Why is it only level four?

Jing Yang looked at the fourth-level label next to his operating system on the panel, and it really didn't please his eyes.

My friend is a serious operator with telekinesis ability. However, his training level in the trait system has reached the full level, but his operation system has dropped to a lower level, only reaching the fourth level?

He pondered in his mind.

There is no doubt that the information that suddenly appeared on the death aura panel reflected my own heart - after I learned about the cultivation level of the six major mind systems from Bisji, the death aura panel moved accordingly. , which is also called a patch, and the version is updated!

Only those who have reached 100% of the mind system can have the so-called cultivation level rating.

For example, he currently only has 80-90% "qualification" for the transformation and embodiment systems, but he is not even qualified to be evaluated.

It is conceivable that for other normal people who generally only have one 100% Nian ability, they will naturally only have one evaluation, unlike myself, who has no one except for the first level of entry. In addition, levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 were all gathered together.

Xiaodi's cultivation level in the embodiment system is at the second level, which is equivalent to her own cultivation level in the strengthening system.

Jing Yang didn't just think that his talents in the strengthening system were much higher than Xiao Di's. Just one month of practice was worth Xiao Di's several years of experience - in fact, Xiao Di was probably still She didn't even practice the Fruity Eye Fish correctly. After all, once she possesses this ability, it is enough to use it. Jing Yang's strengthening system Jiuyang needs to be continuously improved, and in this little month , and it has indeed been tested repeatedly on hundreds of patients and injuries, and it is reasonable to make faster progress.

Bi Siji had nothing to hide. Jing Yang explained these thoughts one by one. Bi Siji nodded and said: "That's why the enhancement system is the most balanced in all aspects, neutral and peaceful. You see, even if an enhancement Even if you don’t understand anything, if you practice on your own, you can still make great progress.”

She looked at Xiaodi, "It's different from the embodiment system like hers. If you don't realize that the criterion of the embodiment system lies in the degree of authenticity, and just practice blindly, it is very likely that you will become more and more crooked as you practice."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "The more you practice, the more crooked you become. What will happen in the end?"

"It's not that good?" Bisji asked strangely, "It's just a hopeless way to reach the pinnacle of cultivation and a waste of energy. As long as you look away, it's actually nothing."

What's more, even if they are on the most correct path of cultivation, how many people can really reach the highest level?

In fact, according to Bisji's many years of experience, the vast majority of people with mindfulness abilities in the world don't even have the need to discuss whether the practice route is correct or not - if they can develop their mindfulness abilities in a serious way, they are already quite good. Too many people don’t even have a solid foundation. Talking about the core and routes of cultivation are just castles in the air.

Jing Yang looked at Xiaodi and said, "I heard Xiaodi say that her protruding-eyed fish hasn't changed much since it was developed."

As for Xiaodi, under his own suggestion, he improved the storage rules of the bulging-eyed fish and derived the use of the chain saw head. These have little to do with reality. This is like an earthling in the Trisolaran world who is locked in science. , although it has developed for hundreds of years and seems to have become extremely advanced and prosperous, basic science is still a stagnant water, with no progress. It is nothing more than applying the original basic science more maturely and tapping its potential more clearly.

The same goes for droplets. Her level of cultivation in the embodiment system is like basic science, and the various uses of the bulging-eyed fish derived from it are equivalent to applied products based on basic science. Although the latter has tried its best to study it, it is indeed very effective, but When the former doesn't move, that's actually the case.

Bisji said: "I didn't say, you must start from the first level. There are people in this world who can easily cross the threshold that is extremely difficult for most people to cross. After mastering the ability of mindfulness, they can directly There are also people who have advanced to the second, third or even fourth level of cultivation. This little girlfriend of yours seems to be one of those with better natural aptitudes."

Those who joined the Phantom Troupe after coming out of Meteor Street all have very good qualifications, but someone like Xiaodi, even in the original Phantom Troupe, must be at the bottom in terms of qualifications and strength. Jing Yang nodded inwardly and said, "What little girlfriend? Why is this old aunt so gossipy?"

Bisji was not angry this time. He smiled mischievously and said, "Humph, you can't fool me."

Jing Yang said: "Actually, Xiaodi is older than me, so I should be her little boyfriend. Right?"

Xiaodi smiled unconsciously, "Yeah."

Bisji looked left and right as if he had been knocked down.

As Jing Yang walked, he pulled out the erected distance wooden signs one by one, threw them into the grass and hid them. He looked at the death energy panel and saw that his release system was marked with a third level, and couldn't help but ask: "You said the release system The core is indeed distance, so what level of cultivation can 10 kilometers be considered?"

Bisji smiled and said, "I have said enough today."

"My current level, more than two kilometers, can be considered at least the third level, right? Then I don't ask about the third level, I ask about the second level. What are the standards for breaking into a room in the release department? What about the first level?"

Bisji just smiled and said nothing, and finally said: "Being able to release the gas from the body to 10 meters away and maintain the original power is considered an introduction."

This is similar to the stage 1 when Bisiki teaches Gon in the comic Greedy Island. Jing Yang knew it in his heart, and he didn't know what level of cultivation level the stage 5 of standing on one palm and levitating oneself with air could be converted into...

"What about the change system?" Xiaodi also asked.

Bisiji said: "The boy who practices with you, he can do the one where the fingertips change the numbers with Qi. He can do it in 5 seconds. It's barely enough. It can be regarded as a beginner."

The three of them packed up the distance wooden signs together, and there was no need for Bi Siji to lead the way. Jing Yang sensed the position of the star mark of Misue Hu Wuer, and walked over there together. Walking along the street, Jing Yang was determined to find out the core elements of the change system, but Auntie Bi was really tight-lipped about it. When she is willing to talk, you can't help but not listen, and you have to pry your head off and stuff it into you. But when she is not willing to talk, it is really impossible to say a word.

"It can't be a property change, right?" Jing Yang was still muttering, "But not all change systems will choose to turn Qi into other properties. There should be some people who just turn Qi into sharp blades..."

Bisji glanced at him and said, "We're here."

Xiaodi raised her head. This was a two-story detached building on the outskirts of the city. She could not sense the star mark and did not release the "Yuan". However, with Xiaodi's strength and careful observation, she could still detect the beastly aura of the Miserable Moon Tiger. What I noticed was that it was closed on the second floor.

As a two-star hunter of Bisij, he just raised a tiger, and all the procedures were given the green light. In fact, Bisiji arrived here first, and the Misery Moon Tiger was escorted by air, so it only arrived yesterday.

The three of them entered the single-family house and went to the second floor.

Wu Er probably also noticed Jing Yang's aura, as the roar of a tiger could be faintly heard from the second floor.

Xiaodi didn't have any emotional reaction, and neither did Jingyang. He was still thinking about the change system, "That's not right. A change in nature doesn't necessarily mean changing into a fire type, thunder type or something... It doesn't mean that it becomes sharper. Is this a transformation of nature?"

Thinking of Gon's guessing scissors in the comics, I'm afraid it's far sharper than ordinary blades. Otherwise... wouldn't it be better to just carry a sword with you and then use "Zhou" to strengthen it? What kind of special move would you be practicing so hard? . After struggling for a long time, if the power is not as good as going to the store to buy a fruit knife, can it still be called a sure kill?

Even the mental saw chain developed by Xiaodi in the transformation system is actually not just a change in form, it also has a sharp nature. Once the saw chain is rotated and torn, its unstoppable cutting properties are definitely beyond the ordinary sense. Attacked by thoughts.

In the Hunter World, attribute attacks are just like rule-based attacks, and their improvement in actual combat significance is not the slightest.

There is no "my spiritual pressure crushes you, so no matter how fancy you are, I won't be affected." The most here is "my spiritual pressure crushes you, so I can use all your fancy tricks before you can use them." I’ll beat you to death first”…

Killua's Thunderbolt Mind Qi has a very strong ability to break defenses. Even if you switch to three ant guards to hit a thunderbolt head-on, it will be uncomfortable; the same is true for Xiaodi's Thunderbolt Chain. If you talk about an ordinary 100 Thunderbolt If you want to use 100 telekinesis to defend against a chi attack without getting hurt, if you want to defend Xiaodi's telekinesis chain without any damage, you probably need 1000, and Killua's thunder and lightning might require more—— Of course, the best response is actually to avoid it.

No one would be stupid enough to resist the special move of the reinforcement system. An experienced hunter like Mo Laowu was frightened when he saw Xiaojie deliberately punching and preparing to attack. The change system is right next door to the reinforcement system. The killing move developed with great effort is not something that can be picked up casually.

Even if Hisoka, who doesn't focus on frontal lethality, transforms into chewing gum-like Qi, that can't be done forcefully!

Being stuck by that thing, unless Jing Yang and Xiao Di have the right skills to remove the chewing gum, they will be in big trouble. Even though Chrollo was such a pretentious person, he had to try his best to avoid being stuck by Hisoka.

Xiaodi's Nian Chainsaw hangs on his hand. The trajectory of the swing is so obvious and the distance is very limited. If you want to avoid it, it will be much easier than hitting it hard. This is what Nian abilities should have in battle. strategic considerations.

If this is not a qualitative change in Qi, then nothing can be.

"Is it just about qualitative change? It doesn't seem that simple..." Jing Yang pondered, Xiaodi's saw chain has already succeeded in qualitative change, how far can it go from being able to cut 100 to cutting 1000? Why does this sound more and more like the standard of the reinforcement system?

"Stop thinking blindly. You are not a transmutation type. What are you thinking about?" Bisiji put his hands on his hips and said angrily, "Here, I brought you your kitten."


Hearing a tiger's roar, Jing Yang looked up and saw a huge black shadow rushing towards him.

"Oh, please be gentle..." Jing Yang opened his arms to hug him, "Don't hurt yourself."

The miserable moon tiger, which had long since lost weight and regained its majestic physique, hung on Jing Yang. The latter stood motionless, letting the big round and furry head rest on his chin, and rubbed the tiger's head happily.

After not seeing each other for a year, Jing Yang played affectionately with this good brother Wu Er for a while.

Suddenly, he remembered something and said with a smile: "By the way, Wu Er, how about I try to test the Shuijin style for you?"

Wu Er didn't know why, and the tiger's big head stared at him eagerly. Jingyang excitedly went to the kitchen to fill the water, and asked Xiaodi to get a leaf - Xiaodi always kept some leaves in his fish, just for situations like this. Bisij was going to the refrigerator to get a cup of yogurt. When he saw this, he walked over and followed him. After understanding the situation, he wondered: "Do you want it to also practice telekinesis?"

"Can't you?" Jing Yang put the leaf on the water and pushed the water cup in front of the miserable moon tiger.

"It's not that it's not possible, but I think it's unnecessary." Bisji scooped out the yogurt and gave Xiaodi a cup. "What animals can do, Nian beasts can do as well, and it's more convenient and easier to use... Oh?" ​​She said Biting the small spoon, he spoke for a while.

I saw that after Jing Yang told the misty moon tiger the steps of the Shuijian style, the misery moon tiger in front of him immediately surged with a layer of mind energy, raised his two big tiger palms, and moved them towards the sides of the water cup.

Bisji's eyes gathered energy, his insight sharply increased, and he suddenly discovered that there were unusual fluctuations in the position of the five-pointed star mark under the belly of Misery Moon Tiger - it seemed that this boy's telekinesis ability was more than just Full control is possible, as well as conditional verbal control.

The operating system can sense the mark from 50 kilometers away. The level of cultivation is indeed very high!

Moreover, the qualifications and training in the release department are definitely not low, otherwise it would be impossible to sense such a long distance.

"What system is it?" Bisji and Xiaodi both came closer to see the results.

At the top of the water cup, the water surface is not overflowing, and the leaves are not moving at all, but in the clear water in the cup,... are these hairs?

It looks very much like the fur of the Miserable Moon Tiger.

"It's the same as me, it's a materialization system." Xiaodi said.

Bisji looked on and said: "This is a mental system that tests the mind. Even with human abstract thinking ability, it is very difficult to 'create things out of thin air', and it is even more difficult for animals."

"Practice slowly. If you don't succeed, you won't lose anything." Jing Yang sat on the floor and smiled. He looked at the few strands of tiger hair settling in the water glass and touched the big head of the miserable moon tiger, "Wu Er, you Do you have any ideas about developing your ability to manifest thoughts? Come on, don’t be afraid, if you have any ideas, just ask, my buddy will help you.”

Wu Er looked confused and blinked at him.

"You don't have any ideas, do you? Then let me tell you what I think," Jing Yang taught earnestly, "such and such, such and such..."

Bisji was digging yogurt nearby and shook his head repeatedly. He is good-looking and thinks beautifully!

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