I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 466: War Underground

"How are we going to get there?"

Li Luo looked at the twisted forest ahead and asked in confusion.

"follow me."

Zhou Chao walked to the front of Li Luo and then stepped on a fallen tree.

As soon as he stepped on the big tree, the roots of the big tree began to twist violently, as if they wanted to attack the Zhou Dynasty.

However, the movements of those roots are very slow and their length is not long enough. Apart from looking very weird, they do no harm.

"Don't step on the ground, just jump over these trees." Zhou Chao turned his head and said to Li Luo.

Li Luo nodded and followed Zhou Chao's example, jumping onto a fallen tree.

"Remember to stay away from tree roots." Zhou Chao reminded.


In this way, the two of them continued to move deeper into the forest with the help of the fallen tree.

At this time, Mo Ling was sitting on the bed, vigilantly guarding his surroundings.

He had no worries about moving, and he would not be attacked by the soil in the sky, so all his attention was focused on those strange activated objects.

The soil here has almost been activated.

Deep underground, a terrible war is going on.

This is also the source of that strange "booming" sound.

The activated area seems to be limited. A large area of ​​soil will not become an independent activated individual, but will evenly split into many small individuals.

They didn't interfere with each other at first, because there was still unactivated soil in the middle, and they just twisted restlessly, trying to get out of the ground.

However, as activated pollution deepens, soil activation becomes more and more serious, and these activated soils inevitably encounter each other.

So, a war started.

"The living things attack anything that moves."

The same is true for these activated soils. After destroying the soil organisms underground, they begin to attack other activated soils.

Two pieces of squirming soil collided and started a long-lasting war.

None of them can do anything to the other. The toughness of the soil makes it difficult for them to be eliminated, so they are entangled together.

But this is not over yet, the deepening of activation continues.

Not long after, new soil joined the battle.

As a result, the battle turned into a three-way melee.

Immediately afterwards, there was a melee between four parties, a melee between five parties... The war became larger and larger in scale and scope, until it covered an entire area.

Even some underground stones joined the battle, and the whole earth was shaking.

Affected by the activated soil, the plants on the ground also begin to activate. The first place they activate is the place that has the most contact with the soil-the roots.

These roots also fought against the soil. The soft soil had no way to deal with these tough roots. It could only make the whole earth start to surge, overturning the big trees and uprooting them. They then hunted the broken roots... …

In this way, this area formed a scene like the passage of a typhoon, and the war between the living creatures was in a delicate balance.

The pollution has not spread to the trunks of the big trees for a long time. The activated roots seem to be protecting the big trees. They fight against the soil while continuing to deliver nutrients to the big trees. This is why the uprooted big trees are still green.

Just like what Zhou Dynasty said.

"These activated objects still retain some of the characteristics they had when they were 'dead objects' and cannot be changed."

Mo Ling looked at this bustling underground world and was amazed.

"How does activation spread?"

Is it a subjective spread?

Why don't the roots pass pollution to the trunk? Wouldn't they be better able to handle dirt that way?

Mo Ling thought for a long time, but couldn't think of anything from this strange ecology.

"Things that are incomprehensible, no matter how hard you think about it, you can't think clearly..."

Not only these activated soil and activated roots, Mo Ling also discovered some other very special activating substances - activated air.

Mo Ling did not discover this hidden activation substance at first.

Because the sky island is always moving, there is a breeze in the forest.

What caught Mo Ling's attention was the small tornado that rolled up from time to time in the "battlefield".

After some tiny roots fall to the ground, before they have time to be buried by the soil, a gust of wind will suddenly kick up and lift the wriggling roots into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the tendril will be blown around by the wind, hit on rocks, stuck on branches, thrown into streams... until the tendril can no longer move.

"That's activated air."

After observing the strange "torture behavior", Mo Ling quickly guessed the culprit.

"I didn't expect activated air to be so weak."

Compared with the movement of the activated soil, the activated air seems to have no sense of existence, and can only secretly pick up some leftovers on the battlefield.

"It may be that the density of the activated air here is not high yet."

Although the activated air didn't look powerful, Mo Ling was still very worried.

Their concealment is too strong, and they are the most harmful to humans. Although they are fine now, once they enter an area with a deeper activation level, more powerful activated individuals may appear.

Just as Mo Ling was thinking about it, the ground suddenly shook.

The rumble sounded again, and he quickly sunk his vision into the ground.

Finally, he discovered the source of the sound.

It was a huge ball of soil. Compared with other soils, it seemed extremely dense, as if it had been compressed many times. The dense soil even condensed into a hard block like sand and gravel.

This ball of soil was spindle-shaped and kept rotating underground. The soil in front was also drilled open by it.

It seemed to have no interest in those weak activated soil balls and rushed straight towards those huge root networks.

These root networks were formed by some large trees gathered together. Thanks to this tough root network, they supported each other and stood tall in this forest.

Those wriggling roots were like a defense net, blocking all activated soil from approaching.

However, the root network could defend against the attack of ordinary activated soil, but it could not withstand this huge block of soil.

The spindle-shaped body rotated and pierced into the root system like a cannonball. Those fragile roots were instantly broken and thrown aside.

These roots, which were violently wriggling due to the breakage, immediately caused a commotion in the surrounding activated soil. They swarmed in as if they had smelled blood.

Then, a wave of mud surged up again on the earth.

"So that's how it is. This is how the wave is formed."

The spindle-shaped mud ball continued to rush around, destroying all the root networks. The soft roots were even hit so hard that their juices flowed and they became motionless.

The mud ball hit the main roots of the big trees hard, and the big trees fell to the ground with a bang.


The terrible sound echoed in the forest again.

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