I'm very interested in the ability to read. Volume 1: The Oath Restriction Chapter 45: The Island of Wind and Greed, Rabbi Longevity.

As a small seaside town, there are naturally no shortage of seafood sellers on the streets, and the air seems to always be filled with the lingering smell of sea food. There is a small barbecue shop in a deserted corner of the street. People gather in small groups at the roadside stall outside the shop to drink beer and eat skewers, making loud noises. It is unknown how many of them are players and how many are NPCs.

A glass of water is placed on the table, and a small leaf floats quietly on the calm water. A pair of gray feather wings folded over from both sides of the water glass.

Under Jing Yang's guidance, the rock sparrow used its strength to peck at the flesh and suck the marrow, and finally emitted two balls of air from the tips of its wings and poured them into the water cup.

After a while of insignificant anger, the rock bird was exhausted. As a result, neither the water in the cup nor the leaves on the water moved at all, and there was no movement at all.

The rock bird slumped down on the table. Jing Yang wordlessly pushed it away with his index finger. Yanque rolled a few times and Gulu fell under the table.

Jing Yang dipped his index finger into the water in the cup, put it on his tongue and tasted it - so salty! A little spicy?

"What does it smell like?" he muttered.

In any case, the result is certain - the taste of the water has changed, and the taste of the water has changed. The innate telekinesis of the little Iwajak is undoubtedly the same type of change as Bisiki.

It’s just that the water tastes so weird!

Jing Yang smacked his lips, feeling like he had tasted it somewhere before. He looked around while holding the water glass, then patted a thin man wearing a pointed hat that looked like the King of Poker at the next table, "Brother, can you help me?"

The other person was eating skewers, and when he heard this, he turned around and said, "What?" He saw a tall and upright young man sitting next to him holding a glass of water. He seemed to be surprised when he saw him, and he looked at his face subtly.

Jing Yang asked: "The taste of my glass of water is a bit strange. It seems that I have eaten it somewhere and I can't remember it. Can you try it for me?"

Is this a player? Did you recognize me? The thin man with the pointed hat was suspicious.

He used to be a death row prisoner. Although he had lived in seclusion on this island for many years, there was still a possibility that he would be recognized by those who had hated him in the past. Calmly, he took the young man's water glass and lightly touched his lips to taste it. , said: "Why does it smell like kimchi? Boss! Is there a problem with the water in your store today?!" He immediately put down the water glass, turned around and shouted at the barbecue restaurant.

Jing Yang slapped his thigh: "It turns out it smells like kimchi! Why do you hate it so much! Thank you so much, bro, what do you call it?"

"My name is Buddha." The thin man with the pointed hat stood up and was about to leave, but Jing Yang grabbed his wrist, "Don't leave in a hurry," Jing Yang asked with a smile, "I want to ask you something again, you know Lei Where is Zha?"

"What Leiza, I've never heard of it!" The thin man with the pointed hat shook off Jing Yang's palm and walked away without looking back.

We really came to the right place!

Jing Yang sat where he was and watched the other party leave. If there is no mistake, the thin man just now was one of the death row prisoners hired by Leza to play NPC on this island. In other words, this is indeed the checkpoint location where Leza is stationed.

“Kimchi flavor…”

When Jing Yang turned around, the rock bird had returned to the table, pecking at the skewers, almost leaving an afterimage of the bird's head. The passing waiter was shocked and wanted to help drive him away, but Jing Yang stopped him.

"I didn't expect you were still a Korean bird," Jing Yang chuckled, stretching out his fingers to rub the bird's head, "You are still a change type. If I had known, I should have named you Jie Ti or something like that..."

He smiled slightly, "Change System", that's just right. He currently only has 3% qualifications in the "Change System". Although it is enough, it is still not full, so he might as well borrow the Rock Bird to practice his skills next.

As for the skinny guy just now knowing about kimchi, that's not surprising. There is still a Liben in Hunter World! The maps of the island countries all look the same. I guess it’s a modern version. Maybe there are Tokyo, Akihabara, girl group idols, etc... Jing Yang himself is sitting on the street drinking beer and masturbating. What? The Hunter World is like a hodgepodge of mirror images of Earth’s culture, and it’s not surprising that there are any specious elements.

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