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Chapter 76 Is this still the case?

"Okay. But I shouldn't be as strong as Jing Yang now." Xiaodi said on the phone, "I'm not here yet."

Xiaodi seemed to have taken the phone away from her ear and pointed it at the surrounding environment, so Jingyang could hear the ambient sound in the train on her side more clearly. Xiaodi is still on the train heading to the Sky Arena.

"Pay attention to safety." Jing Yang has returned to the town, "I'm almost leaving."

There was a soft voice on the phone.

Jing Yang walked in the town, found a small restaurant for lunch, and went straight to the train station.

I got a few maps and compared them with the afternoon drive schedule to choose a suitable route to the Sky Arena.

The straight-line distance is almost 8,000 kilometers. If you take the train, you don't know how many days it will take to get there... Jing Yang was thinking about it in the waiting hall, and suddenly noticed that there were many eyes watching him secretly, and he paid a little attention. At first glance, there seemed to be some pale and frightened faces. They seemed to be the bus tourists who went to Mount Kurulu in the morning?

The phone in his pocket vibrated. Jing Yang took it out and saw a text message from Xiaodi: "I'm almost there."

"Roger that." Jing Yang replied, put away a few maps, and stood up to buy tickets, making the young tourist who had just plucked up the courage to come and say hello sigh.

"Sky Arena, (photo), it's really high."

The train was speeding on the tracks, and Jing Yang received another text message from Xiaodi. Jing Yang smiled and typed a reply: "In each level of the arena competition, there is a bonus for winning. You can save your energy and go up one level at a time. Don't skip levels. This way you can earn more."

Buzz, the phone vibrates. Xiaodi replied: "I'll wait for Jingyang to arrive before we go in together."

"Doraemon, I'm so touched."


"I'm not impressed anymore..."


"Boss orders you to call me."

There was no new text message reply because Xiaodi called directly. Jing Yang answered the call with a smile, leaning on the back of the car seat, talking on the phone with Xiao Di while looking at the retreating scenery outside the window.

After Xiaodi found a place to stay near the Sky Arena, Jingyang's cell phone was almost out of battery.

"What are you going to do this afternoon?" Jing Yang asked.

"Shopping." Xiaodi replied, and then added, "And practicing. Where is Jing Yang?"

"Wandering on the train and practicing..."

The more than two-hour call ended. Jing Yang put his phone aside to charge and continued to practice basic telekinesis skills silently.

Perhaps because he has become accustomed to practicing, Jing Yang is now able to complete the arduous daily practice without any compromise even without the help of the star mark on the back of his neck.

Jing Yang truly felt the growth of his heart through repeated hardships. It's like a new seedling sprouting vigorously under the water of Qi.

People were coming and going in the carriage, but Jing Yang remained unmoved, motionless as a mountain, immersed in the world of thoughts.

When night fell, Jing Yang had already left the Republic of Patokia and arrived at Fa...er, a border city of the Minbo Republic, one of the v5s.

Jing Yang really didn't feel the fatigue of this journey at all. He quickly changed trains at the station. When the train entered the station, he directly checked in and boarded the train, and continued to travel westward on this continent in the night. Speeding eastward... Jing Yang took off his shoes and sat cross-legged in the small box of the train. He opened his fingers and looked at the A-shaped ring. With a thought in his mind, he sensed another moonmark through the moon mark inside the A-shaped ring. exist.

The night outside the car window is like ink, flying past.

"It seems that the night's judgment is based on my personal perception. Just like Kurapika's oath to the Phantom Troupe and the identity of the members of the Phantom Troupe are also based on Kurapika's judgment." Jing Yang said silently. I thought, "Of course my subconscious can't deceive myself, but what if I'm in a situation where I can't tell the difference between day and night? Will the moon mark become invalid, or will it be like Kurapika's judgment after turning on the flaming eyes? Standard measurement, detached from personal judgment. Rational cognition...In that case, it can also be explained that although I can't see night and day, the moon mark can take effect based on the biological clock in my body..."

[Jing Yang, what are you thinking about? 】After discovering that Jing Yang had transmitted the message, he didn't speak for a long time. Xiao Di's voice appeared in Jing Yang's mind.

Jing Yang came back to his senses and said what he had just thought. Xiao Di agreed.

Jing Yang added: [However, there is another problem. 】

【What is it? 】

[What if we are in different time zones? ] Jing Yang raised his palm and threw out a ball of thoughts, which was like a globe, and was rotated by his fingertips, [If I am in the day hemisphere and you are in the night hemisphere, to your moon, you are in the night. , for my moon mark, it is daytime here, so can we perceive each other's marks? 】

Xiaodi was quiet for a while, and then replied: [There is no such possibility. 】

[Why did Doraemon say this? 】

[Because we cannot be one during the day and the other at night. 】Xiao Didi said, 【Also, this is the first time I have heard of the terms day hemisphere and night hemisphere...】

Jing Yang suddenly realized something.

[It’s what Jing Yang said, right? The world we currently know is in a huge Lake Mobius in the Dark Continent. 】 Xiaodi continued, "If the entire Dark Continent, or even the wider outside world, were counted as one planet, then it would be difficult for the six continents we now know to be located in an area with half day and half night. Condition……】

This world is so small that there is almost no time difference. Jing Yang looked out the dark car window. In other words, this world is really too big, so big that they have no way of knowing what the scenery on the other side of the planet is like under the daylight when the human world falls into darkness...

Dark continent!

It's not that dark. Why not call it Guangming Continent?

Jing Yang put back his messy thoughts and asked casually: [Xiao Di, how was your afternoon shopping? Is it fun there? 】

【I do not know. 】Xiao Di said, 【I want to wait until Jing Yang comes and then go shopping together. Jing Yang would be bored if he took the train for several days. 】

Jing Yang smiled and said: [So considerate? Then you wait until I arrive. 】

【good. 】

【rest early. 】


After cutting off the communication with Yuebiao, Jing Yang turned the ring on his index finger in the quiet train compartment, finally took it off, put it aside, and pulled up the quilt to cover his head.

"Tsk, mess up my Taoist mind! Go to sleep!"

Minbo Republic is a big country, so this train was a very long one. Until almost noon the next day, Jing Yang was still on the train.

He had been practicing telekinesis all morning, and the entire box was filled with flying star bubbles he created.

Jing Yang used another thought bullet to crush all the flying star bubbles accurately.

These flying star bubbles give up their attack power, so naturally they don't have much defense power. The target can be controlled by hitting it, which also means that once the target is alertly aware of it, the effect of the Flying Star Bubble will be very limited... On the contrary, the Flying Star Bubble itself is silent and has no sense of threat, so it itself The concealment is very high...

While Jing Yang was practicing, he suddenly sensed an activated star.

"What's going on with this girl? She won't be stabbed again, right?" Jing Yang's heart moved, and his consciousness was projected onto the carrier of the star mark activated in the distance, "Xiao Di, what are you -" He still said Before he could say anything, he was surprised by what he saw.

"I" was sitting on the toilet without pants, holding a freshly opened package in my hand...

Um? Is there still such a situation?

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