I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 421 The God on the Other Side of the Mirror

The young man never felt relieved, and kept tinkering, poking here and there with the branches. Then he walked to the window and looked at the scene outside curiously.

Compared to the young man, those sea creatures were very quiet, but they kept making strange noises.

At this time, Mo Ling could no longer suppress the shock in her heart.

"Why do mirages appear here?"

Mo Ling forced herself to calm down and began to think.

"That capable young man outside is probably Shen Ping, the discoverer of mirage."

"And these strange humanoid sea creatures are the 'immortals' in the records."

Mo Ling never expected that he would witness the scene recorded here with his own eyes.

"Is this some kind of image, or is it really happening on the mirror?"

Mo Ling found that the angle of the mirror seemed a bit strange.

"I seem to be in the air, looking down..."

At this time, Mo Ling's angle seemed to be exactly in the center of the mirage, which was also some distance from the ground.

This confused feeling of fear made Mo Ling's thoughts a little confused.

Just when Mo Ling's mind was full of doubts, a hoarse and low sound similar to that of a guqin gradually sounded in the pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, all the immortals looked towards the center of the mirage.

In an instant, countless eyes stared at Mo Ling.

As if they suddenly discovered Mo Ling, those immortals looked through the glass and fixed on Mo Ling.

Seeing this, Mo Ling was so frightened that he quickly stepped back a distance.

"It seems that he is not looking at me."

After realizing this, he slowly flew back to the glass.

At this moment, Mo Ling discovered that the glass had also changed.

A ball of water suddenly surged out of the originally blurry glass, as if it were cleaning the mirror. After a while, the ball of water instantly spread out and turned into a——

Giant blue olive.

The olive sticks tightly to the mirror. Through the olive, Mo Ling can look around the mirage like a fish-eye lens, with a wider field of vision.

"So this olive is a convex lens?"

The cleaned mirror became very clear, and Mo Ling could even see the tiny scales on the immortals' bodies.

"But what is this going to do?"

Mo Ling was still confused when suddenly an immortal came towards Olive.

It was a lobster-headed fairy. It respectfully came under the olive, then raised its hand and intertwined its index fingers and thumbs to form a regular oval shape.

Mo Ling was stunned.

"Are you making a wish to me?"

Sure enough, the wishes of the lobster-headed fairy began to appear on the olive...

The abyss is getting more and more chaotic, and there are always some races that don't understand the rules.

The lobster people have been suffering a lot lately.

There is a creature that looks like a straw, which always hunts near the coral bushes where they live. Wherever this creature goes, it is a mess, making a mess of the beautiful coral bushes.

Xia Buluo is now the leader of the lobster tribe. The tribe has asked him to expel the straw creatures many times, and the old shrimp in the tribe also urged him to solve it as soon as possible, which troubled him very much.

But Xiabuluo also has its own troubles. The lobster clan is now in decline. There are not many shrimps left in the clan. There are very few who can fight, and most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

"We have to fight and survive at the same time. How can it be so simple?"

Coral bushes are being destroyed every day, but the eviction team has not yet been formed. Xiabuluo is so worried that he can't even eat his favorite seaweed.

"If no one helps me, I will go alone!"

Xiabuluo was the only warrior in the clan who had traveled and was very powerful. He decided to go and find out the strength of the straw creature first.

Thinking of this, he made a prompt decision, picked up the weapon, and swam towards the outskirts of the coral bush.

Xia Buluo was very lucky. As soon as he arrived at the outskirts of the coral bush, he saw the sucking creatures that were destroying the coral bush unscrupulously.

Seeing the coral bushes on which he relied for survival being torn to pieces by those creatures, he immediately became angry.

"What are you doing!"

He picked up his weapon and attacked directly.

However, what he didn't expect was that the straw creatures gathered together and trembled.

Seeing this situation, Xia Buluo slowly calmed down.

"Can you understand me?" He suddenly realized that these straw creatures seemed to be able to communicate.

"Okay..." a straw creature replied weakly.

"How do you know the language of our Lobster tribe?" Xiang Buluo asked suspiciously.

Are these straw-sucking creatures planning to attack the lobster tribe?

"I learned it from you." The straw creature said tremblingly.

"Nonsense! When did I teach you?" Xiang Buluo scolded angrily.

The straw creature was so frightened by the angry Xiabuluo that he shrank together and hurriedly explained: "I just learned it! I just learned it! I sucked your voice in and learned it."

"What's the meaning?"

"I will use a straw to suck in your voice, and I will know how to do it." The straw creature explained to Xiabuluo.

In this way, under the pressure of Xiabuluo, the straw creature revealed all the abilities of his race:

Their straws can absorb all knowledge. As long as one of them sucks it, the entire group can learn it.

"We feed on knowledge, and language is a type of knowledge."

"Then why are you destroying the coral bush?" Xiabuluo asked.

"We are learning about corals. Even the most low-level creatures have knowledge. We can learn how to make calcium, how to change color, and more..."

The straw creatures told all the knowledge they learned from the corals.

Xia Bu Luo listened to the straw creatures' explanation with half-belief and half-doubt.

"We are almost starving to death. We have nowhere to go, so we came here." The straw creatures explained pitifully.

"Not here! If you go somewhere else, you will destroy the corals and affect our survival! Did you hear me?"

Xia Bu Luo cursed and drove the straw creatures out.

He did not kill them and saved their lives.

However, his kindness brought disaster...

After returning from a hunting trip, he saw the completely destroyed corals.

The entire home was completely destroyed, the shells of his companions were scattered everywhere, and the broken shrimp limbs were hanging lifelessly on the stones.


Xia Bu Luo rushed back to the tribe like crazy, only to find an old shrimp with broken limbs all over its body, dying.

"That's the Eternal Thirst... They won't stop." The old shrimp said breathlessly.

"The desire for knowledge is an insatiable desire. They will pursue higher wisdom, use the knowledge they devour to destroy higher civilizations, and then continue to devour, destroy, and repeat..."

"How can the straw be satisfied? It goes in from one end and out from the other end, and it will never stop. Where will the knowledge end? The knowledge in this world is endless, and their desires are endless."

"This is an eternal desire, an eternal desire..."

The old shrimp's consciousness was completely blurred, and he just kept talking to Xia Bu Luo about the "Eternal Thirst".

While listening, Xia Bu Luo's claws were tightening more and more.

He never thought that the "weakness" of those straw creatures was also pretended.

"They came for us at the beginning, but I let them go..." Xia Bu Luo fell into endless self-blame.

At the same time, a ball of burning anger rose in Xia Bu Luo's heart.

"Eternal thirst? One day, I will end their desire!"

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