I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 11 The magician happened to pass by

"The words on the four corners of my mask mean 'Chaotic Goodness'. Hers means 'Practice Medicine for Heaven'."

While waiting for coffee and dessert, Jing Yang pointed at the Chinese characters on his and Xiao Di's masks.

The female reporter sitting across from me took a quick note and asked: "I can probably understand the word "practicing medicine for heaven". It means that you think you are treating diseases and saving people in place of some kind of justice, right?"

Seeing the masked man nodding slightly, she asked again: "If that's the case, then your intentions are obviously very kind, so why do you add the word 'chaos' to your kindness?"

Jing Yang said: "We will save those who we are willing to save and have the ability to save."

The female reporter kept writing and nodded: "Instead of saving the people who need your rescue, or the people who ask for your help, the standard of judgment is you, so you depreciate yourself, or call yourself 'chaotic kindness'?"

"Just leave yourself a way out." The masked man said, "It would be bad if you have to be a saint when someone picks you up."

The female reporter smiled and cheered: "You can't be a saint if you leave a way out in your heart. But in this way, I don't know whether I should ask many of the questions I prepared - for example, do you have any diseases? Can any injury be cured?”

I don’t know if I should ask you, but don’t ask. Jing Yang thought to himself.

"And, according to my interviews and surveys, in the 17 days since the beginning of this month, you have appeared in 13 hospitals in three cities 19 times. In these 19 times, you have treated a total of 720 people. Most of them are seriously injured, amputated or hemiplegic people who are unable to cope with current medical methods. The large number of people you have rescued in these more than half a month and the great help you have made every medical staff in the 13 hospitals admire you. To the extreme, hundreds of families are grateful to you, and government departments in three cities have no way to commend you..."

"We are not your boss, so don't report here." The masked man tapped his fingers on the table.

At this time, the waiter had brought over the hot drinks and desserts they ordered, placed them on the table in front of Jingyang Xiaodi, put away the plates and looked at the female reporter sitting opposite.

"I personally admire your actions very much, so I won't complain." The female reporter smiled and said to the waiter cheekily, "One cup of Sasquatch coffee, thank you."

The waiter nodded and left.

The female reporter made up her mind to wait a little longer. When she looked back, she saw that the two people opposite him actually lifted up the lower half of their masks, exposed their respective mouths, and drank hot drinks calmly - both of them had clear-cut chins, with nothing superfluous. The man is a bit tougher, while the woman is delicate yet feminine; another thing they have in common is that, looking at their skin full of collagen, they are certainly not very old, surprisingly not even more than 20 years old. Years old - But, your mask actually has two parts? Could it be that it was specially made for this situation? That’s so thoughtful, that’s all I can say!

Jing Yang and Xiao Di drank and ate calmly, their masks stretched forward at the tips of their noses, as if the two huge noses were pointing at the female reporter opposite, making the latter feel inexplicably stressed...

The female reporter calmed down and asked: "You showed up 19 times and rescued 720 people. On average, you rescued thirty-seven or eight people each time you showed up."

"It sounds very powerful, but it actually doesn't take much effort. I have all helped, and sometimes I happen to meet a lot of people, so I get more." Jing Yang said, thinking in his mind that some hospitals "offer sacrifices." There is also a lot of death energy.

Is this considered borrowing and repaying?

After all the calculations, one life is worth more than ten, twenty or thirty lives. This can barely be called a kind word, right?

"There is one thing in common among these 19 times. I don't know if I am overthinking it or something." The female reporter said, "No matter which city you are in, no matter which hospital you are in, no matter how many people you rescued that time, there are There must be the same type of rescued people - those who are called vegetative. Is this a coincidence, or..."

Xiaodi, who was eating a small cake, raised his eyes and looked at the female reporter.

Jing Yang thought for a while, then said calmly and forcefully with a calm tone and clear enunciation: "It can only be said that we have some experience in treating vegetative patients."

The female reporter quickly took notes in her notebook and asked many questions.

After that, Jing Yang spoke less and less.

The female reporter also sensed the perfunctory tone and quickly stood up to leave.

By the way, I actually forgot to ask their names...

The female reporter walked out of the cafe door and suddenly woke up when she was blown by the cold wind outside.

Just use "chaotic goodness" and "practicing medicine for heaven" to refer to it...

She put away her shorthand notebook and hurriedly crossed the road. A man wearing a knitted hat and a high collar passed her on the zebra crossing.

"Are there more people stalking you today?"

Jing Yang held a small spoon in his mouth and glanced at the figure wearing a knitted hat outside the cafe.

Even without Yuan's investigative skills, he and Xiaodi could easily detect this kind of amateur stalker with their sharper senses and intuition after practicing.

Xiaodi put down her fork and said fairly: "Our masks are so recognizable that we stayed in the hospital for a long time, but apart from the woman just now, the one who followed us all the way here must also be a telepathic person. - —Even now there are many people in this cafe observing us."

Jing Yang threw the spoon back into the empty cup and snapped on the lower half of the mask, "Let's go."

Outside the coffee shop, the knitted hat pulled up its high collar, trying to hide itself in the flow of people.

Suddenly, a group of Qi flowed around his body separated and transformed into a monkey that ordinary people could not see.

As soon as the monkey landed on the ground, like a real animal, it climbed up the edge of the huge window of the cafe with hands and feet in twos and threes, and peeked into the store, but its eyes widened - where were those two people? !

The seats where the two miracle doctors were sitting just now became empty at some point.

The knitted hat looked around anxiously with the monkey clone, and suddenly saw the two familiar figures disappearing in the crowd at the far left corner of the street - there! The monkey clone dispersed into a ball of air, and the knitted hat hurriedly chased after him.

Even with the help of superpowers like monkey clones, Knitted Hat almost lost track of the two strange doctors several times. He chased them for more than a dozen streets without anyone noticing, and finally followed them to where they lived. , a mediocre hotel located near a second-rate university.

Watching the two people enter the hotel, Knitted Hat waited for a while, pulled up the high collar, and hurried in, thinking about what to do next, at least not to hurt them casually...


"Why are you still staying here? What on earth does this person want to do?"

Jing Yang returned to the room and waited for a while but saw no movement. Question marks popped up in his head.

What's the matter? Are you looking for death or a fight? Let's solve it quickly. My brother is still busy practicing!

After Xiaodi came back and read for a while, she entered the practice state first. There was nothing much to say. She started by holding on for two or three hours, just as a warm-up.

After these days of practice, Xiaodi's total thoughts exceeded 20,000 qi.

In terms of Jian's total duration, she has already crossed the 5-hour threshold and is approaching the 6-hour mark.

When Jing Yang saw that the boy he was following did not move, he whistled to let the free-range rock birds keep an eye on him. He also tidied up, shook his loose trousers, twirled one foot, and calmly meditated on the floor. The appearance is exactly the same as the simulated humanoid in the hexagon of the dead air panel.

The hexagons of the hexagon are 100% of the operation system, 99.1% of the release system, 98.9% of the strengthening system, 81.3% of the change system, 95% of the materialization system, and 100% of the trait system...

The villain has the Drinking Nian Sword lying across his legs, sitting upright in a hexagon. There are two lines of numbers on his chest. The upper line shows Jing Yang’s current total amount of Nian: The corresponding amount of gray air flowing around the person represents the death energy currently stored in Jing Yang's death energy panel.

There are still 5 dead energy in stock.

With a thought in his mind, Jing Yang poured 4 of the 5 gray air streams into the hexagonal release system, strengthening system and change system respectively. The percentage numbers in the three corners were beating, and in the blink of an eye, the release system and The strengthening system will reach 100%!

In addition to directly adding 1 point, the Change Department also benefited from the improvement of the Strengthening and Release Department, which directly increased from 81.3% to 83.3%, and the Embodiment Department also increased from 95% to 96.4%...

Are these four 100%? Jing Yang murmured in his mind, was it going too smoothly?

As for the remaining death energy, Jing Yang devoted it to the practice of total thought, grinding it into his own energy bit by bit, and turned it into his own use.



Time passed bit by bit, and Jing Yang's total energy number increased little by little. He naturally broke through the 30,000 energy mark, and finally jumped to the 9-hour state!

It feels so good to watch the total number of thoughts rising little by little...

Suddenly, Jing Yang felt the cry of a rock bird.

He thought for a while before he remembered, oh, it was the guy in the knitted hat who was following.

The energy in his body fluctuated slightly and was quickly released.

If we say Jian means to release the Qi when the intensity of the training is at its highest, to use the wrap to restrain it and maintain the peak offensive and defensive level, then if you completely give up the requirements for offensive and defensive abilities and use your training skills to do your best Release the Qi to all directions, stop it at the last moment when it is almost "dissipating", and then use the wrap to maintain it...

This is what is called roundness.

In a sense, the hardness is a circle as hard as steel that compresses the surface of the person who controls the mind ability. The circle is a hardness that spreads and is diluted to the point of mist, with no attack or defense power at all.

Jing Yang's circle spreads all over, with a radius of more than 20 meters, covering the entire hotel room.

After being swept by his circle, Xiaodi who was practicing next to him also opened his eyes. Following Jing Yang's line of sight, he saw a...monkey passing half of his body through the wall from outside the room door?

Huh? The monkey was caught before half of its body had completely passed through the wall. It met the eyes of the two people in the room. It was a little surprised, but it calmed down, raised its hand to stop the two people's imminent exclamations, and spoke human words. : "Don't be afraid, I have no ill intentions..."

"What if I have malicious intentions?" Jing Yang's voice came from behind the knitted hat in the corridor outside the house.

He was startled, turned around suddenly, and saw Jing Yang standing behind him with bare feet. A gray-feathered bird flew down on his shoulder, and Jing Yang stretched out his fingers to fiddle with it - Jing Yang raised his eyes and looked at Knitted hat.

Knitted hat opened his mouth in shock. I was still thinking about not hurting them. Is it too late to beg them not to hurt me?

The clone of the monkey stuck in the wall turned around simultaneously and saw that the man who was sitting next to Xiaodi was indeed gone.

As soon as the monkey's eyes flashed, the black-haired girl wearing glasses came nearby at some point. She opened her big eyes full of curiosity and stretched out her seemingly delicate little hand towards it...

"You, don't come here!"

The screams inside and outside the house were perfectly synchronized. Jing Yang carried the boy in the knitted hat by his collar and slipped him back into the room. Beside the wall of the room, the monkey clone under Xiao Di's palm also turned into a ball of thought energy and disappeared.

But in Jing Yang's circle, he clearly felt that the monkey had not dissipated, and most of its energy flew back to the boy he was holding in his hand.

"Nian beast huh?" Jing Yang said with a smile, "How did you do it? Let's talk about it?"

It just so happened that I had already maxed out my release talent, but I was just missing a handy telekinesis ability to use.

"Nian beast?" The knitted hat was thrown to the floor of the room with a confused face, "What is that..."

Jing Yang was speechless. After questioning, he found out that this boy in the knitted hat had never even heard of the word "psychiatric ability". He was a complete wild man. In terms of wild purity, he was better than himself and even those from Meteor Street. Wow, it’s much more pure...

They don’t even know what their major is!

In other words, this guy named Chi Lu = Babuji doesn’t even know that this kind of super power is actually related to other things...

"How can you develop a Nian beast without knowing the basic knowledge of Nian ability?" Xiaodi asked curiously, "Is it an automatically derived ability?"

Jing Yang said: "His Nian Beast's Qi looks very unstable, as if it's fake, and it collapses at the slightest fright. When released, the main body hides outside the wall. It can be seen that the release distance cannot be too far - —You’re not a release type at all, are you?”

The boy named Chilu looked confused and couldn't quite understand what they were talking about.

He had never even heard of the Nen ability, let alone the Mizumi style of the appraisal system.

"Anyway, what do you want to do after you have been following us secretly for a long time?" Jing Yang rubbed his fists, "Looking for death or a fight, please give me an explanation."

That being said, it was impossible for Jing Yang to beat him to death.

If he kills this kind of passerby who he doesn't care about at all, it will only cause him to violate the oath and restriction of going to poverty and falling into hell. ——Sometimes Jing Yang finds that this concern about the oath itself is a reminder.

If you hesitate to kill a person and worry about the death oath, then this is equivalent to a warning from your subconscious mind; and if you have the intention to kill someone and ignore the death oath, it proves that this is not He would violate the oath and restriction of the death energy, which proves that even if there is no such thing as death energy, he must kill him.

I see. Jing Yang touched his heart and muttered to himself.

After coming back to his senses, he nodded to Chi Lu, who had been talking to him for a long time. There was nothing unusual about the matter. It was just that Chi Lu had a father who was paralyzed in bed. He heard about two strange doctors who could cure any disease, so he came to visit him...

"Okay, we are destined to meet each other. Let's go to your house tonight." Jing Yang went to get a glass of water and asked Yanque to pick up a leaf outside the window. "You're all here, let's do a test."

Chi Lu followed his guidance and placed his hands on both sides of the water glass. After a while, nothing changed.

"Uh..." He looked left and right, a little embarrassed.

"Take a sip and see." Jing Yang said.

Chilu Jiang doubtfully grabbed the water glass and took a sip, and immediately spurted it out with a "poof".

"It's so painful!" His whole face wrinkled.

When Jingyang and Xiaodi saw this, they immediately understood, "It's a change system."

This guy is a transformation type, but he muddleheadedly made a monkey mind beast that is biased towards the release type. No wonder it's of no use.

The success rate of those with the ability to change telekinesis in the release system is only 60%, which means that even if they put in double the effort, the final results may not be half as good as those of those with telekinesis ability.

This is the world of hunters, not Pokémon. The ability to develop reverse attributes is purely a matter of course.

However, this kind of guy with a big head is very strong-minded, and he finally made a Nian Beast stand. Jing Yang felt that it was necessary to learn from the experience, so he consulted with Chi Lu, and he This is the reward of Mizumi Shiki.

After asking around for a while, Jing Yang and Xiao Di led the young man out of the hotel.

"This is not the way to my house..." Chilu said quickly.

"Go to the hospital first." Jing Yang put on the mask again.

Xiaodi, who was also wearing a mask, understood that Jing Yang definitely wanted to pay a return visit to the patient who had "removed his thoughts" to confirm whether he had successfully eliminated his thoughts.

The answer is indeed successful except for reading.

When they arrived at the ward at night, the patient who was still lying on the bed at noon, parasitized by skeletons and thoughts as if he might die at any moment, now had a rosy complexion and was alive and well surrounded by his family - and there was not a single trace of pain on him. The skeletal thoughts reappeared.

"Unknowingly, I have another unique skill to eliminate thoughts." Jing Yang quietly left outside the ward, sighing secretly on the way, "Oh, I know too many tricks!"

More and more people came to inquire about the "Mask Miracle Doctor Duo" in the hospital corridor. Jingyang and Xiaodi had long been used to it and walked their own way as if they didn't see anything. But suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the crowd. Emerging from it... No, it was from the opposite side of the corridor, and a tall figure walked slowly.

His messy red hair was combed back, and there were five-pointed stars and tears on the left and right sides of his cheeks. He was wearing a clown costume that looked like he had just gotten off work from the circus. He was wearing funny pointy shoes. He put the back of one hand on his waist and the other hand. Twisting the nurse's hat that she got from nowhere, she walked towards him as if nothing had happened and then naturally looked at the masked man who was walking towards him and looking at him.


Suddenly there was an explosion of fire and sound in a ward at the corner of the corridor behind the red-haired clown.

The crowd was quiet for a moment, then dispersed like a flood. In the smoke and dust, Hisoka licked the corner of his mouth, smiled and said to himself: "Good luck~"

70 points, maybe higher?

He casually threw the nurse's cap at the masked man who was about the same height as himself.

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