I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 32 Bisji’s Resentment

There is a reason why Wuji is crestfallen. It went hunting for breakfast and was almost eaten by the prey for breakfast.

"So embarrassed?" Jing Yang was surprised, got up from the ground, and patted the dust.

The rock bird that was squawking on the tiger's head suddenly turned its head and looked at him with its head tilted, as if to say, you seem to have been beaten away by someone, right?

Jing Yang stretched out his big hand and caught the little gray bird.

The rock bird suddenly behaved like a chicken and pecked Jing Yang's thumb with its sharp beak.

"Lead the way." Jing Yang touched Wu Er's big head, "You can't bear to bully my brother!"

Wu Er led him away from the edge of the rift valley and went deep into the mountain forest. Not long after, he saw a black wild boar as strong as an elephant, with curved and upturned tusks. It looked very imposing. Just walking in the forest, it was like a black wild boar. There is a kind of kingly aura that compares to Wu Er, the serious tiger king.

The rock sparrows were squawking and flying around, as if they were simulating the fight between Wuji and the black wild boar before replaying. In other words, it was the black wild boar's unilateral charge and crushing. If Wu Er hadn't been in good health and had a star recovery on his body, he would have been hit with minor fractures and serious internal injuries.

"It's normal that it can't fight against such a beast." Bisji followed up from behind and calmly looked at the black boar walking on the wild road together.

Jing Yang nodded, of course he could see that this black wild boar not only looked majestic like a mountain, it was really full of smoke, and it was no less "strong" than ordinary people with telekinesis abilities. degree.

However, it is "hard", but not completely "hard". Only the front half of the black wild boar's body glows with surging white light, while the back half is as dim as a cliff, especially its curly pig tail, which is not covered with a trace of air. Just looking at it makes people want to pull it up.

Bisji commented: "This game is designed for people with telekinesis abilities. The monster design is specifically designed to allow telekinesis users to practice the various skills of telekinesis. It's really thoughtful!"

"Hey! Fat pig!"

Jing Yang jumped out and shouted to the black wild boar, "Look, it's you! Brother, the one who controls the sky, earth, and Yuanzi, it's you, the black whirlwind, who controls the world!"

The black wild boar walked around in a circle before looking back to see the arrogant human being. It was so angry that its eyes were blood red, its fangs were cocked a little more, and two streams of hot air were sprayed out from its nostrils, like sharp arrows, and the pig's hooves clicked. Dig the ground.

"Is this a wild boar or a bullfight?" Bisji was speechless. The wild boar turned its head very stiffly just now. It seemed that it was a "loophole" specially left by the game designers for players to defeat the weak and defeat the strong with ingenuity.

However, some people prefer not to take advantage of loopholes. After the black wild boar started running, it hit Jing Yang like a black meteorite.

Jing Yang dismounted his horse, his breath sank in his dantian, the muscles of his arms bulged, and they piled up, and the roots were curled up. His whole body of thought energy poured into his arms and gathered in his palms. The white light group spread rapidly, and finally caught the head-on face. The black "meteorite" that hit.

boom! Chi chi chi chi - Jing Yang was knocked backwards by the black "meteorite", his two legs were like two iron nails, and he plowed out two parallel paths more than thirty meters long on the ground. There are deep ravines, and it would be a pity not to plow the fields.

Jing Yang stopped, grasping the wild boar's upturned fangs with one hand, and pressing the wild boar's head with the other. The thoughts in his arms were surging, and he withstood the impact. The black wild boar looked like a madman, its hooves were flopping on the muddy ground, its head was struggling and twisting, but it could no longer escape the grasp of this human being.

Jing Yang shouted low, and the veins on the muscles of his arms were twisted. He broke off a wild boar tusk with one hand and slapped the wild boar's head hard with one hand. The wild boar suddenly released its strength. , his eyes rolled white, and he tilted to the side like a mountain.

Wu Er and the rock bird above him had the same expression of stunned expression.

Bisji looked at it intently for a while, then came over and asked, "How do you feel?"

Bang, after the wild boar was defeated, the place suddenly changed into a card.

〖No. 501, Charge Boar, F-122〗

〖A wild boar that lives in mountainous areas can only charge head-on and is very powerful, but it is very bad at changing direction. The defense of the rear half of the body is its weak point, especially the tail, which can easily be torn off, leading to its death. 〗

Jing Yang picked up the card and said, "The difficulty of obtaining it is only F level, SS level to H level. This is the bottom three level of difficulty! It seems that there is no feeling."

He throws the card into a card collection book and can later go to a trading store in the city to exchange it for a money card.

"This F level refers to the difficulty of using strategies to attack the wild boar's weak points and subdue it." Bisiji said, "The impact force just now was at least as powerful as a frontal attack by a combatant with 10,000 qi. The intensity is up.”

"With 10,000 Nian, how many can be attacked?" Jing Yang smiled and said, "It's just so-so. No matter what, I have 30,000 Nian, so I'm not afraid of the Nian. By the way, Bisiji, the strengthening type. Cultivation, you said before that it focuses on a strengthening effect, so how is it specifically evaluated?"

"If you practice the Strengthening System to the fifth level, you can exert a portion of your power to 10 times the power, or there may be no upper limit at all. There is no real end to the path of the Strengthening System. What has an end is the human heart. When manpower is limited.”

Jing Yang asked curiously: "President Nitro seems to be an enhancement type. Is he in this realm?"

Bisji said: "Of course."

Jing Yang asked again: "How many times the power can he exert with one piece of energy?"

Bisiki said: "I'm not sure. I haven't seen President Netero take action seriously for many years. But it must be above 10 times the level. President Netero's "flow", He has practiced to the point where no traces can be seen, and the same is true for his 'fa', there are no traces of his moves at all."

The two of them chatted while walking back.

Bisgi suddenly fell silent for a while and said: "Actually, President Netero calls the realm he is in [Extreme]."

"Climb to the top and reach the ultimate? It sounds really cool!" Jing Yang exclaimed, "So, the fifth level of practice is the ultimate?"

"Yes and no." Bisji said with his hands behind his back, "Levels one to five are my personal experience. I am not very qualified, so I prefer to see intuitive progress every day of practice, even if It’s just an inch of progress. When I was young, a small improvement in my kung fu would keep me entertained for several days.”

It was rare for her to show emotion. Some people say that when a person starts to miss the past, it means he is getting old. At this time, even though Bisji looks like a young girl, people can still realize that she is a middle-aged person with rich experience.

"President Nitro only divides cultivation into four levels. The first level is called [Excellent], the second level is called [Excellent], the third level is [Talent], and the fourth level is [Excellent]. ], reaching the pinnacle.”

Having returned to the tent camp beside the rift valley, Xiaodi, who was reading in the tent when he heard their movements, also came out, just in time to see Bisji taking a branch and drawing a hexagon on the ground, with each corner For the center of the circle, six circles are drawn, and each circle is four concentric circles from the inside to the outside.

"This concentric circle, President Nitro calls it the circle of attributes that measures the degree of spiritual practice."

The six four-ring concentric circles are located at the six vertices of the hexagon. Since the circles are not large, they do not intersect with each other.

"Everyone is born with only one mind system, which is just like a point. It is nothing more than where this point falls on the hexagon of the mind system." Bisji said, and the branches pointed at the top four concentric rings. round. "Take the reinforcement system as an example."

Bisi Ji said: "The process of cultivation can actually be seen as a process of slowly entering the attribute circle of the strengthening system. If you enter the outermost circle, you are excellent, if you go further in, you will be good, and if you go further, you will be talented. , go deep into the center of the circle, that is when the world suddenly becomes enlightened and reaches the peak."

Xiaodi asked doubtfully: "Looking at it this way, isn't it changing your innate mind system?"

"It can't be said to be a change, it can only be said to be an adjustment." Jing Yang added, "Or let's put it another way, the process of practicing mindfulness is a process of increasing purity. Let's assume that a 100-purity enhanced dummy is regarded as enhanced. The absolute truth and the central target of the system, then the practice of strengthening the system is to adjust our body and mind, little by little, the process of imitating, getting closer, and even becoming one like this 100 pure fakers, the absolute truth, and the central target. When it is in harmony, it belongs to Yes!”

"Oh." Xiaodi suddenly realized, "It's like setting a broken bone bit by bit. When the bones in the whole body are just right, it's the so-called peak." She said curiously, "According to this theory, the more important thing seems to be the physical and mental health. Harmony and unity, not whether the ability to read is strong or not."

"Yes." Bisgi said calmly, "President Nitro is a complete elitist and a true spiritual supremacist. He is impatient to deal with the weak, fools, and ignorant people, and prefers to deal with the enlightened. Communicate with people who are extremely talented, can make things happen with just a few clicks, and have extremely high spiritual realms..."

"It sounds like someone has deep resentment..." Jing Yang looked at Bisji.

"It sounds like President Netero actually cares about himself the most." Xiaodi said thoughtfully, "Every kind of person he gets along with is to better help him cultivate his mind. In fact, he Don’t put anyone else in your eyes except yourself.”


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