I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 152 Invitation Letter


A splash of blood flew across the corridor, and a severed arm whirled against the wall before bouncing off, leaving a splatter of blood.

The bulging-eyed fish's rapidly rotating sharp teeth are as sharp as a chainsaw. With a roar, it can directly cut off the arms of enemies coming from the side.

Buzz! Buzz!

The sharp teeth of the chainsaw were mixed with blood.

Only then did Xiaodi come face-to-face with her attacker.

This is a woman.

He has long black hair tied tightly behind his head, and a black suit that is no different from other bodyguards. The muscles of his limbs tighten the suit's long sleeves and trousers, which is full of explosive power.

This is the last of the four folk hunter bodyguards that Sima Kemet has hired for a long time.

The female bodyguard's eyes were filled with astonishment, and she obviously didn't expect that the materialized ability she was holding in her hand, which seemed to be able to only absorb objects, could be used in this way.

And he didn't expect that the other party also held a weapon in his other hand.

Just before he cut off the woman's arm with the sharp teeth of the bulging fish, he seemed to have bitten off something else... just like the invisible weapon in her other hand that was now used to pierce her chest. Same.

Xiaodi's chest was pierced.

She glanced down calmly. The opponent's weapon was invisible, which allowed her to clearly see the shape of the wound.

Is it an invisible sword?

"It's 'Yin'!" Over there, Jing Yang, who was fighting in close combat with Pa Wa, took a moment to glance over and shouted, "Xiao Di, you are too careless!"

Xiao Di secretly stuck out her tongue, raised her foot and kicked the opponent away, while her eyes gathered energy.

When he pulled away, there was no pain in the wound as when the sword was withdrawn. Only the blood suddenly surged out... Xiaodi looked closely and saw the hand of the female bodyguard who was tearing off a piece of clothing and tying up the broken arm to stop the bleeding. , an invisible long sword quickly disintegrated and merged into the aura of her body.

There is no way to disguise real items with "concealment".

In other words, this female bodyguard's telekinesis ability is to transform her own energy into a weapon?

Change system.

After turning Qi into a weapon, use the "hidden" blessing, and use the tactic of sneak attack and succeed in one blow.

When Xiao Di's thoughts flashed through her mind, the puncture wound on her chest had been quickly stopped by the star. The wound was healed and she recovered as before. Only a small hole in her clothes proved that she was really injured. .

The situation on the other side is even worse.

I don't know how long she had been observing in secret before she decided to make a surprise attack. As a result, she met a person like Xiaodi who carried a star mark on his body and was not afraid of getting hurt in exchange for injury.

The worst thing is Xiaodi's attack method, that weird vacuum cleaner, which can be opened and closed, but it is also very lethal.

It's completely unreasonable, just follow the direction of the danger and it's over!

This is a materialized object. Even if it is broken into pieces during a duel, it will not harm Xiaodi himself at all, and at most he will lose part of his energy.

Except that the attack range is a bit short, this weapon is simply the nemesis of melee assassins... The female bodyguard was dissatisfied, but she had to accept it. The girl with glasses opposite was too strong, and she actually smashed her transformed long knife with her arm. Break!

She stared at the chainsaw vacuum cleaner with blood on Xiaodi's hand with a pale face, very jealous.

"Instructions for Thousands of Weapons", this is her ability to change minds.

She can turn her energy into any weapon she touches.

Perhaps because of her childhood experience of having to hide a knife and fight with others in order to get a bite to eat, after her telekinesis ability was developed, the weapon she transformed would automatically have the effect of "invisibility".

It suited her perfectly.

In her opinion, only hiding weapons that have not been discovered can give her the confidence to protect herself.

And, the more weapons you master, the more peace of mind you can feel.

Seeing that the opponent's anger quickly turned into a "bulging-eyed fish", Xiaodi's expression, which remained unaffected even if he was stabbed, finally changed, revealing a look of surprise.

Buzz! Buzz!

The female bodyguard was carrying a "Protruding Fish" with one arm, and the sharp teeth on her head were also rotating rapidly. Seeing that Xiaodi was finally moved, she smiled proudly: "I can turn the weapons I encountered into myself. Yes, how is it, are you surprised?"

Xiaodi suddenly realized and said to herself: "I thought it could be turned into a weapon to hurt you..."

"However, the bulging-eyed fish is not a weapon." Xiaodi pushed the switch of the vacuum cleaner, "Suck in half of her blood - half of her blood."

This one named Pa Wa has really hard fists.

Through the ability of telekinesis, the fists are regarded as weapons to strengthen the increase. It is simply a pair of iron fists that strengthen +15.

Even with Jing Yang's "hard" thickness, being hit by such a fist would still hurt.

Jing Yang was not the kind of person who would show up on his face if he felt even a little bit in pain.

So in Pa Wa's eyes, it was like his fists that he beat with all his strength, but failed to injure the opponent at all.

How can this be!

What’s even more outrageous is that the boy’s fights became smoother and smoother. After adapting to the power of his fists, he gradually became able to accurately predict the landing point and actual power of his fists, and allocate just enough energy to perfect it. Defense is like there is a beaten mole in the "hardness" of the opponent's body, and your fist is forced to accurately hit this emerging mole every time.

Every time he was forced to hit a rough-skinned gopher, the opponent would take the opportunity to give him a hard punch.

After several rounds, Pa Wa was beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, but Jing Yang was still in high spirits and seemed to be getting more energetic the more he was beaten.

What a strong melee ability!

Pa Wa was speechless. It was obvious that this young man was not an enhancement type at all, yet he had developed such terrifying fighting skills. Could it be that he was a martial artist before becoming a telepathic person?

There is no way to find any flaws in this way, and even my own strengthening system cannot defeat the clever technique with strength. I am afraid that without more than ten years of practice in the cold and summer, there is no way to practice it.

But how old is this boy?

Pa Wa was punched in the face, her flesh twisted and undulated, and her whole body was beaten so hard that she couldn't help but fall back. Suddenly, with a sharp look in her eyes, she pulled out a short knife from behind her waist.


A cold light flashed, like lightning, piercing Jing Yang.

Jing Yang folded his palms in front of him.

With his current Qi defense, with his palms stacked like this, even sniper bullets may not be able to break through the defense, but this ordinary short knife penetrated the Qi on the outer layer of Jing Yang's palm, almost destroying both palms together. Pierce.

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air came from the side.


The roar of the chainsaw gradually faded away.

Jing Yang's eyes condensed, and he saw a chainsaw bulging-eyed fish blessed with "hide" hitting him.

Over there, the female bodyguard's broken arm continued to burst with blood, which was sucked away by small drops of bulging-eyed fish, and her face was already horribly pale.

Fortunately, she tied the broken arm to stop the bleeding from the beginning. The bulging-eyed fish cannot absorb things in the closed environment, unless the closed environment itself is simply sucked away - and the current closed environment is the female bodyguard herself, and the bulging-eyed fish cannot Suck away the living.

Under the strong suction of the bulging-eyed fish, the blood pressure at the wound on the female bodyguard's broken arm soared. When a trace of blood appeared, it was like a dam breaking, and the wound burst open and blood flew out, constantly being sucked away and swallowed by the weird vacuum cleaner.

Knowing that the defeat was certain, the female bodyguard tried her best to protect the injury from excessive blood loss, and at the same time, she smashed the chainsaw-head vacuum cleaner she transformed into Jing Yang.

Xiaodi was stunned for a moment, and the female bodyguard escaped.

Of course, Jing Yang would not be injured by the thrown chainsaw and vacuum cleaner, not to mention that this was a copycat.

"The power has become weaker." Jing Yang kicked the fake vacuum cleaner away, and the latter hit the wall. Even the buzzing and rotating chainsaw head failed to cut any exaggerated marks on the wall. "Her release system is not very good, so the power of the weapon is greatly reduced after being thrown - I guess she rarely changes hot weapons such as pistols, right?"

He turned around and asked the bodyguard named Pa Wa.

"Why should I tell you?" Pa Wa said to herself thoughtfully with a bruised face, "No wonder she rarely uses a gun..."

"I can hear you!" Jing Yang was speechless, waving his hands and saying, "Okay, okay, let's stop here. If we continue to fight, someone will be killed. You don't want to die, right?"

He checked Xiaodi's injury and found that it had healed long ago and was very good.

Pa Wa said with a cold face: "What qualifications do the invading thieves have to demand a truce?"

Jing Yang said: "Can someone who can chat and laugh with your boss be considered a thief?"

Pa Wa was stunned.

Before, it was because of the change in the situation at "Jing Jiejie" that Jing Yang chose to stop and fight with several bodyguards brought by Pa Wa - after all, the fight was probably going to be impossible soon, so why not hurry up and fight a dozen.

But I didn't expect that there was a bodyguard hiding in the dark.

How can a female bodyguard act like a killer if she doesn't personally protect her employer?

I couldn't find anyone, so I found Xiaodi!

Jing Yang looked at the severed arm in the pool of blood on the ground.

The pale female bodyguard tied up her broken arm and ran all the way to the boss's room. She broke in through the door and was stunned for a moment.

The boss had a solemn look on his face and was talking to the stranger who first came.

Two other hired folk hunters, Invers and Ruili, were also present, and the latter stared at the man with great dissatisfaction.

A little gray bird flew towards the boss's back with ill intentions...

The female bodyguard could tell at a glance that this little gray bird was not serious!

The boss doesn’t raise birds!

Brush, the female bodyguard's anger turned into a dagger, and she threw it away.

"Lead Po, no!"


Invers and Melody turned their heads when they heard the sound of the door being broken, and immediately exclaimed. However, the dagger thrown by the female bodyguard with Abo was automatically attached with "hidden", and it was thrown so fast and decisively that it was impossible to stop him.

It was impossible for Yanque to know how to see through the "condensation" of "hidden", so he was innocently stabbed in the air and nailed to the wall.

Small gray feathers are flying...

"Jack Jing" was speechless as he saw that due to the attack on Yanque's body, the "reflection" of the parasitic mind beast began to appear, and eight black arms grabbed Lian Abo as everyone watched in shock.

One of Lian Apo's arms was cut off by Xiaodi, and his blood was sucked by the bulging-eyed fish. His whole body was covered in blood, so he naturally had no shortage of food to use.

The "reflection" rubbed her body casually and picked up blood droplets to swallow.


The "reflection" disappeared and reappeared behind Lian Abo like a ghost, attached to his whole body like black armor.

"What's this?!"

He tried to pull Abo to struggle, but it was of no use.

Once the parasitic mind beast meets the triggering conditions, even Nitro will have to wait until it is full before taking any countermeasures, let alone a folk hunter like her?

The "Reflection" wrapped the female bodyguard tightly and scanned her whole body. After sweeping away her largest level of manifest thoughts, she quietly disappeared and returned to Yanque's body.

The flying dagger of the female bodyguard disappeared quickly after leaving the body, and Yanque's injuries had healed on their own with the blessing of the star. At this moment, he was chirping with anger, shouting around the female bodyguard, but actually did not dare to get close.


"Jack Jing" rolled his eyes at it.

The female bodyguard was so tired that she fell to the ground. She had lost a lot of blood due to being tortured by Xiaodi, but now she had so much mental energy sucked away. She immediately felt dizzy, her vision went black, and she fell to the ground softly.

"So, why are you so impulsive?"

Through the broken door, Jing Yang walked in, followed by Xiao Di and the suspicious and vigilant bodyguard Pa Wa.

After entering the door, Jing Yang nodded with "Jack Jing" sitting in the room.

With the melody of "Spring in the Wilderness" that forcibly makes people feel Buddhist and calm, "Jack Jing" in this room quickly had a calm conversation with the rich man Si Marco Met.

"Jing Jiejie" said that I am here to ask for the fiery red eyes, so I will be gentle and elegant, so that I will not go back and forth in vain.

The rich man said no, no, I am using this thing.

This question made Jing Yang understand the problem. Other scumbags got red eyes and used them for collection. How could this rich man "use" them? What's the use of these eyes?

It can't be a bar with food and drinks, that would be too perverted.

"Jing Jiejie" changed his expression at that time, summoned Yanque, and planned to give the rich man some time without noticing. He would first use the star to control it, and then he could decide whether it was round or flat...

But I didn't expect that the female bodyguard suddenly rushed in, ruining the good atmosphere.

"Where did the conversation go?" Jing Yang walked over in a swaggering manner, looking very quiet.

He was asking "Jack Jing".

Obviously, there is no need to let other people here know that he is "Jack Jing" and "Jack Jing" is himself.

Xiaodi gently put the severed arm she picked up on the unconscious female bodyguard, and Wenwen walked quietly to Jingyang's side. His expression was as active as a mad rabbit and as quiet as a virgin, which made Paiwa who shouted at him was shocked. tingling.

"You are..." The rich man Si Ma Ke looked at Jing Yang.

"Oh, I'm the leader." Jing Yang kicked "Jack Jing" away, "What a look, the boss is here, you don't know how to give up your seat, right?"

Kick yourself, this is really a new experience.

Seeing "Jing Jiejie" being kicked away, but getting up without saying a word and standing behind Jing Yang, Si Mark and others couldn't help but remain silent.

But the melody is very strange. Why is the rhythm of the heartbeats of this man who calls himself the boss so similar to this "Ross"?

What's even more strange is that even the boss should have reacted when he was kicked away in public like this - there should be no reaction on the surface, but there should be some fluctuations in his heart. But the heartbeat of "Jack Jing" was as calm as water, without any change, as if... he knew from the beginning that his boss would kick him like this.

Mind-reading master, have you mastered your magical powers?

Jing Yang glanced at Melody out of the corner of his eye, and when he saw the thoughtful look in the little fat man's eyes, he knew that she had probably heard something from the heartbeats of himself and "Jack Jing".

Si Mark sighed: "There is nothing to hide. I found Melody this time for the same thing."

"Fiery Red Eyes...you think of me as a pervert who likes to collect human organs, right?" He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How could I have the leisure to do so! I bought this pair of flaming red eyes not to collect for myself, but to give away to others. .I am troubled by this!"

As he spoke, Si Mark took out something that looked like an envelope, which turned out to be a wedding invitation.

"I'm not interested in human organs, but this big boss is very interested. I'm just following his preference, and I have no choice but to do it... If I want to get to where I am in Minbo's business world, I won't have to deal with these gangsters. It’s impossible. So I really can’t hand over these flaming red eyes to you right now..."

Jing Yang couldn't help but feel speechless as he listened.

Why, one after another, when you find a pair of flaming eyes, come to the next pair, and let your friends run around!

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