I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 104 Bisji: HOHO, is it a similar ability to mine?

Bisiji sent her disciple Yun Gu to the Sky Arena. It was called punishment, but it was actually to clear the building and get an achievement as a martial artist.

Yun Gu's strength is enough to enter the ranks of mid-level combatants. From Bisiji's perspective, even if he reaches the 200th floor of the Sky Arena, he will be able to do it without any difficulty.

…I didn’t expect it to be “a sure thing”. Lose "one sure thing".

Still lost to a very young boy!

During the phone call, Bisji asked: "Are you sure that the other person is much younger than you? And his strength has almost doubled in just three months?"

Yun Gu heard the emphasis in his master's tone, which had shifted from his own failure to his interest in Zhen Yuanzi. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said with a naive smile: "I didn't ask his age, but it looks like he should No more than 14 years old, or even younger. As for his strength... I can be sure that only the part of his strength that I can measure has improved significantly in just three months, and is already very close to an intermediate combatant. Mind level."

"You mean, besides the ability to read, there are other improvements?"

"It was the telekinesis ability he used." Yun Gu recalled, "I always feel that the telekinesis ability he used in the competition was probably developed specifically to deal with me in the past three months..."

He described the game process to Bisji in detail.

Hearing that Yun Gu's opponent had the ability to telepathize with a doubling counting mechanism, Bisji immediately understood why Yun Gu said that this ability was most likely an ability that the opponent had developed specifically to deal with him in the past three months. ——Because Yun Gu also mentioned that when the two had a fight three months ago, they had shown each other "practice", so they both intuitively felt the strength of each other's energy.

"The essence of that telepathy ball is to shorten the gap in telekinesis between him and you."

Bisgi pointedly pointed out, "Even if you dispel the telekinesis ball every time the opponent throws the ball for the first time, you still need to spend twice the amount of telekinesis the opponent used to create the telekinesis ball. In this way, he only needs to You need to use 100 qi to exchange for your 200 qi many times. If you are lucky, you can use 100 qi to exchange for 800, 3200 or even more of your qi.”

"If this is the case, there are some loopholes in this ability and it is difficult to form." Bisji analyzed habitually. "If I guessed correctly, the reason why he chose to fight you in close combat at the beginning of the game was to 'Collecting' your energy is what he calls 'the condition has been met'. After all, the value of this mind ball cannot be doubled and increased forever!"

Yun Gu suddenly said: "So the upper limit of the reading ball value is..."

"Either his total amount of thoughts, or your total amount of thoughts." Bisji affirmed, "Or it is the sum of the two people's total thoughts. You are right, this is indeed very similar to specifically targeting thoughts. capabilities developed by larger adversaries.”

She nodded secretly. The idea of ​​developing this ability is still very commendable.

Even if he is a disciple who has been trained by himself, Yungu's manifest energy can be increased to at most one-tenth of the total energy. Of course, this level is extremely rare, and it can be considered top-notch even among those with telekinesis abilities around the world. If you don't control Qi to a certain extent, it will be difficult to achieve this step, because the sperm pores of the human body are the biggest natural constraints.

But even if he is already the best among the best, even if the upper limit of the telekinesis ball is the opponent's own total telekinesis with a lower value, Yungu will never be able to withstand it.

There is an order of magnitude difference between the apparent amount of thoughts and the total amount of thoughts.

This is why, in a battle between telepathic users, the priority should be how to make your attacks hit the opponent, rather than how to make your attacks hurt the opponent...

Because as long as the gap is not huge, a well-prepared attack can usually effectively break through the defense, injure the opponent, or even kill the opponent.

If it is an operation-type ability, as long as the target is successfully hit, most of the time, the first move will definitely win, and the final decision will be made.

Therefore, even if you are a powerful telepathic user, there is a chance that you will stumble when you are traveling in the world.

The ability to read is like a sword. The stronger the restriction, the sharper the blade, but the easier it is to hurt yourself.

Yun Gu's opponent made full use of the constraints and benefits of the sword of telekinesis, and sharpened a sharp enough blade. Once it was unsheathed, he did not look back and directly sealed his throat with blood. He successfully used weak power in the ring. Sheng Qiang defeated Yun Gu, who clearly should have stronger hard power.

But it wasn't this ability that really impressed Bisiji.

Let alone three months, she has seen guys develop stronger abilities within three days.

What really made her look at him differently was that this young man named Zhen Yuanzi, while developing his abilities specifically to defeat Yun Gu, was actually able to significantly increase the total amount of Nian.

According to Yun Gu, in just three months, Zhen Yuanzi's energy volume has almost doubled, from just over 10,000 to 18,000 energy levels.

The efficiency of his training was so high that Bisji suspected that the other party also had telekinesis abilities similar to his own "Magic Beautician Miss Cookie" to assist in his training.

Yun Gu explained: "I suspect that he is an operator-type ability user, but I have never seen him use the operation-type ability. So I guess that this telekinesis ability was newly developed by him in the past three months..."

You guys have the nerve to say that?

A vein popped up on Bisiji's forehead, and he yelled into the phone from the other side of the world: "You know that the other party is an operating system, and you still stupidly follow the other person's rhythm? Have I ever taught you to be so stupid? I want you to be relieved. You can really lift the Nian Qiu... It really pisses me off! Remember this punch for me, and you have to remind me next time we meet."

"After all, it's just an arena competition..." Yun Gu said without confidence, "Zhen Yuanzi doesn't feel like a bad person, and it's not like that's the case..."

"Remember ten punches!"

"Yes, Master." Yun Gu obediently admitted her mistake and listened to Master's education honestly for a full 10 minutes before Master and she finished the lesson feeling refreshed.

At this moment, the door of the ward knocked twice and then opened. It was Zhen Yuanzi and three others, who seemed to come to visit him.

Yun Gu's eyes signaled them to wait a moment, and he hummed twice into the phone. After finally hanging up, he let out a long breath.

Master is really able to speak now that he is old...

"Who are you talking to? You're sweating on your forehead." Jing Yang sat down, "Is your injury healed yet?"

"It's my master. I'm ashamed. I lost the game and was scolded so badly." Yun Gu said, looking at Jing Yang's intact right arm, he was startled.

Jing Yang was also startled.

Was it Bisiji who was on the phone in Yungu just now?

Hi, it’s a pity that I couldn’t chat for a few words!

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing to talk about... To me, she is a cute aunt who is quite cute, but to her, she probably doesn't even know me, so what can she talk about?

Yun Gu suddenly said: "Sure enough, you have the confidence to heal yourself, so you can develop the kind of mind ball ability that is very likely to hurt yourself..."

Jing Yang said modestly: "It's a small skill, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

Yun Gu asked: "The condition for activating the mind ball is that at the beginning of the game, you had a close battle with me and successfully collected my energy?"

"You finally reacted?" Jing Yang smiled, "That's right. When it comes to throwing and catching a ball, it's natural for two people to throw it back and forth."

In other words, it is impossible to try to find a teammate to cause a bug, and then use it to deal with the enemy by first generating a mind ball with a value of tens of thousands...

Yun Gu asked again: "There should be an upper limit, right? What will happen when the value of the mind ball increases to a limit?"

Jing Yang said: "When the value exceeds the upper limit of the total amount of thought, the thought ball will be forcibly released, and the thought energy will be forced to be extracted, which will most likely lead to a forced "absolute" state. And... the greater the number when it is released, the forced " The longer it will last..."

It's basically consistent with what the master expected... Yun Gu nodded secretly.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "If you have one to two million thoughts, it's possible to do it in a month or two."

Yun Gu laughed and said: "How can there be one or two million Qi thoughts? This is too exaggerated..."

Even the president of the Hunter Association, the leader of Shingenryu, the strongest person in the world for a long time, the martial arts master Nitro, his qi cannot possibly have such an exaggerated figure, which is beyond human. category.

Jing Yang said: "One or two million is impossible, but what about one or two hundred thousand? What is the level of one or two million thoughts? We agreed to talk about it after the fight. Didn't you forget..."

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