"Changes in form are just the beginning. Even those who are not telepathic in the transformation system can still do a lot of tricks. Only when the nature of Qi changes can it be considered the real way to change..."

Jing Yang was talking eloquently to Chi Lu, but his eyes were fixed on Bi Siji who was reading a magazine over there.

After Chi Lu came over, Bisji took a look and found that he had no interest in an idiot like Chi Lu, so he quickly stepped aside.

Jing Yang deliberately said loudly: "How about it, have you thought about how to change your mind energy?"

Chi Lu didn't know what was going on, thinking that Jing Yang thought he had no energy, so he shouted loudly: "I've thought about it!"

"What is it?"


"Young man is very brave!" Jing Yang patted Chi Lu on the head.

There is a question mark on Chi Lu's head.

Xiaodi was practicing "Yuan" beside him, and while looking at Bisiji, he said: "If you want to change Qi into flames, you must first be burned by the flames and fully understand the feeling and power of the flames. Even if you succeed in the end, it may not be avoided. You will not be the first to be burned by the flame transformed by your own thoughts..."

Bisji turned a deaf ear to it, as if he hadn't heard it, immersed in the sea of ​​impure beauties.

Chi Lu was shocked, "Will you burn yourself?!"

Jing Yang said: "Of course it depends on your talent. If your cultivation level is high enough, you can naturally isolate the energy that changes into flames from outside your body, or you can build in a characteristic that can hurt others but not yourself."

"What if the cultivation level is not high?" Chi Lu asked with great self-knowledge.

Jing Yang thought of the telekinesis ability of Feitan from the Phantom Troupe in the comics and said with a smile: "Maybe you can prepare a fireproof suit with good insulation performance? Whenever you fight with someone, just take it out and put it on."

"Is this so..." Chi Lu sat down and thought hard.

"Didn't you really hear that?" Jing Yang looked at Bisi Ji and muttered, "This elderly aunt has great concentration!"


A stone wrapped in thought energy came at him, grazing Jing Yang's scalp before being dodged and breaking several hairs.

Over there, Bisji waved his small fist at him without raising his head.

Jing Yang smiled and began to practice quietly, and the day passed quickly.

When they were about to separate in the evening, Jing Yang asked Chi Lu to practice alone from tomorrow on. He and Xiao Di were leaving from now on and would probably never return to this city. Chi Lu was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "Where are you going?"

"The world of games." Jing Yang said. Don't tell this damn place like Greed Island to this kid who needs to take care of his old father.

Chilu wanted to follow Jingyang and Xiaodi, but at home he had a father who had just recovered from health and needed to be taken care of. He was silent for a long time, and finally bowed to Jingyang and Xiaodi, thanking them for their guidance.

"We won't come back, but it doesn't mean we won't have the chance to see each other again." Jing Yang smiled, "At the end of this year, we will take part in the hunter test. If you are interested, you can go and take a look then."

Chi Lu nodded heavily.

"By the way," Jing Yang was about to turn around when he suddenly remembered something and stopped. "According to a personality analysis of telekinesis users of different telekinesis systems that I have heard, telekinesis users of the change type are often capricious and lie. "Lianpian, you are obviously a transformation type, but you act like an enhancement type..." He looked at Chi Lu.

Chi Lu was speechless. Under Jing Yang's gaze, he said sheepishly: "Actually, I know you..."

"Huh?" Jing Yang was surprised.

"You are Zhen Yuanzi, the poster of Sky Arena..." Chi Lu scratched his head and said, "right?"

Jing Yang smiled and pushed Chi Lu's head, causing the latter to fall back.

"That's it, let's go!"

Jingyang turned around, waved, and followed Bisji and Xiaodi who had already walked away.

"Changes are capricious, are you telling lies?"

After Bisji waited for him to catch up, he put his fists on his small waist and said sideways, "Where did you hear such a crooked tune?"

"I forgot." Jing Yang said, "Isn't it allowed?"

Bisji asked in return: "What about the operation department? What kind of personality does it have?"

"I go my own way and love to be reasonable," Jing Yang said.

Bisiji looked Jing Yang up and down. Xiaodi walking next to her nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Where is the materialization system?"

"I remember..." Jing Yang had forgotten it at first, but fortunately there was Kurapika as an anchor, and he immediately answered the question, "Are you more neurotic?"

Xiaodi nodded thoughtfully again.


At night, after Xiaodi took a shower after Bisiji, she opened the door and left the bathroom. She raised her hand and turned into a bulging-eyed fish, sucking all the moisture from her hair and body. She suddenly felt refreshed and refreshed. Wearing slippers and walking back.

"Your ability is quite convenient." In the living room with the lights on, Bisji sat on the sofa.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xiaodi seemed to have seen another figure doing her hair behind Bisji... She walked over curiously and looked at Bisji's smooth and thick blond hair, as if She has smooth and rosy cheeks like a little girl, red lips and white teeth, two eyes as beautiful as gems, and a fresh light fragrance...

Xiaodi observed Bisji curiously, but Bisji was still reading another new jewelry publication.

Jingyang was still in the room studying how to help Miserye Tiger develop the ability to manifest telekinesis. Xiaodi thought about it and suddenly asked: "Is the core of the change system 'time'?"

Bisji then raised his eyes from behind the magazine and looked at Xiaodi.

"The number of saw chains I can change at one time is limited." Xiao Di said calmly, raising his hand, the white thought energy flowed and extended, slowly changing into a saw chain, and hanging still beside the sofa, " There is always a process of changing the Qi of thoughts. I continue to practice and can gradually shorten it. Now, in almost a few seconds, a certain amount of Qi can be quickly transformed into a saw chain, but it is always the saw chain that changes every time the Qi of thoughts is changed. The more the roots, the shorter the distance between each root. I think if I can infinitely compress the process time of 'change' until I can continuously change the nature of thought energy in real time, can it be understood that in The level of cultivation has deepened, and the state of the transformation system has also improved?"

Watching the black-haired bespectacled girl's hands constantly changing while chanting the saw chain, Bisji finally put down the gem magazine, thought about it, and asked: "Do you know the terms apparent energy volume, potential energy volume, and total energy volume?"

Xiaodi nodded, "Jing Yang said so."

That guy knows a lot! Bisiji said: "Well, let's divide it into five levels. Needless to say, the entry level of the first level. If you can truly change the characteristics of your general energy, you will be able to enter the palace. And the standard of this second level, It means that it can and can only make changes in apparent Qi, and those with a lower level may even need to reserve a certain amount of Qi of change in advance."

The curious Xiaodi finally solved her doubts and nodded, "Then my transformation system, like my embodiment system, is also at this level. What about the third level? Can the total energy volume be changed? ?”

"The third level can already change at will. As long as the total amount of Qi is not exhausted, the change of Qi can be maintained." Bisiji said slowly, "And the higher level, the fourth level, is chanting The cycle of consumption and recovery begins over and over again. As long as the person is awake, the changes in thoughts can always be maintained."

In such a state, even Xiaodi, who has very few mood swings, can't help but exclaim, "It's amazing. What level are you at, Bisiji?"

Bisji just smiled slightly and did not answer. He picked up the gem magazine again and started reading.

Seeing that Bisji didn't want to say more, Xiaodi left quickly and returned to the room while thinking, "What is the fifth level like?"

"What level five?"

Jing Yang was giving Wu Er a personal trainer, but he gained very little. The ability design was too complicated, especially the materialization system, and it was really too difficult for Wu Er. After all, it was just a tiger. Hearing Xiaodi muttering to himself when he came in, he asked casually.

Xiaodi told him what Bisji had said about the fifth-level practice of the transformation system.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di brainstormed for a while, and finally came to a preliminary conclusion... The highest level of the transformation system may be to completely transform one's own mind into another person, just like reborn or genetically replaced. With this kind of nature, as long as one does not take the initiative to change back to ordinary qi, it can even continue to flow continuously without the need to actively change. The body will endlessly produce the changed qi on its own, just like the ordinary qi of ordinary people.

Such a state seems outrageous at first glance, but upon reflection, it is indeed outrageous.


The next day, Jing Yang accepted Jue Zi Jue La's invitation, boarded a special reception airship with Xiao Di, Bi Si Ji, and even Ban Yue Hu Wu Er and flew away from the city.

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