I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 52 Finally meeting Leizha

Jing Yang still lost.

He is already much stronger than he was half a month ago.

The total amount of energy increased by several thousand, accumulating to a full 40,000 qi - the increase in the total amount of energy increased Jing Yang's offensive and defensive intensity, and the power of his fists and kicks was a few percent better than half a month ago, but what the hell is , during the battle with Bisji, Jing Yang always felt that this was actually his hallucination. His total energy, offensive and defensive power had not improved at all, otherwise how could he hit Bisji? Compared with half a month ago, , no difference?

Bisji still acts like a fine person!

Of course, this time, Bisji has released the "Princess Seal". She is taller, her muscles and bones are relaxed, and the muscle fibers throughout her body are tightly twisted together like dense steel wires. What is more terrifying than her physical strength is her The powerful thought energy spurting out from the body.

Bisgi wasn't lying, she was really giving it her all.

The surging thought energy turned into thought oil, which was faster than Si Ji's movement, and could even be called slippery. Jing Yang's attack fell on her and was easily defused by her. It was slippery, and then she hit hard with thunder. It's really a punch to the flesh. Thanks to Jing Yang's star to save his life, he was not seriously injured.

Jingyang pulled away, and Bisiji's long legs that looked like they were made of steel bars stepped forward, and they pressed close to him as if they had shrunk to an inch, and continued to press Euler on the ground like crazy.

...Bisi Ji already knows the details of Jing Yang too well!

Even Xiao Di, who was on the sidelines, understood: Bi Siji had a basic understanding of the mechanism of the star mark; Bi Si Ji watched Jing Yang develop it with his own eyes as there was something in the sleeves of the Nian Beast... The only telekinesis ability that Bisij would be wary of was "killing by rules". She already knew the basics of it, so she could safely and boldly approach Jing Yang for close combat.

In the field of melee combat, even if Jing Yang has the "Meteor Like the Wind" that he can control with the star on the back of his neck, he is still no match for the martial arts master Bisij. Even if he used the Drinking Nian Sword, it would not help at all - Bisiji's Qi turned into Nian Oil, and her Qi seemed to have the ability to reproduce itself, as if it had an endless source. Jing Yang felt that even if he was transformed into Kuafu , even if you can't drink enough of Bi Siji's Qi, which is like the water of the Yellow River flowing endlessly.


Jing Yang rolled his eyes and lay at the bottom of the pit. In his blurred vision, he saw a figure standing in front of him like JoJo, slowly shrinking... He raised his bloody fingers tremblingly: "Tian, ​​Tian Ke... …I’m so full…I’m so full…”

Knowing the basics, Jing Yang was asking for trouble by fighting against a master like Bisji who could crush him with pure strength. What's more, the opponent still comes with the "Never Fatigue" super bUFF. It's not just a lie to say it's a Tianke.

Tsk - Xiaodi slipped down from the edge of the pit and poked the miserable Jing Yang. The star's self-healing function was activated, and his injuries disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No matter how many times he has seen it, Bisiki is still amazed. The broken bones that this kid pierced through the skin were automatically retracted into the body. This self-healing ability can even automatically set the bones...

"Actually, I'm better at defense than offense." Bisji transformed into the shape of a little princess again. She raised a finger, and a wisp of air flew out from the fingertip, appearing like a beauty lady in a spa shop. The doll fell to the ground, "Take care of your injuries yourself. If you are physically and mentally tired, I will help."

Bisiki's telekinesis ability, "Ms. Cookie the Beautician," can use special telepathy oil that changes her energy to care for the skin, eliminate fatigue, and speed up recovery...

Xiaodi blinked. After Bisiji transformed and then released it, he beat Jingyang like this, but her anger could not be seen to have weakened much... Xiaodi asked curiously: "Isn't it good to attack? Is Bisji's character biased toward defense?"

Bisji rolled his eyes, "If you were beaten by a mean-spirited fighting old man from childhood until you grew up, you would also be very good at defense."

Jing Yang was massaged by Miss Cookie for a while. He felt refreshed and fatigue was gone. He turned over and sat up and said with a smile: "Isn't your ability to read oil the result of being beaten by Nitro? "

"Are you envious? Although I'm not good at attacking, I can't help you practice." Bisji clenched his fists with a wicked smile.

Jing Yang said: "You have already said that I am an operation system, so you must keep this in mind. To reach your level... Bisiji, have you reached the peak of your transformation system?"

Bisji snorted and was too lazy to answer.


After testing the gap between himself and the all-out version of Bisji, it was time to get down to business.

Jing Yang released the nian beast Taoist nun and asked her to start making talismans with the peach wood sword.

The wooden sword pierced Xiaodi's chest - her chain saw ability was extremely lethal and very useful. Jing Yang found that he really lacked some "weapon"-level attack methods. He had always fought with fists, kicks or teleportation bombs, or he would simply go to the star mark and kill according to the rules.

Seeing a chainsaw talisman condensed into the wooden sword, Jing Yang smiled and said, "Xiao Di called his own 'Chainsaw Girl'. If it falls into my hands, he can be called 'Chainsaw Man'."

The chain saw talisman flew into the Taoist nun's right sleeve. Seeing the Taoist nun raising her sword to stab Xiaodi again, Bisiji asked curiously: "Can I condense the second one?"

"Of course. They are all disposable consumables. Why don't you save a few more?" Jing Yang said, "But the time to make talismans with the same telekinesis ability will become longer and longer. The first one takes 5 minutes, and the second one takes 5 minutes." 10 minutes, then 20 minutes, 40, 80, 160 minutes..."

"Doubling it in sequence." Bisji nodded, then clapped his little hands and said with a naughty smile, "If you condense one piece, use one, and if you condense one piece, use one. Isn't that good?"

"She's pretty good at finding bugs." Jing Yang muttered, and after spending another half an hour, a total of three chain saw talismans were exploded on Xiaodi's body, which he put into the Taoist nun's right sleeve. Then the Taoist nun held up the peach wood sword and looked at Wu with eager eyes. two……

After exploding several seventy-two transformation talismans on Wu Er, Jing Yang sharpened his sword and suddenly thought of Yanque.

"Can I use the half-finished telekinesis ability?"

Jing Yang himself was not sure. After touching his head, he told the rock bird not to be afraid, not to blow up its hair, and not to move around. Then Taoist Nian Beast stabbed it with a sword - the peach wood sword almost penetrated the little gray bird, and the rock bird He fell to the ground, his feet in the air, and fainted.

Five minutes later, a talisman condensed on the tip of the mahogany sword, and the word "wind" was written crookedly. It was so ugly that it was too ugly to look at.

"Is this... can it be used, or can't it be used?"

Jing Yang thought, forget it, let's just do it.

However, since he can condense the talisman, it proves that the change of mind ability he developed in Yanque is indeed on the right track. Once the development of Yanque takes shape and its own ability to change thoughts is developed, you can directly follow the speed run! Perfect.

After a short rest, the three of them, one tiger and one bird, returned to the seaside town of Shoufulabi.


The five passers-by who were killed by Jing Yang half a month ago, as well as the other eight passerby players who were marked with stars, rushed to the open space outside Shoufu Rabbi City after Jing Yang activated the star control.

"Why are you so evasive in your eyes?" Jing Yang looked at the five challengers, "Are you so scared?"

Bisji complained: "You can't help but walk over here, how can you not be afraid?"

Xiao Didi said: "The other few don't seem to be very scared."

"Maybe I'm used to it." Bisji guessed.

The five breakers tried to force out a flattering smile, but before they could say anything, Jing Yang had already shaken his head and snapped his fingers. They, along with the other eight players controlled by the star, all looked at each other. Change, as if there was a sapphire-like glimmer in his eyes.

Bisji keenly discovered that the standing postures of these 13 people changed subtly in an instant... and they were very similar, exactly the same as Jing Yang's habits.

This is direct forced control. She thought, it would save trouble!


Jing Yang called out the card collection book, took out a spell card, and shouted, "Use 'Come Together'! Go to 'Shoufu Rabbi'."

"Jing 1", "Jing 2" and "Jing 13" stepped forward to surround them. Together with Jing Yang, Xiao Di, Bi Siji, Wu Er and the rock bird on the tiger's head, a total of 18 players were blocked by the spell. A white light enveloped them, and then they flew into the sky with a "bang". In the blink of an eye, they fell from the sky with a "bang" and landed on the road outside the town of Shoufulabi.

It was only a dozen meters away from where they were just now...

"General", "of", "this", "like", "should", "should", "not", "will", "like", "last", "time", "that", "like" - "Jing 1" to "Jing 13" " He said one word after another, and then Jing Yang continued smoothly: "You have returned without success, right?"

It's really fresh, and Bisij looks at it with gusto.

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out." Xiaodi said.

So, a group of 18 people turned around and headed directly towards the lighthouse fortress on the seaside they had visited before.

When he arrived at the lighthouse, without further ado, Jing Yang opened the door directly and entered the fortress. He found a door deep in the fortress with ease, raised his hand and pushed it open. The bright lights of the gymnasium jumped into view - however, it was still an empty gymnasium. There was no Leiza on the basketball court.

Jing Yang thought about it, and it seemed that after meeting the conditions in the comics for more than a dozen players to come together, Xiaojie and the others found a young lady NPC in the town of Shoufu Labi to introduce the mission, and then the young lady took them to find those The condemned man wearing a pointed hat was brought to the lighthouse by the condemned prisoners after being recognized by them...

In other words, since it is a game mission, there is a mission process!

Now, Miss Npc, I don’t know where they are, but those death row prisoners with pointed hats... Well, I took them through last time, and they were killed by Leza with a few telekinesis bombs.

Jing Yang strode into the gymnasium and shouted to the empty basketball court: "Hey, I said, it's almost done! We should have met the conditions to find this place, but the order is reversed, don't be so stubborn... …”

Bisji and Xiaodi followed, and Yanque and its mount Wuer also filed in together with "King 1" to "King 13". Looking at the empty and bright stadium, suddenly there was a sound coming from nowhere. A man's voice: "No way, the rules of the game are like that, you must abide by them... No one will like people who don't follow the rules, right?" 』


Jing Yang heard it.

At this moment, a ray of white light penetrated the ceiling, fell from the sky, and fell in front of Xiaodi and Bisij. It turned out to be a young lady wearing a red headband, fair skin, good figure, but with a melancholy expression.

As soon as Miss Melancholy landed, she said to herself in the air: "It doesn't matter if I tell you... It is said that somewhere in this sea area, there is an undersea cave known as the residence of Poseidon, and the path leading there The entrance is "one ping of coastline"... A few years ago, Leza and fourteen demons heard this rumor, so they came to this town and ruled it from then on. They tortured many people to death, including mine. Dad and brother just want to get the location of "One Ping of Coastline"..."

While she was talking, Jing Yang and Xiao Di were also talking and tried to interrupt, but they seemed not to hear them at all and finished reciting the lines without paying attention. Finally, they nodded to them and turned around to walk deeper into the stadium. .

The moment she turned around, it was as if a mirror barrier suddenly shattered in front of Jing Yang and others, and the noisy and lively sounds of movement suddenly appeared in her ears. Several young people wearing pointed hats appeared out of thin air across the gymnasium, and in Directly across from them, a tall man with spiky hair and a short-sleeved sports suit was looking at them with squinted eyes not far away.

It's really overlapping different spaces... Bisji looked around.

"Finally we meet again, Leiza!" Jing Yang said.

Narrowing his eyes, he said, "Oh? Have we met before?"

Jing Yang hummed and said, "Do you have the ability to use pie to fly us away this time?"

Leza said: "That's not possible. Even the manager of the game has to follow the rules of the game. - Now that you have found this place, let's get straight to the point and start the game."

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