I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 155 Naniga’s life is also life

"I remember grandpa said that he has a unique skill called Long Xingqun..."

In the courtyard of the Kurulu Mountain villa, Killua, who was hanging on the power grid and feeling bored, caught a glimpse of the figures flying down to the back mountain in the sky, and recognized one of them as Grandpa Jienuo.

"I always feel that grandpa is bragging. How can he make countless punches from the sky and fall together like meteors?"

Killua's body was filled with electricity, but there was no pain on his face, only curiosity and doubt about what Zeno had said before.

"Killua, grandpa never boasts." From the side, Killua's mother Jiju replied.

She was wearing a large sun hat and a waist dress like a Victorian lady. The most peculiar thing was that she wore a cold mechanical electronic eye on her face, which looked like an X-Men laser eye, covering her soft face. Most of it, but the lower half of her face, rosy lips, and delicate jawline are exposed, all revealing the beauty of her entire face - in fact, this can be seen on the faces of her children.

Not only Killua, but also Kurt who sat across from her was handsome. Moreover, Kurt was deliberately dressed like a girl by her, wearing a rare kimono. She was as quiet and beautiful as Princess Kaguya in the storybook.

Ji Qiu was very satisfied. She liked her daughters, but all she gave birth to were sons, so she could only make up for it slightly.

There is a table on the grass. Next to the table is Killua, the 7-year-old third son who is hanging on the power grid to practice. At the table, she and 5-year-old Curt were eating afternoon tea and chatting.

"Mom has seen grandpa's move of the Dragon Star Group with her own eyes." Ji Qiu drank the black tea, and on the electronic glasses on his face, a red light spot like Hal lit up quietly, "When the time comes for you to practice, Naturally you will know what is going on.”

"Oh." Killua was so shocked that he looked peaceful and curled his lips secretly.

As Curt ate the biscuits, he thought about the knowledge related to telekinesis that his mother taught him during the two years when Killua left home to train in the Sky Arena.

And no one in the family has told Killua even a few words about caring.

The main reason is that his father has reached some kind of deal with his eldest brother Ilmi, agreeing to postpone Killua's telekinesis training.

On the other hand, it is also because the whole family believes that with Killua's talent, even if he delays learning telekinesis for a few years, it is not a big deal and will not affect his ultimate future.

The ability to read thoughts exists in the heart and is closely related to everyone's life experience.

Learning early or late may not necessarily be related to final achievement.

Some people may have laid the foundation since childhood, awakened at a young age and opened up all the sperm holes in their body. However, they slowly disappeared from the crowd and failed to achieve much.

Some people may have become a monk halfway through middle age, but because of the accumulation in the first half of their lives, they will soar into the sky once they awaken. This is the so-called accumulation.

Curt knew that his eldest brother, Ilmi, had planted a mind needle in Killua's mind.

This must not be something that seriously affects Killua's mind, otherwise none of his father, mother and grandfather would allow it.

But it must have had an impact on Killua.

Ilmi wants to completely control Killua, and the rest of the family also hopes that Killua can break through the obstacles set by Ilmi. Once successful, the future prospects may be truly limitless...

Kurt thought so, ate the biscuits silently, and took a sip of tea.

Suddenly, he heard a subtle sound from his mother's glasses.

The red dots on Ji Qiu's laser-like glasses flashed. From her perspective, a surveillance screen was called up from the screen of the glasses. The scene on the screen was exactly what was happening at the door of her home.

If someone opens the second trial door or above, she will also receive a prompt.

The people in the surveillance picture were three outsiders.

Three, four, and five doors of trials were opened respectively.

Jiju took a second look at the group of young men and women who pushed open the fourth and fifth trial doors, especially the latter.

Black-haired girl wearing glasses.

This reminded her of her own youth.

I have to say that this girl's temperament is somewhat similar to when she was a girl.

The one who pushed open the third trial door quickly left and came to the mountains.

Ji Qiu didn't say anything. She would check on these situations, but it didn't mean that she would personally intervene. Having so many housekeepers and servants in the family is not just for fun.

At this person's level, he doesn't even need a formal butler, a trainee butler can probably handle it properly.

The bounty hunter who was properly treated was Xian Kuan, with his head beaten into a pig's head, covered in wounds, and came back in despair.

In front of the door of the trial, Jing Yang, who was playing with San Mao, the guard dog who was as good as a puppy, looked at him, turned around and asked Jie Bu Rong, "Didn't you say you would be treated as a guest?"

"This..." Jie Bu Rong couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"It's okay, I had to force my way in." The thin voice was even leaking, probably because a few teeth had been beaten and missing, and there were gaps in the swollen eyes, showing unwillingness and dejection, " She's just a little girl...much younger than you, but I actually..."

Oh, it was probably the trainee housekeeper Kanalia who beat him.

That's the little housekeeper girl who beat Xiaojie into a pig's head in the comics.

Jing Yang thought that the process was slightly different but the ending was still the same. Xikuan did not bring a hundred or so boys to the door this time, but he was still beaten to death. The difference was that this time he did not have to beat up the enemy Hakka family to save his life. The guard at the gate is a guest after all. Although it is not polite to force his way in, he has beaten him. Beating an enemy guest is not so scoundrel, and he has to be killed.

This is a family of professional killers. Killing is a chargeable matter, so you have to pay extra.

Being beaten like this by a 10-year-old girl, Xikuan's self-esteem and self-confidence were obviously greatly frustrated. But fortunately, with Jingyang and Xiaodi's blows in front of him, he didn't seem to doubt life to the point of giving up.

After leaving Kurulu Mountain, we had a meal together in a restaurant in a nearby town, and Xikuan left alone in a taciturn tone.

Jingyang and Xiaodi spent the afternoon wandering around as if they were traveling to relax, and finally looked at the outline of Kokulu Mountain from a distance in the car heading to the airport.

In the end, I didn't see anyone beating up the enemy.

This is also a normal thing. He has no friendship with this killer family. It is impossible for him to come out to meet a stranger who opens the door for no reason.

As for Killua, not to mention whether that boy Killua has the leisure to pay attention to the movement of a small trial gate in the huge Mount Kuru, let’s talk about whether Killua still remembers him. , Jing Yang didn't have much hope - after reading the comics, he knew that Killua, aside from his identity as a genius killer, actually looked like an ordinary kid, and sometimes he was quite childish.

For children, it is normal for passers-by to just meet once at the Sky Arena and forget about them when they get home.

Killua is easy to deal with, but the difficult thing is his "Wishmaker" Alluga, who I don't know whether he is a younger brother or a younger sister...

Even if Jing Yang wants to leave a final escape route for the troubles in his heart, he must find a way to get on the line with Alluka, the all-powerful wishing girl.

Strictly speaking, he understands Alluka's situation better than anyone else in the Hakka family at this time except Killua.

Killua did not tell his family all the rules about Alluga, or Naniga's abilities.

Jing Yang, however, knows everything about it - at least he is fairly clear about the rules of Naniga's abilities that have been revealed in the comics.

Naniga can be seen as the second personality hidden in Aluka, a foreign life form inhabiting his body.

Once certain conditions are met, Naniga can grant any of your wishes.

As far as the comic content that Jing Yang has read in his previous life, as of the latest cutoff time, there is no sign to prove that there is a limit to the scope of Naniga's wish fulfillment.

Probably the kind that can satisfy any wish...

From Jing Yang's point of view, it is a bit outrageous that with such an invincible Wishing Girl, the whole family of Beat Di Ke can't do anything about a small dual personality problem and has not solved it properly at all... You guys Wouldn't it be nice to make a wish and let this child with dual personality develop a clone ability?

Moreover, the manga Richia clearly stated how he learned the rules of Naniga's abilities.

He made a wish directly to Naniga and asked Naniga to tell him the secret about Naniga...

Jing Yang didn't understand. Is it difficult to do it again?

The whole family is so smart, but they never thought of learning from Killua's children's advanced experience, and also looking for an opportunity to make a wish to Naniga, and package and download a complete instruction manual for "Wishmaker"?

As long as one can fully understand the rules and properly use Naniga's abilities, whether it is dual personality or other problems, there will be a solution.

And the current solution to beat the enemy and the Hakka family stands out in an outrageous way...

Jing Yang shook his head secretly, but precisely because of the outrageous tactics of beating up the enemy's Hakka family, even if he wanted to help, there was nothing he could do.

First of all, how did I know Aluka?

He beat up the enemy and locked up Yalujia. How did outsiders know about him? Not to mention Jing Yang, an outsider, it is still unknown whether Killua still remembers his precious brother/sister...

If it were other times, it wouldn't matter if Jing Yang did good deeds without leaving his name. Just treat it as a fan mentality of a comic reader, and we can just check in as a souvenir.

But not this time.

If he wanted to help Alluka solve the problem, he had to let the enemies know that he was helping. Even if it wasn't to make them owe a favor, he could at least establish a friendship and make it easier to ask for help in the future.

So it’s back to the beginning, he has to get to know Aluka first.

But Killua may not even "know" Alluka, so how could he know him?

If we follow the timeline of the comics, we have to wait until about 5 to 6 years later, in the Chimera Ant chapter, when Killua pulls out the telepathy needle from his head and then remembers that there is an Alluka in his family... that time I am confident that I can at least become familiar with Killua and even Gon, but what I am not confident about is whether my heart problem can last until then.

"Time waits for us!"

Looking at the sea of ​​rolling clouds outside the window, under which the outline of the distant Kukulu Mountain could be vaguely seen, Jing Yang let out a low sigh.

At this moment, he and Xiaodi were already on the return airship.

Seeing the emotion on his face, Xiaodi was a little confused.

Jing Yang held her little hand and said seriously: "I can't say, in the end I have to use my trump card."

"What?" Xiaodi was confused.

Money ability!

Jing Yang made up his mind, if it didn't work out, he would just spend the money.

Just spend money to hire someone to beat up your enemies!

My friend is worth more than 2 billion now, so he can still afford to hire a killer to beat up enemies... right?

I want to hire your third son, Killua, by name.

Or even more simply, I will name the fourth child of your family, Alluka!

…It’s a bit risky.

Then after hiring Killua, find an opportunity to complain to him that you wanted to hire Alluka but failed.

Killua will definitely ask when the time comes, who is this Aruga? I'm right! Aluka is my sister. How could I forget to pinch her?

Jing Yang can take advantage of the situation and be shocked. Can you forget your biological brother? Could it be that someone did something to your brain? Do you want me to show you? Ouch, I'll blanch you. There's a needle in your brain. I'll help you pull it out. Is it okay?

Killua must be gnashing his teeth. He even knows about the Dragon Stars, but doesn't he know that his eldest brother Ilmi is playing with needles all day long like the Invincibles of the East? You can guess what his good brother did to his brain!

After helping Killua such a big favor, Killua's kid will definitely not talk to him. When the time comes, he only needs to learn a little from another kid, Gon, and shamelessly follow Killua to the enemy's lair. I am Qi. Who am I to be afraid of, Ya’s friend? Hand over Aluka, hand over Naniga! Alluka's life is also a life, Naniga's life is also a life!

problem solved!

...The imagination was so beautiful and smooth that Jing Yang couldn't help but find it funny.

Xiaodi tilted her head to observe him.

Jing Yang pinched her cheek and sighed: "Keep practicing! He's numb and too weak. He doesn't even dare to go deep into Kukulu Mountain. It's really embarrassing."

Even Xikuan had the courage to run into the mountains to fight the enemy, but Jingyang was stronger but stopped at the door of the trial without moving.

Because he understands better than Xikuan how terrifying it is to beat the monsters in the enemy's lair.

Ji Ge, Jie Nuo, Xi Ba, Ji Qiu, Yi Mi... one by one, they are all abnormally strong. Don't talk about them, even Mi Ji, the fat house's second son, may not be his opponent.

The most important thing is that this group of people are professional killers first before they become capable masters.

The world's top professional killer.

In front of the world's top killer, a nest of masters of telekinesis, Jing Yang will never take risks easily unless he has a certain ability to protect himself.

Do you want to pin your life and death on kindness or indifference that may not come from beating up enemies?

If Jing Yang was alone, he might have taken a gamble and made a lot of money if he won the bet. If he lost the bet, he might not die even if he had a star protection... But he would never take his little one with him. Drop together.

Before his strength can be improved to his satisfaction, Jing Yang will not recklessly take Xiaodi close to the depths of Kukulu Mountain. It would be like stretching his neck to get closer. Whether the knife falls or not depends on the beating. Who can bear the thoughts of enemies and guests?

And what kind of strength can be called the strength that satisfies oneself...

There are plans to get a hunter's license early next year, so I'll ask Nitro about it then.

The sky was dark, and the airship landed at Sky City Airport.

Under the starry night sky, the Sky Arena is like a brightly lit torch, standing straight in front of the field of vision.

The next step is to practice quietly and wait for the arrival of the poster challenge.

"Let's go." Jing Yang held hands with Xiao Di and walked to the sky arena easily without a backpack. At the same time, he used the armor ring to contact Kurapika. Will this young man also trigger the running ring? Find A pair of fiery red eyes will know the news of the next pair, so you will be busy to no end...

The rock bird chirped and followed the two of them in the night.

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