I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 431 The Joyful One

As the sea cooled, the movement of the earth veins slowed down, and the atmospheric circulation became stable, the world began to radiate vitality.

Complex and diverse species appeared in the ocean, and the original simple creatures also evolved into different branches.

Some creatures began to crawl onto the land, away from the control of the giant cell.

The giant cell did not pay attention to those creatures at first, and it was still playing games with the creatures in the ocean.

But gradually, the creatures on land showed amazing potential.

Their wisdom became higher and higher, and they developed a brilliant civilization.

The giant cell looked at these creatures and wanted to play games with them, but those land creatures were too far away from the coast, and it could not go to the center of the land to find things that it thought were "interesting".

So, it made a decisive decision-abandon the original body.

It gathered all its strength in the giant cell, flew out of the sea, and ran towards the earth.

The sea instantly lost its original god, or in other words, the god abandoned the sea.

From this day on, the sea died and turned into a puddle of ordinary water.

"The Pleasure One abandoned the power of God and turned to pursue pleasure. From this moment on, it is no longer a God."

The vast voice took Mo Ling up to the sky, overlooking the vibrant sea, but Mo Ling knew that there was no God in this sea anymore.

"The Pleasure One has never fulfilled the obligations of God. It is addicted to pleasure and only uses its power for games. It has been like this from beginning to end."

"But why can an irresponsible God create such a beautiful world?"

The voice lifted Mo Ling, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the sparkling sea.

"Does life not need God from the beginning?"

It asked Mo Ling two questions in a row, as if it was asking Mo Ling, and as if it already knew the answer.

"I don't know."

The Pleasure One ignored the people of this world at all, leaving them to fend for themselves, but life found a way out by itself.

It is even more irresponsible than the Sloth One, but the whole world is full of vitality.

Mo Ling didn't know whether this was right.

"God, maybe it's something that can be dispensable." Mo Ling sighed and said to the voice.

The voice did not respond to him, but pulled him back to the original puddle.

The two companions had disappeared, and Mo Ling became a lonely man again.

As time went by, the civilizations in him flourished again.

The number of people increased, and the prayers became noisy again.

So, the choice was once again placed in front of Mo Ling:

"Do you choose to continue to be satisfied and split like the lazy ones... or to abandon it like the happy ones?" The voice questioned Mo Ling.

The terrible consequences of the previous split were vivid, and Mo Ling didn't know how to answer for a while, but the voice was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly.

If the split continued, this sea would soon dry up like the world of the lazy ones. If it was abandoned, maybe this sea would develop better, of course, it might also fall into the abyss.

Whether to choose to linger or to gamble, such a choice made Mo Ling extremely entangled.

He also wanted to abandon it like the rejoicer, but the sense of responsibility of God has always bound him.

"Can I compromise?" Mo Ling thought for a long time and asked the voice.

"Compromise... yes."

"I can set a range and gather the power. Let the people who want to make a wish come to the range to make a wish. I will no longer care about the places outside the range. In this way, I have enough energy to reply to the wishes of the people." Mo Ling stuttered out his thoughts.

"Very good, but if there are too many people who come to this range to make a wish, the prayers are still very noisy. With the development of civilization, the wishes are becoming more and more abstract and difficult to realize. What should I do?"

Mo Ling thought about it and replied: "As long as it is split within this range, let all companions gather together to deal with the wishes. This way, we can divide the energy and will not cause dryness."

"Yes, but how can you ensure that the companions who are split will not have individuals like lazy people and rejoicers?" The voice asked.

This problem really troubled Mo Ling. After thinking for a long time, he did not come up with a good solution.

At this moment, he suddenly had an idea:

"I set the energy of each companion to the lowest, and their intelligence will be suppressed very low. Then through training, they can be familiar with simple wish processing work."

"They don't need language communication, nor do they need to have any ideas. They just need to know how to process wishes, just like..."

"Like a machine."

A familiar word suddenly popped out of Mo Ling's mouth.

The word seemed to break through his thoughts and reminded him of something.


Mo Ling froze. He suddenly realized that he was not a god. He just accidentally fell into the bubble membrane hole and participated in a "God's game".

"Who are you?"

The first time his thoughts became clear, Mo Ling asked the voice this question.

Then, he heard a helpless chuckle.

The voice suddenly pulled its thoughts and came to a stone beside the puddle.

Mo Ling then realized that he had actually been sitting on this stone and talking to the figure beside him.

The figure's face was completely unclear. He just hugged his legs and sat on the stone with a bit of loneliness, staring at the small puddle below.

"The simulation is over." The figure with golden light said.

It stretched out its hand and pointed at the puddle.

"You made the same choice as me..."

Mo Ling stared at the figure in a daze, and then looked at the small puddle on the ground.

"Are you, God?"

"Yes." The figure nodded and answered calmly.

"It's the first time I've seen someone make the same choice as me." The God seemed to sigh.

Mo Ling then remembered that his last choice seemed to correspond to everything that happened in the Sea of ​​Creation.

"A circled wishing range, a group of mechanical-like people..."

This is the current situation of the Sea of ​​Creation.

And the one in front of him is the real God.

Looking at the golden figure, Mo Ling felt mixed emotions. After experiencing everything about God, he did not think that having power was something to be happy about.

Power also brings endless responsibilities. God is also trapped in the choice, unable to extricate himself, and can only choose the most helpless way.

After experiencing this simulation and facing the same choice, Mo Ling felt a little pity for the God sitting on the stone at this time.

"Do you feel that no matter what you do, it's wrong?"

The God looked at the puddle and said a little lonely.

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