When the Shadow Killer, the fanatical believer and imitator of Beat the Dike, was beaten into a pig's head and knelt in front of Jing Yang, Xikuan couldn't help but wonder whether the Beat the Dike family was as mysterious and powerful as the rumors.

"Beat the enemy's fans?" Jing Yang asked with interest.

The shadow killer was beaten all over his head and was silent.

Dare to attack a hunter's license holder, this shadow killer is certainly no ordinary rookie. In fact, judging from the size of the Qi on his body, this person should have all the sperm pores open all over his body. If he is not a natural person with the ability to awaken his mind, then he has been attacked by someone with his mind qi and the sperm pores all over his body were forcibly opened.

Considering that he was beaten by Jing Yang for a long time and was finally carried upstairs. He did not use any special telekinesis ability during the whole process, and basically had no basic skills such as Tao Jue training, then it is obvious that he is more inclined to the latter possibility.

Even though he can only be regarded as a semi-awakened little killer, his overall strength should not be underestimated, far superior to the Kaitou couple whose legs were broken by Xiaodi.

But in front of Jing Yang and Xiao Di, they naturally had no power to resist.

"In that case, if you don't go out to assassinate, why come here to join in the fun?" Jing Yang looked at the shadow killer and said, "Your idol shouldn't look like a mediocre person after beating up an enemy Hakka killer. A hunter’s license. I’ll imitate it a little bit more like it!”

The Shadow Killer looks like an ordinary young man, and his appearance is more like a killer than the real person who beats the enemy. He has a common face and no special temperament. I am afraid that no one will know this face after seeing it. What impression does it leave?

The popular-faced killer grumbled a few times, then reluctantly raised his swollen pig-headed face and asked, "Do you know how to beat up enemies?"

Jing Yang said: "I know you, but... I don't know you either!"

Xiaodi tilted her head. She felt that Jing Yang probably didn't bother to lie in front of such passers-by. In other words, what he said is true.

"Being a killer means beating up your enemies professionally. If you don't get paid, you won't work. In this regard, I have very professional ethics."

Jing Yang said sincerely, of course, this rule only seems to be valid for the ancestors, like the brothers Ilmi and Killua, who like to insert needles or take out people's hearts when they are in a good mood or in a bad mood.

"It's impossible for someone to pay you to make trouble, right? As a fan of Beat the enemy, your imitation is not up to par."

The public-faced killer couldn't help but blush, and wanted to argue, but the young man opposite asked again: "By the way, copycat, what's your name?"

"Jack." The killer muttered.

Even the name is so ordinary!

Just as Jack was about to say something sarcastic, Jing Yang suddenly attacked and hit him in the abdomen with a punch.

The severe pain caused cramps in his abdomen, and Jack's face, as swollen as a pig's head, became even more distorted.


Jing Yang slapped his chest with his palm, causing his shirt to crack.


Jack bounced around, hit the wall, and curled up into a ball.

Xikuan was a little surprised by Jing Yang's behavior as if he was venting his anger. He was stunned for a moment and then suddenly asked: "Do you really know someone who beats an enemy?"

Jing Yang glanced at him.

Xikuan held a cigarette in his mouth and said, "Don't look at me like this. I am also a professional hunter, and a bounty hunter. One of my targets is this so-called killer family."

As he spoke, he puffed out a puff of smoke coolly.

However, in Jing Yang's eyes, no matter how hard this man pretends to be cool, it can't change Jing Yang's inherent impression of him: in the comics, the one who took Wu Yangyang's younger brother to Kukulu Mountain, but was beaten up by the enemy Hakka family The 10-year-old trainee housekeeper almost killed everyone. In the end, he lost all his fighting spirit and stayed behind to guard the door for the enemies...

"I advise you to change your goal." Jing Yang gave advice.

Xikuan smiled and said, "That's not possible."

Jing Yang said: "Okay."

Don't blame me for not trying to persuade you! He rolled his eyes, stood up and said, "Can you help me? This is a mess. Let's deal with it."

Xiaodi followed his line of sight and looked around. The pair of phantom thieves whose legs were broken by him had already passed out. Now there were more shadow killers. If he stayed here longer, there might be other hunter licenses discovered. The person who sent the signal came to the door. At this moment, Tut, the tutor of the cram school, seemed to have aged 10 years out of thin air. Most of his hair fell out while shaking, and his face was full of vicissitudes of life.

"After cleaning up here, I have to rush to the next one." Jing Yang said, "What's that person's name? Big entrepreneur... Mark=Mate? A rich man, he must be more valuable."

Tut shivered even more.

He probably thought that he would be one of the garbage that Jing Yang said needed to be dealt with.

But Jing Yang didn't bother to talk to him. The collection of flaming eyes was not something that Jing Yang was so indignant that he had to get rid of quickly. What he said was that he just wanted Xian Kuan to help clear up the bounties of these criminals with bounties on their doorsteps. , Jing Yang also followed to learn the advanced experience, become familiar with the process, and estimate that he can use it in the future...

Suddenly, Shadow Killer Jack, who was crouched against the wall after being shot away by Jing Yang, turned over, smashed the window and jumped out.


Xikuan was shocked. This killer actually still had the ability to move?

Bang, I could vaguely hear the sound of falling to the ground downstairs.

Xikuan ran to the window and looked down. Jack was already lying downstairs. He struggled to get up and then limped away quickly, never looking up from the beginning.

Jack lowered his head, and his originally swollen pig's head quickly recovered, with a gloomy face, and he quickly disappeared into the shadows on the roadside.

"He's running pretty fast." Jing Yang also came over and took a casual look down, "You've already run away, so don't stand still. Come and help. Your brothers are still lying downstairs."

After Jing Yang and others left, Tut escaped from the apartment overnight, left the city, and changed his name.

"Why hasn't the bounty arrived yet?"

Jing Yang looked at his phone for a long time and then raised his head speechlessly.

This is a three-seat private room in an Internet cafe. Xikuan also occupies a machine. Hearing this, he was also speechless. "This is an official reward. There are many procedures to go through..."

"How long do we have to wait?" Xiaodi asked curiously.

"Usually three to five days," Xikuan said. "It depends on the seriousness of the wanted criminal and the situation of different departments in different countries."

The V5 in this world is much more powerful than the five gangsters in Jing Yang's previous life. In the world of hunters, the currency is unified and circulating, and bank savings can be withdrawn and used in different countries online and offline... It is a miracle to know something small. The currency is unified, and the wanted criminals are also unified. Once the list is drawn up, the captured wanted criminals can be submitted to the local government no matter which country they are in. If the local government cannot come up with the money, they can communicate directly with V5 and apply for a wave of justice assistance.

"Three to five days, it seems we won't be able to make up for the reimbursement." Jing Yang pouted. The hunter's license was inserted into the card reader. He confirmed the purchase of the latest information on the hunter website. With a click of the mouse, he spent another few hundred dollars. Wan Jini couldn't help but sigh to himself, "I still have to pay for it myself. Xiaoku, Xiaoku, what do you think you should pay back to the boss for what you owe me?"

"Entrepreneur Mark Mate's whereabouts in recent days..."

Xikuan saw what was on Jingyang's screen.

"I currently live in a villa under his name, located in Kaixuan City, Minbo Republic..."

Minbo Republic, Kaixuan City.

In front of the villa gate, a hooded man rang the access bell.

Soon, the access control screen lit up, revealing the face of a middle-aged man who looked like a butler, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

The hooded man raised his head, revealing the face of Shadow Killer Jack, and said seriously: "I have something extremely urgent, and I must inform Mr. Mark Meter."


strive to fail

Try again tomorrow

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