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Chapter 157 What Flying Thunder God?

Although all races exist in the Hunter World, similar to Asians, blacks, whites, etc. in the previous life, there is even a small island country called Liben in translation!

But Jing Yang has been in this world for so long that he is sure that he has never seen a few buddies with dark skin and thick lips.

"Dear viewers, the much-anticipated Host Challenge is about to begin!"

"The star player Zhen Yuanzi, who has 10 wins and 0 losses in 10 games, challenges the host on the 244th floor - Meng Lynch = Zhuoluo! What kind of sparks will these two strong men collide with? Is a new host about to be born, or is it... The young master has seen how big the world is, his edge has been thwarted, and he has suffered his first defeat in this sky arena?"

"let us wait and see!"

The huge and lively venue echoed with the sweet voice of the beautiful host, and the atmosphere was fully mobilized. Waves of applause, cheers and whistles came one after another.

Under the spotlight, Jing Yang and "Yin Beast Purple Ape" Meng Linqi Zhuo Luo entered the ring on both sides.

Jing Yang is over 1.5 meters tall and has a childish appearance. His limbs and body do not look thick at first glance, but appear to be thin and slender. Opposite him, Hei Ge Zi Yuan, who is standing with his hands in his trouser pockets, is about 1 meter tall. He was 8 in height and looked at Jing Yang with his head slightly lowered in a relaxed and casual manner, giving people a sense of careless oppression.

At least the referee on the side felt quite oppressive and couldn't help but sweat forming on his forehead.

It’s really hard to be a referee for these superhuman experts!

"You're pretty good for coming here with ten wins out of ten, little guy." Zi Yuan said with a smile, "Actually, there's no need to apply to challenge the poster. This way you can maintain a glorious record. Otherwise, you'll lose to me. Postmaster, even the title of 'little poster' seems embarrassing."

Jing Yang seemed not to have heard and asked, "Xiao Hei, have I seen you somewhere?"

Xiaohei? The corners of Zi Yuan's eyes twitched.

"Ah!" Jing Yang suddenly remembered, "Yin beast?"

Zi Yuan's expression suddenly changed slightly, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and asked: "Oh, a boy like you has also heard of the Yin Beast?"

"Ahem! You two..." The referee looked at the two people to confirm the status of the game, and finally raised his palms and announced loudly, "Then, player Zhen Yuanzi versus player Meng Linqi, the game begins!"

The dark auditorium all around suddenly erupted in roaring waves!

However, neither Jing Yang nor Zi Yuan moved in the ring.

Purple Ape relies on its own strength and identity and is unwilling to take the lead in bullying others.

Jing Yang was thinking, how could a Yin beast become the landlord of the building instead of being a bodyguard for the ten old men?

However, it is rare to encounter a live Yin Beast. If you can find an opportunity to control it with a star, it may not be a useful vest - at least a character who can collect intelligence from the gangsters and even the ten old men. As for what information to collect, Jing Yang hasn't thought about it yet.

"It seems that the two players are quite cautious and are still checking each other's momentum?"

The referee hid under the ring and continued to explain without saying anything. He wanted to bring the topic to the faces of the two people on the stage. What are you looking at? Come on, hit you!

Jing Yang said: "Why don't you show your 'practice'?"

The corners of Zi Yuan's eyes couldn't help but twitch again, and his anger began to rise.

Jing Yang's word "show me practice", generally speaking, is what the stronger seniors among the telekinesis users say to the weaker juniors. It is a general term for asking the other party to show what they have learned when giving instructions.

Zi Yuan sneered: "Don't be confused, kid, you are the challenger, and it is you who should show off——"


Before he could finish his words, Jing Yang, who was opposite him, had already released his anger, which shocked him so much that he swallowed the second half of his words back in his throat.

The referee who was close to the ring felt even more deeply. An invisible strong wind surged out from the player Zhen Yuanzi on the stage, and his aura suddenly became serious and terrifying, so much so that he did not even dare to look directly into his eyes.

This kid's anger... is much stronger than in the video!

Ziyuan was secretly surprised. It had only been a few months, how could there be such an exaggerated improvement?

A layer of Qi as strong as thick armor, as stable as a rock, wrapped around Jing Yang's body.

Jing Yang moved his feet, assuming a fighting stance, and acknowledged: "You are right. So, come on?"

As he spoke, he raised his hands.

Zi Yuan's anger welled up. Is this brat looking down on others too much?

"court death!"

Zi Yuan let out a low shout, and the energy wrapped around his body suddenly surged, with terrifying momentum. He took one step forward, crossed several meters away, and punched Jing Yang in the face.

When Jing Yang raised his hand to parry, the thick Qi from Zi Yuan's fist suddenly surged out, stretched out with a "whoosh", bypassed Jing Yang's arms, and punched Jing Yang away from the side.


Jing Yang spun around and flew backwards, pressed the ring, turned over and jumped to his feet.

"Change system?" He looked across the way. The Qi on the purple ape's fist stretched half a meter and turned into a furry fist, like a strong and powerful ape arm.

It was this ape arm that was stretched and transformed by the thought energy, and it curved around and gave Jing Yang a sneak attack!

However, the side of Jing Yang's temple where he was hit just now did not leave any injuries from the hit.

Jing Yang is not Hisoka. He likes to hook up without using the "hard", break his arms when he wants, and give them away when he wants.

At the beginning of the battle, Jing Yang activated the maximum "hardness".

Judging by visual inspection, the energy of this Black Brother Yin Beast is estimated to be close to 20,000 Qi.

The opponent may be of the transformation type, and his fists and kicks are quite destructive in close combat, but it is not to the point where a casual punch can break through Jing Yang's defense - not to mention that Jing Yang's total mind power exceeds the opponent's, and his "hardness" is not Not weak.

After all, he is a Yin beast and the owner of the building. Being able to have such strength is not beyond Jing Yang's expectation.

But Jing Yang's strength far exceeded the opponent's expectations.

His unexpected Ape God Fist failed to break the opponent's body-protecting mind energy? Zi Yuan's expression turned cold, and he pressed towards Jing Yang again like a giant human-shaped thought ball.

The same punch again!

The same straight punch again? Did you think you could make a second sneak attack? Jing Yang suddenly felt that some kind of aura seemed to appear out of thin air behind him, and at the same time, the aura of the purple ape in front of him weakened.

"Condensation"! Jing Yang gathered more energy into his eyes.

The purple ape punching him in front of him suddenly turned into a purple-haired gibbon. It screamed strangely, continued the purple ape's attack, and slapped him with its claws.

"It's a mind beast!"

In the auditorium, there was naturally no shortage of other 200-level players who came to watch the game. These people are all people with telekinesis abilities, and there are many people who have the insight to recognize telekinesis beasts.

As bystanders, they naturally saw clearly what happened on the field.

Master Meng Linqi feigned a frontal attack, but released a purple-haired ape-shaped mind beast behind Zhen Yuanzi.

Just when Zhen Yuanzi was about to parry Meng Linqi's attack from the front, Meng Linqi exchanged positions with the ape mind beast released behind Zhen Yuanzi!

The ape swung its claws at Zhen Yuanzi from the front, and Meng Linqi, who was behind Zhen Yuanzi, certainly would not miss the opportunity. He concentrated strong thoughts with one punch, and the thoughts changed into the shape of the ape's claws, enhancing the destructive power. , swung at Zhen Yuanzi's back mercilessly, and attacked front and back with the mind beast!

"Meeting stars are like the wind".

The star mark under the collar on the back of Jing Yang's neck was activated, and he entered a state of half-thought, with a sapphire-like glimmer flowing in his eyes.


A flash of lightning flashed past, and the dull sound of fists and flesh strikes sounded in the ring.

With the entire audience watching, the host Meng Linqi, who for some reason teleported behind Zhen Yuanzi to launch a sneak attack, was beaten back and forth.

In the middle of the ring, Zhen Yuanzi's action of spinning a kick in the air has not yet ended... But at a level invisible to the ordinary audience, in the eyes of the 200-level players watching the game, Zhen Yuanzi not only beat the poster at an incredible speed Meng Linqi counterattacked and kicked away. At the same time, he clamped the claws of the ape mind beast that was attacking from the front with one hand. He spun around in the air and smashed it to the ground.


Purple Ape stepped on the edge of the ring and the bricks shattered.


The ape mind beast smashed a crack into the ring, and then bounced high - whoosh, the position of the ape mind beast flashed by, replaced by the purple ape itself.

He punched Jing Yang in the air, who was not far away.

The mental energy from the fist surged out in large quantities, turning into giant ape claws, ruthlessly tearing at Jing Yang.

At the same time, the ape mind beasts that he exchanged to the side of the ring were not idle either. Their long hairs trembled and flew, and after falling, they turned into smaller monkeys that looked younger.

"The Nian Beast has divided into more Nian Beasts?"

"This is too shameless!"

"Is this the level of the original poster?"

The contestants on the 200th floor who were watching the competition were all surprised, not only by the sophistication and complexity of this poster’s telekinesis ability, but also by the strength of his telekinesis power.

Before Jing Yang hit the ground, unable to parry or dodge, the huge claws ripped from the air by the purple ape slammed to the ground.

The place where the purple ape that attacked him just now turned into a small monkey mind beast.


Jing Yang grabbed the ground with his hands and feet, and as soon as he stood up, another gust of wind came from the side!

However, Jing Yang twisted away the sneak attack claw from the side at an incredible angle. With eyes like eyes on the back of his head, he pulled Zi Ape's claw with one hand and slashed towards Zi Ape's throat with one palm.

Just when Jing Yang's sharp hand knife was about to cut off his throat, the purple ape that he grabbed in front of him changed shape and turned into a little monkey mind beast.


Jing Yang's hand knife cut into the neck of the little monkey Nian Beast, and the latter quickly turned into a ball of Nian Qi and dissipated.

Looking around, he was surrounded by dozens of densely packed monkey mind beasts.

And the Yin Beast Purple Ape, as well as his initial Nian Beast Gibbon, are hidden in it...

"Hehehe, you must be thinking, it's impossible, how could someone create so many mind beasts? There must be some special rules!" Purple Ape's laughter came from different positions in the monkey group, and he It seems that he is constantly changing places with the mind beast, "Yes! There are indeed rules that make me feel very uncomfortable, but can you solve it? If you can solve it, even I will feel..."

Jing Yang's expression remained unchanged. When he turned around and looked around, the thought energy from his body had already flowed out.

"...I'll also feel a headache!"

Whoosh, Ziyuan changed positions with one of the little monkeys, and launched another sneak attack, but suddenly his expression suddenly changed. The energy that swept over his body...is this "Yuan"? This kid has mastered the "circle"?

He really had a headache now!

The "Yuan" released by Zhen Yuanzi enveloped the entire arena without any blind spots.


Jing Yang caught Zi Yuan's fist without looking back, and said suddenly: "So that's it, there are only three real little monkey mind beasts! The rest are empty shells made by you using transformation skills!"

Damn "Yuan"!

Zi Yuan gritted his teeth and raised his knee to hit him. Before he could touch Jing Yang, the latter struck first and knocked Zi Yuan away with a punch.

Whoosh, the purple ape that was beaten away was replaced by a little monkey mind beast.

"Even so, can you tell which one is which at any time?"

The densely packed real and fake monkeys around them all smiled slyly and made sounds like panoramic surround sound.

Jing Yang's eyes suddenly turned blind, and he almost wanted to plug his ears with his fingers.

He estimated that with this Yin beast's telekinesis ability, he would probably be shocked to death by the sound of Beiwo Jin's voice... Even if you can change your body, your body will still exist nearby. Bei Wojin is full of strengthened telekinesis energy. After the "lion's roar" shocked his movements and exposed his figure, his next fate was probably to be punched in the head.

Jing Yang would not punch him in the head.

But no matter how Zi Yuan uses the real and fake little monkey teleportation beasts as a springboard for teleportation, and no matter how superbly he launches surprise attacks on Jing Yang from all directions like the Flying Thunder God, it is useless.

The "circle" that enveloped the entire arena and the "shooting star like wind" star mark on the back of his neck made Jing Yang almost enter a state of freedom and ultimate willpower.

The movements of the purple ape, the trajectory of the shot, the direction of the attack...

One by one, Jing Yang's thoughts were clearly reflected in Jing Yang's mind, and in an instant, when Jing Yang's thoughts arose, his body also reacted naturally, sometimes pulling the opponent and giving him an elbow, sometimes turning around and kicking him in the face. Flying, sometimes turning around and punching hard, sometimes taking a side step to dodge, and hitting the opponent's flying body with a knee...

So under the gaze of the entire audience, there was a scene like this. Contestant Zhen Yuanzi stood in the middle of the ring and remained unchanged in response to all changes, while Meng Linqi, the host who should have calmly defended the ring, surrounded Zhen Yuanzi and kept " "Flash", constantly attacking from various angles, but being resolved one by one by Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi did not show much fatigue, but the poster seemed to be getting more and more embarrassed...

The vast majority of the audience was stunned.

The referee was stunned, and so were the players on the 200th floor. Who is the landlord?

Zhehao was not surprised by this result.

Although his brother Zheluo, who came to watch the match with him, had a look of disbelief on his face, Zhehao, who had witnessed Zhen Yuanzi's fight with Hunter Association President Nitro at the top of the mountain of Xianshui Mountain, understood deeply that Zhen Yuanzi's fighting skills His superb skills, and his martial arts talent are so outstanding that they are enviable... Of course, this may be the result of Zhen Yuanzi using some kind of telekinesis ability, but who can say that this is not considered a martial arts talent?

Although this poster is powerful, his own strength does not exceed Zhen Yuanzi. He still wants to surpass Zhen Yuanzi in close combat. He is really thinking too much.

Jing Yang put away the "Yuan", closed his eyes, dodged the fist coming from the side slowly and quickly, blocked the opponent's extended and changing claws, and pushed it away with an elbow.

"Oh? Why don't you use the substitute technique?"

Jing Yang was surprised that this time it was actually a real touch, instead of being replaced by a little monkey mind beast at the last moment.

Bang bang bang!

All the mind beasts in the ring disappeared. At some point, together with the one that Jing Yang had just hit, there were two purple apes left in the ring.

The original Gibbon Nian Beast lost all its hair and turned into the appearance of a purple ape.

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