I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 438 God and Tea

Hearing this question, the alarm in Lao Xu's heart suddenly rang.

His danger perception suddenly increased sharply, and then plummeted again, like a roller coaster, going up and down, very weird.

Lao Xu had never seen such a strange phenomenon before, and the hand holding the teacup couldn't help but tremble. He quickly put down the teacup, picked up the towel on the side, and gently wiped the table to hide his inner uneasiness.

He was struggling with the words in his mind, and various explanations kept coming to his mind.

There are discussions about God in various classic ancient books, as well as contemporary atheism. Lao Xu wanted to quote scriptures and give a good explanation to the strange creatures in front of him, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to say them. None of it is right.

It's always a bit off.

After drinking cup after cup of tea, Lao Xu's thoughts gradually became clear.

“Humanity needs God.”

Lao Xu blurted out.

When he said these words, the danger in his heart reached its peak.

But he endured the discomfort and changed the subject:

“But there is no need for a god who makes everything happen.”

The risk level has dropped again.

He wiped his sweat and asked the water man in front of him: "Let me give you an analogy. For example, humans need fire. How do you get fire?"

"We humans have a myth. There is a god named Prometheus who stole fire for mankind. The fire dispelled the darkness, brought cooked food to mankind, and introduced mankind to the stage of civilization."

"It is certainly good to have such a 'fire thief' who can bring light to mankind." Old Xu said seriously.

With these words of his, the danger began to rise again.

"But!" Lao Xu changed the subject again.

"Humanity does not need fire thieves, and myths do not exist..."

"In the beginning, humans found fire in the forest burned by lightning, then collected sparks and raised the first fire. Fire was not given by God. It was later humans who discovered that as long as flammable materials are heated, they will cause combustion."

"Drilling wood to make fire, flint to make fire...these earliest methods of making fire laid the foundation of human civilization and were also the earliest exploration of 'fire' by mankind."

"Burning firewood, burning coal, boiling water, burning atoms...Human civilization developed from the exploration of 'fire', and human knowledge is also derived from the study of fire."

"If God existed, humans would just enjoy fire. Why should we study the source of fire? Of course, if God existed, humans would not be as civilized as they are now."

Lao Xu spoke more fluently, and the danger level in his heart gradually dropped, returning to a normal range.

Seeing this, Lao Xu also began to pursue the victory.

"God only needs to exist as a symbol and provide a kind of psychological comfort. There is no need to do anything..."

As Lao Xu continued to output, the danger level slowly dropped to the normal value. Lao Xu also decided not to continue talking, but looked at the water man, expecting its response.

“If God is useless, why should there be a God?”

"Why does it have to be useful?" Lao Xu asked directly: "There are always some things in this world that have no meaning, right?"

Shui Ren seemed to be hit hard by Lao Xu's words.

"I see……"

"However, shouldn't God satisfy those human beings who are in suffering and sincerely make wishes to God?" Water Man asked Lao Xu this question again, and the danger level rose again.

Lao Xu, as if facing a formidable enemy, asked cautiously: "What kind of suffering?"

"Birth, old age, sickness, death, hunger, thirst, plague, war..." Every time the water man said something, the danger level increased by one point.

"Stop!" Lao Xu quickly interrupted Shui Ren's words. His brain was spinning rapidly, and he quickly found a suitable explanation:

"Let me give you an analogy. If there are two people in the desert who are about to die of thirst. One prays to God for a clear spring, and the other prays to God for a handful of banknotes. Which one will God satisfy?"

"A clear spring." The water man blurted out.

"That God is unfair." Lao Xu commented bluntly.

"If in a tragic war, 10,000 people on one side pray to defeat the other side, and 20,000 people on the other side pray, then which side will God satisfy?" Lao Xu then asked.

"God will compare the intensity of the superimposed wishes..." Water Man replied.

"God is unfair." Lao Xu said again.

"If an old rich man has never prayed to God in his life, but makes a wish when he is eighty years old, he hopes that his family will be safe. At the same time, a five-year-old child makes the same wish in front of the statue of God."

"Not only that, while the child was praying, his father received the child's terminal illness report in the hospital and burst into tears. The family had no money, so he had no choice but to kidnap the old rich man. For this reason, he prayed to God that the family would be safe. "

“Which of these three people does God want to satisfy?”

After asking this question, Lao Xu found that the danger level was completely frozen and no longer changed.


"The old rich man will die."

"Can't we all be satisfied?" Water Man suddenly began to doubt himself.

"Dad failed to kidnap him. When he returned to the hospital, he found out that the nurse had taken the terminal illness report by mistake. The child was not ill at all. This way, all three of them had a good ending..." Shuiren thought for a while and replied.

"Nurses have been working hard for more than ten years, and they only promised to be promoted and raised salary. Now that such a big mistake has been made, they can only be scolded by the leader, and the promotion and salary increase are in vain." Lao Xu added.

The water man thought for a while: "Then let's change a method..."

However, before the water man finished speaking, Lao Xu interrupted him.

"Don't you understand yet? God can't be fair. If the realization of wishes is divided according to the degree of suffering, it will fall into a cycle that can never end. When someone realizes his wish, others will suffer."

The water man was stunned. He stared at the tea. The light tea residue sank to the bottom, while the tea surface above was extremely clear. The world is uneven, and suffering always falls to the bottom.

It picked up the teacup and shook it. The tea residue rose along the wall of the cup and floated in the tea. The tea also became chaotic. The black tea residue floated everywhere. Some stuck to the wall of the cup, and some floated on the tea surface.

The water man kept shaking, trying to distribute the tea residue evenly, but he couldn't do it.

But he still didn't believe in evil. A dazzling golden light came out of his body, and the golden light directly covered the teacup in front of him.

Under the effect of the golden light, all the black tea leaves quickly dissolved, but there were still some small black particles in the tea that could not be eliminated, so the golden light rushed towards the particles again.

It wanted to completely eliminate the disparity in the world.

Old Xu sat aside, saying nothing, quietly watching the overflowing golden light.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the water man, the tea finally became extremely clear.

However, the original tea color also disappeared.

There was only a cup of clear water left in the cup.

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