I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter Thirty-Four: Abandoned Talent

Jing Yang and the others pretended to be divided into three groups. He led Wu Er and separated from Xiao Di and Bi Siji.

He and Xiaodi soon joined each other far ahead.

"Scenery Rock Bird" From a high-altitude bird's-eye view, Bisiji was walking leisurely alone, and suddenly a person shot out from the shadow of the rock shelter diagonally behind him. This man struck very fast, holding a sharp weapon and piercing Bisiji's back of the heart. With Yanque's naked eyes, even with Jing Yang's consciousness possessed and dominant, he could only capture the afterimage of the man's attack.

But Bisiji is faster than anyone else.

She used the smallest movements and the convenience of having a petite head to easily and concisely avoid the attacks from behind.

However, probably because he didn't have the concept of protecting his hair as a vital part, the end of Bisiki's long blond braid was cut off by the attacker's sharp weapon. While the man's hair was caught in the air and held in his hand, Bisij turned around and kicked the other person away. He hit the ground and bounced up again.

The opponent quickly got up, holding the sharp weapon of the attack just now, a pair of ordinary scissors, in one hand, and holding a few strands of Bisji's blond hair in the other hand. He smiled strangely and said something to Bisji, Throw the hair into your mouth.

Jing Yang knew that this guy's name was Deng Nuotou. He was a bounty hunter and a prisoner with a bounty on his head. He was an ogre with the same tastes as Hannibal. He especially loved eating the flesh of twenty-year-old women... and his The ability to read is the hair cut with his favorite scissors. If it is eaten by him, he can know all the information about the other person's body, such as meat quality, disease, genetic qualifications, etc. It can be said that this telekinesis ability is of little use in combat. After all, the secret of most telekinesis users lies in telepathy, not the body. Danoto's telekinesis ability fully embodies the characteristic that telekinesis ability is a reflection of the heart. This guy loves to eat human flesh, so this kind of heart has derived the ability to assist in eating meat.

"So, two, our cooperative thinking ability requires you to sincerely want to transform into a tiger skin skirt and become my tool for Brother Zuo. Only you have such a strong green leaf spirit and this ability The development can get twice the result with half the effort!”

Jing Yang caressed the beautiful and smooth fur of the Misery Moon Tiger with sincere words. He was really racing against time. With such a good kung fu, he also urged the big tiger to lie on the ground and study his telekinesis ability. His Qi and Wu Er's energy seemed to blend together, merging into a larger flowing white water ball. As the water ball swayed, the body of the lying tiger sometimes became shriveled, sometimes the entire volume shrank, and sometimes it changed again. A little tiger as big as a palm...

Xiaodi watched from the side.

Wu Er's own energy is definitely not enough to keep struggling like this. All the consumption in the process is Jing Yang's continuous supply of energy.

After letting Misery Tiger practice for a while, Jing Yang stood up and said, "They are almost finished. Let's go back and take a look."

Xiaodi turned back with him, and saw a man with small eyes like a homeless man kneeling in a pool of blood opposite Bisji, spitting out blood. While spitting out blood, he said in a hoarse voice: "I admire you." ...It is indeed a body that has been trained to perfection..."

Unlike him, Bisji had no changes except for his hair being cut off a little. Even after being praised like this by him, his calm demeanor did not fluctuate. Bisij's heart is as firm as a diamond. He can praise or belittle him, but it won't affect him.

Silence is the greatest contempt. Deng Nuotou looked at Bisji, as if he had seen his childhood again. When he was wandering on the street, he saw a passerby's lost wallet. He kindly picked it up and returned it, but was severely beaten... He was like this Are people born so humble, and have they never been taken seriously by others?

"His power is to eat hair?" Jing Yang came over and asked pretendingly.

Bisji said: "Did you see it?"

She didn't look up at the circling rock bird when she spoke. "This person seems to be able to analyze other people's physical conditions by eating their hair." She commented habitually, "It's actually a good idea to assist in cultivation. Ability. It’s a pity that he seems to only use it to find suitable prey.”

"Assist...in training?" Deng Nuotou asked as hard as he could with blood spraying from his mouth as if he was struck by lightning.

Bisji ignored him.

Jing Yang ignored him. He raised his hand to pull off a few hairs and pointed at himself, "Eat mine? I really want to know what's going on with me."

A question mark appeared on Bisiji's head. But Xiaodi knew exactly what Jing Yang was talking about - his body was ripening!

Deng Nuotou looked directly at Bisji with his small eyes, "Only the hair cut by my scissors is useful..."

"Oh," Jing Yang flicked his fingers and threw a few strands of hair, put his hands in his pockets and leaned forward, stretching his head over, "Come on then."

Diao Nuotou held the scissors in his blood-covered hands and reached to the top of Jing Yang's head. The opponent's skull and carotid artery were less than 10 centimeters under his sharp scissors. He only needed to add a little Qi to the blade. …


Diao Nuotou gently cut off a strand of Jing Yang's hair, poked it into his mouth that smelled of blood, chewed the hair a few times with the closed scissors, and swallowed it. The energy in his body fluctuated, and his mind power began to take effect. His eyes widened in surprise.

Jing Yang also widened his eyes, and together with Xiao Di, two pairs of curious eyes stared at Deng Nuotou, "How is it? I'll give you a physical examination report soon!"

Deng Nuotou murmured hoarsely: "How is it possible... twenty-six years old... eighteen years old... why are there two actual ages..."

Jing Yang was also shocked. Is the age of this ogre's telekinesis really based on his physical body?

There is no way that the age of my previous life will appear in my body after time travel, right?

How did your boy eat it?

Xiao Di turned to Jing Yang and said, "You can't be 19 anymore, you're 18."

"That's 19." Jing Yang corrected, "Don't listen to him, this person has a problem with his taste."

"Twenty-six years old?" Bisji also looked at him strangely.

"Fifty-three years old?" Jing Yang looked at her even more strangely, then jumped back reflexively, but it turned out that Bi Siji had no intention of beating him.

Over there, Xiaodi also stretched his head in front of Dian Nuotou just like Jing Yang did just now. Deng Nuotou was so confused that he subconsciously cut off a piece of her hair and ate it in his stomach. He murmured without interest: "Age, 16 years old... The left eye is 200 degrees, the right eye is 220 degrees. There is no disease except myopia. Physical fitness is several times that of ordinary people..."

He read a lot of Didi Gugu, just like a physical examination report. He could even detect blood pressure, blood sugar and other indexes. Jing Yang seriously doubted that this person could even change his job to become a gynecologist or obstetrician, chewing hair. , maybe even the condition of the fetus in the mother's body can be checked clearly, and whether the fetus is hungry or not, maybe it can be eaten... With such an ability, he ended up becoming a murderer and an ogre, which is really a humiliation of his talents!

"Before you kill me, can you tell me..." Deng Nuotou asked Bisji, "What do you mean by cultivation?"

"Kill?" Jing Yang was instantly alert.

"You must have thought of it yourself." Bisji said.

"Really want to kill?" Jing Yang asked.

"Yeah..." Deng Nuotou knelt down and looked down at the pool of blood that was almost solidified. The reflection in the lake seemed like that of himself when he was a child. Is his telekinesis ability convenient for him to judge the quality of young women's flesh, or is it convenient for him to check? How can one's own physical condition enable one who has nothing to cultivate along the right path and emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly?

Why? Why do you continue to do this after finally becoming a professional hunter and having magical telekinesis abilities...

Bisiji pointed out, breaking Deng Nuotou's heart.

A small hole was blown out of Dian Nuo's clothes through his heart. As his body fell limp, the child's light gradually faded away. Perhaps it was because he felt that the way the instructor sent by the Hunter Association looked at him and his condescending tone were too annoying... …

Death Qi +1

"How embarrassing..."

Jing Yang curled his lips and glanced at the death panel from ear to ear.

"You are really weird, you know that?" Bisji shook his head and saw Xiaodi pointing behind them. Jing Yang and Bi Siji looked back and saw that Wu Er had disappeared - only a moon-white tiger skin skirt was left in place.

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