"Even if you don't know telekinesis, you should be familiar with it. Now your body is ready to learn the basics of telekinesis. How to learn and practice in the future? You can go back and spend some money to take lessons from a professional hunter..."

This surging power, is this really me... Batra looked at his hands in disbelief. The white halo was like flowing water. This is what the hunters call "qi"...

"Hey, hey, are you listening?" Jing Yang pointed at Batra's forehead.

The star under the finger suddenly disappeared. Batra suddenly came back to his senses and said hurriedly: "I'm listening! I'm listening! This is natural. I don't dare to bother Mr. Jing Yang with such a small thing as learning telekinesis. I will find another professional hunter to take lessons..."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Do you still have money?"

"You have to save some savings for your own use..." Batra said guiltily. Besides, most of his fixed assets are still there. He can get a lot of blood back by selling some in the future. "Professional hunters shouldn't have to do such a simple task-" The old man suddenly Thinking of Juez Juela, he looked at the Greedy Island game console where Juez Juela disappeared just now.

"Looking for him? I advise you to forget it." Jing Yang said, crossing his arms.

Batra immediately realized, "Yes, we can't let him connect the fact that I suddenly opened my telekinesis ability to you, Mr. Jing Yang."

Jing Yang explained: "That's not true. The main thing is that Juezi Juela is ordering food. You need to find a teacher who is at least decent."

He and Xiaodi looked at Bisji.

Bisji looked back in confusion with a cute and innocent expression on his face.

——Don’t cause trouble for your grandma. Jing Yang nodded clearly, briefly mentioned to Batra the Shuijian identification method and the differences between the six major systems of telekinesis, and then asked him to take his girlfriend out of the cellar.

"Alice, can you see the anger on me too?"

"Yeah, I thought there was something wrong with my eyes that hadn't healed after I woke up..."

"Mr. Batra..."

Batra and his little girlfriend walked up the stone corridor and left, but after walking a few steps, someone came down from the top to talk to him personally. Batra then quickly turned back and brought back the dog-like lawyer and handed him over to him. After Jing Yang piled up the documents, he really left.

Xiaodi looked over and saw that it was Batra's statement on the termination of the agreement to hire hunters to break through Greed Island.

"I just got 800 billion and a castle, and I didn't even let go of these occupied game consoles, huh?" Bisji said with a smile, "You love money very much."

"It's a shameful waste!" Jing Yang read the suspension statement in a serious manner, then asked Xiao Didi to manifest a vacuum cleaner to store it. He put his hands on his hips and looked back at the more than 20 "invincible" mini-overlords in the cellar. Youran said, "Besides, when you enter the game, you have to find a goal, right? You are going to get the blue planet, but I couldn't think of anything in the game that I am determined to get..."

So your goal is to get these people out of the game? Bisji appreciated this very much.

Xiaodi said, "Don't you have a goal? There must be some!"

"You mean Leza?" Jing Yang also suddenly remembered, yes, he wanted to go to Leza to settle the score with the narrow-eyed man and avenge his deportation.

Xiaodi's head was full of questions, "Leza? Who is that?"

"Leza! Squint your eyes! Give us a card...forget it, it doesn't matter."

Xiao Didi said: "Our goal from the beginning has been to practice with Bisiji. According to your description, Jing Yang, the Greedy Island in the game is indeed a very good and convenient place to practice..."

This is true!

Like Jing Yang and Xiao Di, if they live in the city, it is actually not easy to find a wild and convenient training venue. Especially Jing Yang, he practices release type and strengthening type, both of which are very dynamic types. Even if it is a small drop, it is very powerful and destructive when dancing the saw chain. If the vacuum cleaner is turned on, it can fly sand and rocks and suck everything... They are no longer just a few thousand less than they were more than a year ago. I am a novice. If I hide in my room and work hard, I will transform into a demolition team in minutes.

And renting a venue like a gym is not cost-effective for people like Jing Yang and Xiao Di who often move around. They can only make do in wild parks everywhere, and have to move from time to time to avoid being attacked. Passers-by watched and took photos.

As for living in the countryside far away from the city...well, Xiaodi might be willing to adapt, but a guy like Jing Yang who has been accustomed to modern life for his whole life can't find a store ten kilometers away, and the network signal is intermittent and stops every now and then. In an environment where the electricity and water are cut off, it is really not happy anywhere.

"What about them, do they want to go in together?" Bisji pointed to the Miserable Moon Tiger lying in the cellar, and the little gray bird hanging on the tiger's head.

"Of course, Wu Er hasn't mastered the little skirt yet." Jing Yang said, snapping his fingers, Wu Er stood up immediately and went to get two game rings. Yanque helped pick up the two game rings. Memory card, find a game console with space to insert the card number.

The rock bird's ring was put on its paws, like an anklet. It jumped on the game console and finally breathed out after holding it in for a long time.

Wu Er's fleshy palm was too big and the ring couldn't fit into his finger, so he had to use the tiger tooth as a finger to insert it, and the ring just happened to be stuck in the middle of the tooth. Fortunately, the game ring has a special structure and cannot be damaged by external forces at all, so there is no need to worry. Wu Er nodded to Jing Yang, then leaned his big head towards the game console and shook out the air from his forehead.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Both Yanque and Wuji disappeared out of thin air, leaving behind two clouds of smoke in front of the game console.

Xiaodi asked curiously: "It really disappeared!"

"Why are you so surprised?" Bisji asked.

"Because they clearly have my operating system mark on them..." Jing Yang explained to Xiaodi.

"Idiot, teleportation-type telekinesis abilities generally belong to the release system." Bisji walked towards another blank Greed Island game machine with his arms crossed. "People who have been marked by the operating system can indeed defend against other operating systems - —But what does the rules of the operation system have to do with release?"

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