I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 145 It’s time to go down the mountain


A wild wave passed by, the garden pool water set off surging waves, and the simple rockery made a muffled sound, leaving a huge five-finger palm print.

Practice ground.

Nitro kept waving his hands forward, with no one in front of him.

To be honest, Nitro was surprised now.

Although he didn't aim this palm at Jing Yang's head, he did it with some seriousness.

Jing Yang actually avoided it?

Everyone watching the battle couldn't help but burst into an uproar!

Nitro's palm was so fierce that everyone present felt their scalp numb.

The speed of waving the palm is unbelievable!

With one palm shot, it was simply devastating and invincible.

Of course everyone guessed that Nitro's palm might not actually hit Zhen Yuanzi on the head and blow his head off. This is unreasonable...

But the question is, normally speaking, the current situation should not be that after the old senior showed some serious attitude, he slapped the air with a fierce and unshakable move, wiping the head of the young junior, and the young No one responded, he just stood there motionless. Finally, the old man chuckled, calmed down and patted the young man on the shoulder kindly to show encouragement... or something like that?

Why is it now...

Yun Gu sweated slightly on his forehead and looked away. On the sidelines of the training ground, Jing Yang was getting up from the ground.

Obviously, in order to avoid the president's palm, Jing Yang dodged too much, so that he lost his balance and fell down.

"He was able to escape." Biyou was really surprised now.

Gai Lu also felt extremely surprised.

The original motivation for the establishment of the twelve branches of the Hunter Association was that the president, Nitro, selected twelve people to play with him and relieve his boredom. Gailu and Biyou were both members of the twelfth branch. Of course, they were often used as sparring opponents and competed with President Netero. Because of this, they were particularly surprised that Jing Yang had dodged the slap just now. surprised.

This is not the most serious or the most powerful palm from President Netero, but even if all the martial artists on the top of the Immortal Water Mountain are tied together at this moment, they may not be able to escape from this palm.

But Jing Yang avoided it.

And judging from his appearance, he was not injured at all.

It proved that he was not dodging randomly, but he spotted the trajectory of President Netero's palm and dodged in a direction where he would not be hit by mistake.

Although it looks very embarrassing, anyone who knows Nitro's strength will definitely be impressed by what Jing Yang has done.

Jing Yang himself was impressed by himself now.

He really didn't expect that the "Meteor Like Wind" he developed would be so useful.

To be honest, when Nitro's palm came over, he really didn't react.

But whether he reacted or not, Nitro's palm came roaring towards him from the front - the shadow of the palm reflected in Jing Yang's eyes, and the image signals turned into nerve signals and flowed in the brain. , the star on the back of the neck received the signal, "Meteor Like Wind"'s instinct to avoid danger was immediately activated, and the operation was started.

Everything happens in a flash of lightning.

Jing Yang's subjective consciousness did not react, but his self-operated telekinesis ability helped him make the most instinctive, correct and timely reaction.

"It's interesting." Nitro put down his palm and looked at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang swallowed.

He had a feeling that the old man was really getting serious.

Don't think that Nitro is some old gentleman with no sorrow or joy, some otherworldly saint.

That's because during the dozens or hundreds of years when he was invincible in the world, no one could make him reveal his true state of mind.

In the comics, Nitro was extremely unhappy with the Ant King's attitude of repeatedly ignoring his proposed duel.

Nitro is a warrior who longs for an evenly matched opponent, but he is too strong. I don’t know since when, his opponent will cry bitterly and surrender before he even exerts his strength, so he has no choice but to stretch out his arms. Take action and accept the opponent's surrender... Nitro's true character and temperament have been slowly covered up in his long invincible life. Few people can inspire his true temperament.

This is also the reason why Nitro formed twelve teams of hunters and found twelve high-level companions.

A powerful master is naturally more able to force out his true—well, part of his strength. Although it can't produce real fire, it can at least move its muscles and bones.

Although Jing Yang is still far away from the strength that can allow Nitro to move his muscles...

But being able to proactively and timely avoid Nitro's palm just now has really caught Nitro's attention.

Jing Yang said: "The more interesting things are yet to come."

He pointed at Nitro.

Behind Nitro, an eight-armed black shadow appeared, clinging to him like armor. The ferocious helmet-like head opened with sharp fangs and a large mouth, and smashed towards Nitro's head.

"I see. How much energy will it absorb?"

Nitro didn't seem to be in a hurry, and he didn't try to dodge the "Reflection" activation ability, letting the other party attach to his body and draw out his mind energy.

Judging from his experience, since the ability condition of this parasitic mind beast has been achieved - it has eaten a drop of his own blood. Then it would be difficult to truly prevent its ability to activate after the conditions are met.

This is often the case with conditioned mind-reading abilities.

The best way to deal with this type of ability is to avoid fulfilling the conditions for this ability.

The risks and benefits of mental ability complement each other. The more difficult the conditions, the stronger the power.

Just now I was just eaten a drop of blood by this mind beast. This condition is too simple, so correspondingly, the result after reaching it must not be fatal.

Sure enough, Jing Yang replied: "The first drop of blood will eat you once and for all."

"Oh~" Nitro pinched his beard, the eight-armed black shadow still attached to his body.

Why haven't you finished smoking yet?

Jing Yang was extremely surprised. It was obvious that the amount of thought was only about one-tenth of the total amount of thought. Even if Nitro had a strong amount of thought, it would only be... just a few hundred thousand!

Tens of thousands of manifest thoughts, even though it’s a lot, won’t last so long, right?

Looking at the "Reflection" Nian Beast that had just slowly disappeared from Nitro's body, Jing Yang couldn't help but secretly thought: "Damn it, I was so angry when I smoked Kurapika before, it was like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, Chi Liu I finished it in one go. If I'm smoking Nitro now, how can I eat Taishang Laojun's golden elixir with Sun Wukong and linger endlessly?"

"It's because Nitro's total thoughts are too much..."

"Or is it that Nitro's manifest mind has already broken through the boundaries of ordinary people, far more than one-tenth of it?"

"Okay, in that case, the first round is over."

Nitro twisted his neck and made a rattling sound. The old man smiled slightly and waved to Jing Yang, "Now, start the second round?"

A layer of thought energy slowly covered Nitro's body.


Nitro obviously would not give Jing Yang a second chance to get his second drop of blood and let the ability of the "Reflection" mind beast enter the second stage.

Jing Yang adjusted his mentality and rushed forward.

Not long after, he was thrown out of the field with a bruised nose and face...

Nitro clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Not bad, let's continue tomorrow."

This flesh injury, Jing Yang had the blessing of Xingbiao, and he recovered quickly.

Many of the other martial artists limped away... Fortunately, they all have telekinesis abilities. They returned to their respective rooms and used "absolute" methods to speed up their recovery. They will be able to recover almost as well by this time tomorrow morning. It won't affect the remaining two or three days of competition.

This is an opportunity to compete with Nitro in person. Any martial artist would be willing to climb onto the stage to participate.

In the hotel room, Hart went to the restaurant to get a bunch of food and brought it back. Senior brother Yun Gu, Jing Yang and Xiao Di were chatting in the room.

Yun Gu rubbed the bruises on his face and body. He was an enhancement type and his recovery ability was better than other types. However, looking at Jing Yang who seemed to be fine in front of him, he couldn't help but be speechless.

Which one of us is the strengthening type?

He somewhat admired Jing Yang's performance in the competition with President Netero.

In fact, Jing Yang's fighting style has always been like this in the Sky Arena, and it's not like Yun Gu has never seen it before.

But who would have thought that this guy who "bullied" the mixed fighters in the Sky Arena could be so calm and flexible. Even if he was President Nitro, how could Jing Yang still fight in a decent manner? ? What's even more outrageous is that this guy was able to dodge President Netero's serious slap...

Yun Gu himself stood on the sidelines. From the perspective of a bystander, he was concentrating on observing with "concentration", but he could not clearly see the afterimage of the president's move.

He admired Jing Yang, and Jing Yang admired him.

You know your own business.

Jing Yang's basic skills seemed to be smooth and smooth, and his switching was extremely smooth. This was aided by the manipulation system's "Meteor Like the Wind" telekinesis ability.

This is equivalent to carrying an AI that assists in combat. How can people like Yun Gu compare with him?

When it comes to actual skills, Yun Gu is more powerful and is worth learning from Jing Yang.

Of course, "Meteor Like Wind" is originally part of his ability, and Jing Yang is not so pedantic that he thinks that borrowing abilities to assist is not his real ability... But if he falls into a certain situation in the future and his telekinesis ability is restricted, "Meteor Like Wind" If you can't use it, you'll have to work hard. When the time comes, switching to "hard", using "flow", and even the connection between offense and defense will no longer be as high as it is now.

In the world of telekinesis, everything is possible. Because of this, you need to consider various situations and come up with countermeasures.

The two exchanged their experiences in fighting against Netero and Nian. Hart listened with great interest, while Xiaodi ate quietly beside him.

Xiaodi did not participate in the daily competition with Nitro.

Nitro felt too dangerous to her, and she was not willing to fight easily with such a monster.

Jing Yang could use that kind of "hard" tactics, pinpointing the old man without injuring the rest of his body - but Xiao Di couldn't.

Facing such a monster, on stage, life and death are not in his control... Xiaodi is not afraid of death, but he doesn't like it either.

What's more, Jingyang competed with Nitro in the morning, and Xiaodi competed with Jingyang in the afternoon or evening. She felt that the effect should be similar.

In the room, Jingyang and Xiaodi were discussing.

Jing Yang did not use "Meteor Like Wind". The energy on his body continued to flow and condensed into balls on his fists and feet.

Even when the two were sparring, the speed of their fists and kicks was not slow, almost like actual combat.

Once the opponent is unable to defend himself, the flow of Qi on the body surface will be a step too late. If he fails to defend against the opponent's attack with a large amount of Qi, he will inevitably be injured.

Just in terms of cultivation and sparring, their intensity is too high.

However, both of them have star-marked body protection, and relying on their nearly half-immortal bodies, they have no worries at all.

Not long after, both of them were panting and lying on the ground with their heads on their heads. The carpet, sofa, ceiling... many places were splattered with blood.

Jing Yang's leg was broken, and Xiao Di's arm was broken. The degree of injury varied, but the speed of recovery was visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, the parasitic mind beast was transferred to Yanque's body by Jing Yang, otherwise Xiaodi would have beaten him like this, and the blood of the two of them was all over the floor and ceiling... The ability of "Reflection" must have been activated several times, Don't talk about Xiaodi's anger, half of his life will be sucked away.

The little gray bird stepped on the swaying ceiling chandelier, and the "reflection" thought beast lurking on it slowly emerged and transferred back to Jing Yang.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di's physical injuries had recovered. When his physical strength reached the bottom, he got the "reflection" back.

Although there is no way to actively control this mind beast, it has the instinct to automatically protect its master, and it just made a fortune from Nitro in the morning. Sure enough, it automatically exhaled its mind energy and injected it into Jing Yang to accelerate his recovery.

Logically speaking, the Qi of different people originates from the essence of life of different people and should be different. This is the so-called temperament.

But the thought energy absorbed by "Reflection" seems to have been transformed and turned into the purest energy.

Although qi is also called life energy, judging from Jing Yang's personal experience, this level of qi can only be said to be life energy. It is far from the energy directly related to life force of the death qi in his heart. gap……

After thinking wildly for a while, Jing Yang looked at the eight-armed black shadow beast and wanted to ask, how much Nitro's breath was left?

It's a pity that although this thing has a certain amount of intelligence, it doesn't have the wisdom to communicate. As a parasitic mind beast, Hei is not under Jing Yang's direct control.

In order to squeeze out its use value, Jing Yang turned over and jumped up, releasing a large amount of mental energy from his body. He skillfully maintained the "train" to "entangle" it, forming "hardness".

Jing Yang was practicing, while Xiao Di took a rest for a while, then materialized a vacuum cleaner and used the "bulging-eyed fish" to suck up all the blood of himself and Jing Yang on the floor and ceiling. In just a blink of an eye, everything was brand new. Clean.

The remaining two or three days in Xianshui Mountain were spent like this.

Jing Yang didn't have any artistic talent, so he was too lazy to go to the exhibition in Qianshan to join in the fun.

Go to the training ground every morning to fight with Nitro. It is quite worthwhile to receive a beating from the strongest martial artist in the world and gain valuable experience and lessons.

In the blink of an eye, the Xianshuishan Art Exhibition ended, and it was time for Jing Yang and the others to leave.

Kurapika had already sent information about the flaming eye holder that he asked Jing Yang and the two to investigate.

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