"Jing Yang, give me your eyes."

Looking at the innocent face of the child in front of him, who looked as if he was just asking for a simple thing like a candy, Jing Yang suddenly understood the situation at this moment.

Gou Ri's greedy island, Gou Ri's dice, actually threw himself directly into the lair of the enemy family!

are you crazy?

Moreover, the location where he landed happened to be the "containment" room of the most secret child of the Beat Dike family - Aluga = Beat Dike. Doesn't this directly touch the bad luck of the killer's nest?

Are you sick?

However, he must comply with Alluka's request now.

This is information that only Killua and his family know, but it is obviously not a secret to Jing Yang, a time traveler: if you satisfy Alluka's request to act coquettishly, he will grant one of your wishes; and if you refuse If you make him act coquettishly three times, he will crush you and at least one person related to you into a meat pie and twist him into a meat rope...

The whole person was crushed into a meat pie and twisted into twists. The star mark on the body will definitely be destroyed, so death is inevitable.

There are not many people he has connections with in this world, so... Xiaodi will also be implicated by him.

Jing Yang smiled at Aluka, stretched out his finger, and dug out one of his right eyeballs alive.

"Damn it, come up and ask for the eyeballs. What did that idiot wish for last time?"

Jing Yang endured the severe pain that shot straight to the sky, and put the right eyeball he dug out into the hands of the innocent-looking Aluka.

As for Alluka's ability to make wishes, as big as the wish is, the next request for coquettishness will be harsh and cruel - in other words, the price of making a wish will be borne by the next person making the wish.

If he just makes a wish for Alluka to hug him, then his next request for coquettishness will probably just be to ask you to lift him up. This time when he saw Jing Yang, his first request was for an eyeball, which shows how greedy the beast who made a wish to him last time was...

After Alluka got the eyeball, it was actually of no use. This was a sudden onset of his ability, and it wasn't like he really wanted the eyeball.

Just when he was about to throw it away, Jing Yang took it back and said, "It's useless, right? Then give it back to me." He pressed his right eye socket. Although the self-healing ability of the star mark can probably make the eyes grow back, why bother with that when you can recycle them.

"..." Aluka stared at him blankly. Before he could ask for a second act of coquettishness, he saw Jing Yang being hit by two light waves falling from the sky, and then seemed to be grabbed by a light dragon. He left suddenly, just like he appeared out of thin air just now and disappeared out of thin air.

In the surveillance screen, Aluka looked around in the room, looking through the dolls in the room for a while, but finally couldn't find Jing Yang, and finally sat back on the sofa in a daze out of boredom.


A glowing red dot was reflected on the surveillance screen. A tall woman with curly hair dressed like Cyclops from the X-Men looked at her fourth son on the surveillance screen and pressed a button on the main console.


"No, is it over yet?"

Jing Yang covered his right eye. Before his butt was even hot from sitting, he was enveloped in light again and seemed to be teleported again.

Greed Island Designer - Huh, it seems to have nothing to do with Greed Island?

Jing Yang remembered that the teleport just now seemed to be caused by something suddenly rushing into Alluka's light group... No, it was some kind of thought. He was suddenly hit by some kind of thought, and then he ended up in this dark place.

Is it a defense mechanism to beat up the enemy Hakka family? When encountering an uninvited guest, it will be automatically triggered and the world will be moved to a specific location...

The light was dim and the surrounding environment was a bit blurry. Jing Yang patted his right eye, which was still uncomfortable. After getting used to it, he realized that this was actually a very spacious place, like an underground palace... or an underground parking lot. There are no windows, but the ventilation seems to be okay, which proves that there must be other entrances and exits...

Jing Yang was thinking and moving when he suddenly stumbled.

He knelt down and stared carefully...


Throughout the underground palace-like space, cables were laid crisscrossing the ground. Following these cables, Jing Yang discovered a huge chair in front of one wall. There seemed to be a small guy sitting on the chair wrapped with cables.

Jing Yang walked over quietly and took a look. Jing Yang was speechless on the spot. It turned out to be Killua.

Killua tilted his head. From a distance, he thought he was a prisoner who had been electrocuted. In fact, he was sitting up and fell asleep, drooling from the corner of his mouth, and sleeping soundly.

A place used for training to beat up enemy Hakkas?

Jing Yang remained calm and didn't want to wake Killua up. He turned around and headed towards the direction where he felt there was an entrance just now.

On the way, he kept trying to rub the Tiandao ring and use the moon sign to contact Xiaodi, but there was no response.

So far apart?

The sensing range of the moon mark during the day is far inferior to that of the star mark.

But Jing Yang did not rush to sense the star mark on Xiaodi's body - if Xiaodi's situation at the moment was more critical than his own, and he rashly possessed "Top Number" and was confused about the situation and harmed Xiaodi, then Not good.

"Fortunately, before we separated, I gave Bisji and her a Seventy-Two Transformation Talisman. The ability to transform should be put to use anyway..."

As for Bisji, that is the real loss of contact.

Not to mention the moon mark, there is no star mark either. But with Bisji's strength, there is no need to worry...

There are also Wuji and Yanque, who don’t know where they were thrown...

Dog Day's Greedy Island, since it's a hidden level, shouldn't there be rewards or something?

That's right, Alandriel said that he would help us erase the process. In other words, no matter what level we randomly reach, we and others can directly find a way to escape. This is equivalent to the hidden level being replaced by Alandriel and leaving the island... …

But who would have thought that he would be randomly thrown into the lair of unlucky enemies?

Thinking about various thoughts in his mind, Jing Yang finally found the entrance and exit - it was a heavy door.

Jing Yang supported the stone door, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, with one arm and slowly pushed it open, letting in the light from outside the door. After only driving a short distance, Jing Yang waited quietly for a while - and then suddenly remembered, Gan, Yanque is not here, and the "drone" reconnaissance that he was used to before is no longer available.

After waiting for a while, it didn't look like anyone was there. Jing Yang slipped into the door and was immediately surprised - outside the door was not an outdoor room, but another spacious hall that was very similar to the electrocution place where he was just now, except that the light here was bright, and the criss-crossing grid floor had also No cables were laid…

Jing Yang took a step forward, and there was an inaudible scratching sound in his ears. At the same time, a steel needle had already hit his eyes - he pinched it with two fingers and grabbed it.


He took a few more steps, and steel needles flew from all directions and from various angles.

Jing Yang could hide as long as he could, but suddenly a hand grabbed his clothes from behind and pulled him back. He returned to the previous electrocution chamber and slammed the heavy stone door.

"Capricorn Palace is full of traps, you can't just wander around."

"Capricorn Palace?" Jing Yang pulled out several steel needles stuck on his body because he was too lazy to hide. He paused and wondered, "Why are the twelve zodiac signs here? Will your family return them?" Is there a Gemini Pope hiding there?”

The one who pulled him back was naturally Killua.

"You can barely smell the blood..." Killua looked at the place where Jing Yang pulled out the steel needle, "Did he use his muscles to forcefully seal the wound? It was just two pricks with the steel needle, so there's no need to make such a fuss... Could it be Is it just that his body’s healing ability is incredibly strong?”

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