To Alice's words, everyone on the spot stopped moving.

Alice tapped that cheek without any hesitation as she walked over to Tsukatsuka and Gemini's side as they all paid attention to herself.

A dry sound of bread sounds.

"What are you doing! You idiot!"

Yelling thoughtfully gemini. Gemini held her reddened cheek with one hand.

"... no... Alice, you're quite powerful..."

"It must be obvious because I'm really beating you! Get the knife out of here!

"I can't do that. Talk to you. I'm gonna kill Sylvie now."

"That's why I'm saying I didn't ask you to do that!

"Duh... what do you mean...?

No one responded to Sylvie's little inquiry. Gemini looks at Alice with a muddled face and starts complaining.

"Because, Alice, I just vomit lies. I've listened to you quite a bit. Because then I say you'll be my girlfriend. And yet you try to rebut your promise. You're always, Sylvie, Sylvie, all about Sylvie. Silvi's my friend, and I think I'm important, but right now, I want to destroy everything you care about."

To Gemini's words, Alice changed her complexion.

"Stop it! Don't get your hands on Silvi!

"Then be my girlfriend, as promised."

"Fine. Instead, I'll break up with you in a flash!

Tell Alice to throw up. To her like that, Gemini gave her a miserable grin.

"You don't understand. I really like Alice. You think I'm gonna let the first woman you really want get away with this? You can't forgive us for breaking up."

"I don't know how convenient it is for you! I don't want to be your girlfriend!

Not afraid of Gemini, Alice told the truth about herself. Gemini's expression becomes terribly cold.

"Oh, I knew you were lying to me. I knew Silvi would kill you."

"I'm telling you to stop!


"Silvi, are you okay...?

When Silvi was stunned by the two arguments, Arthur, with his sword, came to Silvi. The argument between the two heats up, and Gemini doesn't seem to be anywhere near Arthur's opponent either.

"What... what, what..."

The head refuses to understand. As he unconsciously sifted and shook his head to the side, Arthur gently hugged Silvi.


"Calm down, Silvi"

"So, but..."

What can I say? Staring at Arthur, he looked bitter.

"... Alice. That was your maid."

"Huh! Yeah, yeah"

At a chilling temperature, Silvi shook her spine.

Arthur is angry. Because I felt it on my skin.

"Arthur... Um..."

"Those two. Let me explain what you mean."

Silvi's words were extinguished by Arthur's silent voice.

Two people who notice his voice look back at Silvi and the others at the same time.

Gemini said, flat out.

"You know what I mean when I ask? I like Alice. So, I wanted to turn this guy around, so I took care of things outside of work."

"What's the job?

"Hey! Gemini! Don't tell me!

He tried to plug Gemini's mouth like Alice was in a hurry, but he didn't care to expose it.

"I told you so many things. Really all sorts of things. Send a skilled assassin like Cass to you, or attack Silvi's brother. And then this time, the Duke asked me to ask him for a favor, so you went for it."

"... Alice"

In an incredible way, Silvi saw Alice. Alice doesn't look at Silvi and even yells at Gemini.

"Why do you say that! Mostly, you didn't do what I asked! I said Leon was out of the way, but I didn't say kill him, and even Claude, that's the same thing! Why do you always try to kill me? I didn't ask you to!

"Because I'm an assassin. Interrupting means killing him, right?

"Aren't you an idiot!? That's about what you mean!

Gemini stared at Alice, who was cut off.

"Ha, in the end, you didn't kill me, so that's fine."

"You drove me back. And torture equipment? You've just been bought by something worthless! I was stunned when you asked me if I had to kill you. I didn't ask you to do that!

"It turned out just the way Alice wanted it, so that's good."

"Not good!

Alice stares at Gemini as she breathes on her shoulders with her haaaaaa. Gemini looks like fun the other way around.

I couldn't stand it any longer, and Silvi spoke to Alice.

"Alice... how could you..."

"It's not your fault!


The spear suddenly changed, and Silvi blinked. Alice now stares at Silvi.

"You! If I had stuck with Arthur honestly, I wouldn't have done this either! You take all kinds of unplanned actions, so I changed my mind. You reincarnated into the game world, didn't you? It's heroin, right? You have a duty to play games and entertain us!

"Gi, duty......?

"Yes," Alice nodded arrogantly as she repeated.

"You're not going anybody's route, I don't know what to say, so get angry. That's why I thought I'd stick with Leon at first. 'Cause Leon Route, me, what I like. But you didn't make it. You say something, you like Arthur. That's why we decided to work together in that direction. Because I'd love to have friends tied up with someone I like. But no matter how long you wait, you're not gonna move. Then you have no choice. We're gonna have to stick together. That's why I used Gemini, someone I've known for a long time. Gemini got to know me when I went to town using the mansion. I knew it was Gemini right away, so I was trying to maintain a friendship that I might be able to use for something. As I thought, he was helpful. Something that took me on comfortably when I asked you to introduce me to a few assassins I could dispose of. So, I created a new event. A life-targeting event. Iron plate, right? I thought you'd stick with Arthur. As you can see, you became a lover to Arthur. I was right."

What Alice is saying will be when Silvi acknowledges her feelings and becomes a lover with Arthur. That's when the assassins targeted Arthur. As for the matter, I'm still in the labyrinth, and the investigation has not progressed at all, but I'm going to be dizzy about the words Alice speaks.

"A disposable assassin..."

Why would you do that? That's what I thought, but Alice snorted.

"If it wasn't for that, you'd be dead. I want Sylvie to be happy with her hero as a hero, so if she gets hurt, she'll be in trouble. You know, guys, it was no big deal, right? I tried to pay the commission because you did a good job, but for some reason, everyone died..."

To Alice, who says strangely, Gemini said if you have any idea.

"That's the job I introduced. If you fail, you kill yourself because you think I'm gonna kill you."

Alice turned into a gnawed face to the words spoken naturally.

"What? What are you doing to me! That's not your fault after all!

"Me, nothing, you didn't say you'd kill me if I failed. You're the one who died on your own."

It was Gemini making excuses, but everyone but him understood why all the captured assassins chose to die themselves.

"... did you think Gemini would kill you? Well, you'd think suicide would be better."

"... yeah, you are"

Just snort at Arthur's words.

Collecting torture tools is my hobby Gemini. If you think about what you like to use... there's no way anyone wants to grab him. I'd rather die lightly from poison than be tortured to death. I guess that's what they all thought.

Somehow, everything Alice talks about was unrealistic. When Silvi accidentally gripped Arthur's clothing hem, he turned his sharp gaze to Alice.

"So? Is that the end of what you did?

"That's not true. Even the end is right."

"At the end of the day?

"That's right."

When Alice put her hands on her hips, she said, really dignified.

"If you think it's a good idea to stick with Arthur, Leon won't leave this time. Instead of leaving, I screwed my own Bad Route. Leonbad route is inevitable as it is. But Silvi chose Arthur. I'd rather see a happy ending than a bad one, too. I want to see my friend happy. So I was determined to have to keep Leon out of the way to make Arthur Route more certain. It's a little forceful, but I asked this guy. Leon is in the way. That's why he wants me to hurt him. I asked if it would be enough for me to be unable to move. And yet if you come with this guy...!

Hatefully Alice stared at Gemini. The stared Gemini looks familiar.

"You just said that. By asking me, I mean kill him. And in the end, he was alive, wasn't he?

"You didn't even hurt me in particular.... Well, I'm glad Leon left as a result, but I didn't mind that night."

"Alice, I was asleep that day...!

Alice didn't come to Silvi that day when Leon was about to grab her. She told me she was asleep and didn't notice, and I thought she had no choice then, but was that a lie?

"You're not sleeping. I've been wondering if things have gone as I thought they would. I couldn't find out, so I didn't go."

"Oh no..."

Alice went on to shock Sylvie.

"You're safe, you're engaged to Arthur. I'm relieved. Finally, Arthur, the route is confirmed. And then there's the happy ending. Totally. It was nice to be able to observe Niyaniya and her whereabouts. And now Claude's gonna get in the way. I hope you don't mind! I want to see the Maiden Game Icharab! I want to watch my heroes and heroes love each other from the shadows and nibble!

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