility, or other information?"

"Of course there is."

"That's right." Balloon explained: "All this specific information is reflected in the silk thread."

"The direction of the silk thread is the direction of the source of the hostility, the strength of the silk thread is the size of the hostility, and the thickness of the silk thread is the specific time when the hostility will come... All of these can be reflected in the silk thread."

"We couldn't see the hostility line at first, and of course we couldn't quantify the connection between them, but in fact, the specific information we felt was related to the shape, thickness, length, etc. of the silk thread."

The balloon explained to Mo Ling that after it saw the silk thread, it had been studying the meaning of each dimension of the silk thread and associated them with specific information.

It looked at the thin lines in the magma and said: "Follow these lines, we can find the source of the hostility."

"Come with me." The balloon floated out of the volcanic lake and flew upwards.

Mo Ling also hurriedly followed curiously.

The balloon continued to rise, floating out of the crater, following the thin line, drifting farther and farther, and finally arrived at a coastline on the edge of the plain.

The thin line just went straight into the sea.

"Hostile, comes from the sea?" Mo Ling asked in surprise.

"Yes, to be precise, it comes from the depths of the sea." The balloon looked at the sea and said calmly.

"The meaning of that line is very simple..."

"Three thousand years later, there will be an eruption, and the magma just now will flow along the volcano, into the plain, and finally into the sea, and the sea will completely cool it, but it will not be able to destroy it."

"After another five hundred years, the waves will smash the cooled magma, completely turning it into powder, and then scatter it into the boundless sea, bringing it complete death."

"This is the specific meaning of this thin line - hostility from three thousand five hundred years later..."

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