I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 147: Triple Crown of Military Ceremony Chess

When Jing Yang used one hand to crush one of Tut's metal cups into a small ball, Tut's face turned pale and he tremblingly explained everything about the flaming eyes.

Jing Yang couldn't help but think.

When the airship landed in the afternoon, he and Xiaodi went straight to Tut's bachelor apartment that they had discovered as if they were going shopping. While downstairs, Jing Yang casually released the rock bird and let it go to the designated room to pry open the window.

The little gray bird pried open the window and flew into Tut's apartment. He quickly went to open the door again, and Jing Yang and Xiao Di just walked in while chatting. It was as easy as returning to their own home.

"Bull-eyed fish, suck up the container with the flaming eyes." Xiaodi held up the strange vacuum cleaner that materialized and walked around Tut's apartment. Soon Jing Yang heard a movement from the bedroom. .

It has to be said that this cram school lecturer hid it very well, but unfortunately he did not hide it tightly. He just hid the solution tank under a pile of debris, but did not keep it in a sealed environment, so that the telekinesis ability of the bulging-eyed fish would be affected. Covered, disturbed by the strong suction, it buzzed and stirred under the debris, and was easily fished out by Jing Yang.

Originally, after Jing Yang and Xiao Di got the flaming eyes, they could just leave and pretend they never came.

However, Jing Yang suddenly thought that this guy who likes to collect human organs might know other red-eyed news - hadn't this guy already contacted the young painter who was targeted by Kurapika? If you can contact a young painter, you may not know other people who are the same as you.

Now after some interrogation, as expected, this guy does know the whereabouts of the other flaming eyes.

And he sold it himself.

This cram school instructor originally had two pairs of flaming eyes on his hands.

He had previously thought of selling one pair and keeping the other pair for collection. However, money has been tight recently and he planned to sell off the remaining pair.

This guy was contacting a young painter and was preparing to make a fortune, so he didn't want to be arrested by Jing Yang.

"Who was the other pair of flaming red eyes sold to?"

Jing Yang was sitting on the edge of the bed. He had sent the little gray bird Rock Bird to watch outside the window. After all, this was an unfamiliar place, so it was better to be cautious.

Tut knelt on the floor, unable to speak.

On the chair in front of the computer desk in the bedroom, Xiaodi raised his hand and grabbed the bulging-eyed fish. The vacuum cleaner's wide mouth flicked its tongue, and suddenly a circle of sharp teeth appeared.

"Buzz buzz!" The sharp teeth spun like a chainsaw, approaching Tut's face.

A naked threat!

Tut couldn't help but be horrified, tilted his head back as hard as he could, and said quickly: "It's Marko = Met!"

Seeing that Jing Yang and Xiao Di didn't react at all, he was so frightened that his voice broke. He waved his hands and said in a panic: "Si Marco! The big boss of Meite Company, the famous rich man, the star entrepreneur !You guys, haven’t you heard of him?”

Xiaodi ignored him at all.

Jing Yang nodded and said, "Oh, now I've heard about it."

He stood up, squeezed over to hold Xiaodi on his lap, sat down, and then raised his hand.

Xiao Di held the bulging-eyed fish and whispered, and with a swish sound, an exquisite and unique card fell into Jing Yang's hand.

It was the hunter's license held by Jing Yang. Sometimes he doesn't have pockets, so he lets Xiaodi keep them. Xiaodi was afraid that she would forget, so she let the fish eat it.

Tut wanted to curse when he saw this license.

You should have told me earlier, you should have told me earlier that you were professional hunters!

Is it necessary to look like this? It’s so scary!

If you just take out your hunter's license, how dare I not give you the flaming eyes?

At most, sell it cheaper. Aren't you all professional hunters extremely rich? Do you have to rob me for such a small amount of money?


Jing Yang turned on his computer and swiped his credit card at the same time, logged into his Hunter account, and started to check the Facebook account of Musk who bought another pair of red eyes, oh, Marko = Met.

At the same time, he said casually: "By the way, I almost forgot, I used my hunter's license here, so you'd better move as soon as possible."

Tut hadn't turned around at the beginning. After thinking about it for a while, he almost had high blood pressure. These two guys... simply, simply lacked a great virtue!

If you use a hunter's license at home, you will definitely be targeted!

After all, a small hunter's license is basically equivalent to: a legal killing license, an indefinite visa for most countries, a license to use most public facilities for free, a discount card for most products... even if it is used as a mortgage Among other things, a hunter’s license has the highest credit value, because if you sell the thing itself, it will cost you who knows how many billions of nuns!

Tut himself often visited black trade website forums, so he had naturally heard about hunter licenses and black licenses.

He likes to collect human organs and other things, but he has never had the courage to touch a hunter's license.

If you are lucky enough to touch it, if you are not lucky enough to take it!

As a result, I didn't attract anyone or provoke anyone today. I'm afraid my home has become the "refresh point" for my hunter's license. In the eyes of those killers with hunting licenses lurking in the dark, your home is like a light in a dark forest, surrounded by wolves...

Tu Te frightened himself so much that his hair fell out, while Jing Yang quickly found information on the so-called star entrepreneur Si Mark.

After all, he is a rich man and a big entrepreneur, and his personal information is extremely private and has a high level of confidentiality.

But it's a pity that Jing Yang has a hunter's license. In the face of the authority of this card, the so-called confidential information of the rich is only a slightly higher price.

"Damn it, damn it, it actually cost me nine million." Jing Yang muttered, closing the hunter website, "Sooner or later, I'll get it back..."

Kurapika, work to pay off your debts!

And what kind of rich man is this? Since he is a scumbag who collects human organs, he must be fined a few bucks by his buddies, right?

Jing Yang was thinking about it while browsing the news, and suddenly his palm was covered by another slightly cold hand.

Xiaodi held down Jingyang's mouse-operating hand, preventing him from closing the current news page.

Jing Yang saw this and took a closer look. It turned out to be a chess competition... huh?

Military Chess World Series?

Jing Yang clicked on the news details and was about to read it carefully when his eyes suddenly moved.

somebody is coming?

The rock sparrow placed outside sent him a signal, and Jing Yang projected his consciousness to possess the rock sparrow under the eaves outside the window.

Shaking its head, "Jingyanque" saw a man wandering downstairs. He didn't look tall, fat, and young, but he had a short, sad beard. His eyes were drooped, and he seemed to be very impatient. After a few tall, strong, gangster-looking guys said something, they left the helpers downstairs and rushed into the building alone.

Are you here to steal a hunter's license?

Jing Yang found it strange. Although the existence of people who did such things was mentioned in the comics, they never appeared directly.


The "Jingyan Bird" flew down, like a small gray bird passing by.

After the man with the hair tie entered the building, the gangster-looking boys dispersed below. "Jingyanque" noticed that they dispersed very regularly, basically targeting all the routes that could approach the apartment building.

Since we are here to grab the hunter's license, why do we only let the leader go in and deliver the food while the others stay outside? Is this to prevent others from trying to grab the food?

Are you so confident?

Jing Yang rubbed the ring on his index finger.

【Little drops...】

Xiaodi listened to Jing Yang's heartbeat in her mind.

[...It seems that our hunter license landing signal has been targeted. This efficiency is enough! 】

After Jing Yang finished speaking, Xiao Di nodded and stood up to leave.

The bounty hunter Xikuan was at the door of the bachelor's apartment. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at the address. This was the right place.

He grabbed the door handle and actually pushed it open.

The door is not closed?

No, someone could have already taken the lead - Xikuan hurriedly rushed into the house. When he saw the obviously messed up living room, a faint malice suddenly came from the back of his head.

Xikuan was shocked. He decisively drew out the short sword at his waist, turned around and slashed.


The short knife was broken by a strange vacuum cleaner.

The expressionless girl with short black hair and glasses smashed him onto the floor with a hammer, causing a huge crater in the floor.

This woman has so much strength! A thin line of cold sweat broke out all of a sudden.

Xiaodi remained expressionless and picked up the fish with big eyes.

Buzz! The sharp-toothed chainsaw spins.

It's so thin that my scalp feels numb, hey! Hello! What are you doing? Just come up and kill him? !

It's just that the woman suddenly froze for a moment, as if she remembered something, and her hand movements were slightly hesitant.

Xiaodi remembered that Jing Yang was still nearby, and if he killed this person, he would be angry and cause trouble for Jing Yang.

During this pause, Xikuan quickly ran away and took out his hunter's license.

"Wait a minute! I'm a professional hunter! Don't do anything yet. What happened -"

As expected, the woman opposite stopped wielding the chainsaw and vacuum cleaner, but Xikuan suddenly regretted it. Damn it, could this woman want to take away his license as well?

Just across the bedroom door that was not closed tightly, Jing Yang of course heard the movement in the living room and knew that the man with the hair tie who came to the door turned out to be from the Hunter Association and a professional hunter.

Colleagues, this is it!

The hunter's license in Jing Yang's hand is not his, so he is considered half a colleague...

He was a little curious. This man outside seemed not very bright.

So when Xiaodi chased him into the bedroom, Jingyang asked first, "How can you strengthen your mind when you are so stubborn?"

"Ah?" Xikuan rubbed his sore shoulders and was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

He took a closer look at the situation in the bedroom. The young man sitting in front of the computer... uh, young man?

The young man looked at him curiously, and there was a middle-aged man with a pale face and a lost soul sitting on his knees on the floor beside the bed.

The most important thing is the pair of eyeballs that are rising and falling in the jar full of solution on the table, those magnificent fiery red pupils.

This is absolutely unmistakable - this must be one of the seven most beautiful eyes in the world, right?

"Well, the strengthening system. So what?" Xikuan nodded, wondering what was going on in front of him?

He asked: "Are you also a professional hunter? In that case, how can you register a hunter's license in a residential area? Isn't this just causing trouble in vain?"

"Just mess with me. Adding trouble to this scumbag will help me feel better." Jing Yang pointed to the red eyes next to him and said succinctly, "I bought this guy for my collection. I'm doing justice for God. Just now it was just." implement."

So are you a crime hunter? Xikuan was a little ashamed. To be honest, among professional hunters, there were actually only a few people who sanctioned criminals or violations based on moral reasons - professional hunters themselves are a privileged class, and there are even very few professional hunters who have not stained their hands with blood. And who can guarantee that everyone he kills deserves to die?

However, other professional hunters are willing to punish evil and promote good, so he has nothing to say.

The first of the Ten Commandments of Hunters is "Hunters must have a hunting target." A hunter has no position to make irresponsible remarks on the hunting target decided by another hunter.

"Speaking of which, how on earth did you find out that someone logged in with a hunter's license card? And they came to the door so quickly?" Jing Yang was really curious.

Xikuan breathed a sigh of relief, took out the cigarette case from his arms, shook out a cigarette and pointed at the card reader in front of the keyboard, explaining: "Of course it's because of this. A hacker has cracked the card reader's program a long time ago. We made special software that can detect the hunter license landing signal. I happened to be nearby, and as soon as I found the signal, I rushed over."

He lit a cigarette and said seriously to Jing Yang: "I am a bounty hunter, so I know that there are several extremely vicious criminals who haunt this area. They..."

Glancing at Tut, who had a pale face and his hair falling all over the floor, Xikuan changed his explanation, "They all have the experience of attacking professional hunters! Now they must also know the signal of a hunter's license landing in this apartment. Experienced Hunters basically only use licenses on public networks, so signals like this are usually mistakes made by novice hunters, so they will definitely come to your door. I came here first to remind you to move quickly. "

"Oh, thank you for reminding me." Jing Yang nodded, but he actually didn't agree with it.

More powerful hunters would not take this seriously. For example, someone like Biyou might have extremely high hacking skills, and might be able to break the signal software in the card reader and block the signal.

Of course, the coolest thing is that Xiaojie’s father, Xiao Jin, was so virtuous that he just used the hunter’s license as toilet paper and threw it away without caring at all.

Xikuan was also a little depressed when he saw that the young hunter didn't take his warning seriously.

"On June 29, 1995, the Sixth Military Etiquette World Championship came to an end, and the champion was a blind girl from East Goto Country, Xiaomai! She is still winning! This is the third time she has won the world championship! The Triple Crown Champion is born! She is truly a genius girl who is unique in the military and chess world..."

Just a few days ago? Jing Yang continued to browse the news, and couldn't help but sigh when he saw the familiar name Xiaomai in the news and the blind snot-nosed girl in the photo who was similar but different from the comics.

Naturally, it reminds me of Wang Mai’s Love in the comics.

That is, the Ant King and the Wheat. Many readers and fans cried bitterly after reading this peerless sadomasochism, saying that this is the most romantic love story surpassing Romeo and Juliet...

Although Jing Yang was also moved in his previous life, in this life, he felt that if there was a chance, it would be better to keep this little girl as far away from the Ant King as possible.

Why did such a human genius have to die young?

However, it is still unknown whether the ant king will be born if he flaps his little butterfly wings...

Seeing the young hunter sitting in front of the computer in a daze, Xikuan saw it in his eyes and felt anxious in his heart. At this moment, the phone in his pocket vibrated. He took it out and took a look. He couldn't help being surprised. He hurried to the window and saw Downstairs, my good brothers who are also bounty (civilian) hunters have been scattered all over the floor, and they have all been eliminated!

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