I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 92: Battle with Yungu

Zhehao, who had won consecutive battles, lost like this?

Lost to a newcomer who just climbed to the 200th floor yesterday?

The audience was in an uproar and talking a lot. Some gamblers who had been watching Zhen Yuanzi come here from the lower floor were ecstatic, but with this bet, at extremely high odds, they made a lot of money this time!

Zheluo looked at his younger brother Zhehao, who had been confirmed by the referee to be knocked out of the field and was unable to make a comeback. He was stunned and could not recover.

Are you dreaming?

"Contestant Zhehao has lost the ability to fight, KO!" The referee, who was used to seeing similar scenes, quickly announced the result into the microphone, "The winner is player Zhen Yuanzi!"

When the first aid medical staff rushed to the sidelines, Jing Yang easily jumped off the ring and happened to hear a noise over there.

Zhehao woke up faintly with severe pain all over his body and multiple fractures. It was difficult to get up, but he still struggled to push away the medical staff who were blocking his view.

He gritted his teeth and straightened his neck, looked straight at Jing Yang, and shouted with all his strength: "Zhen Yuanzi!"

Jing Yang stopped and looked over when he heard the sound.

Zhehao said with difficulty: "I...the power I pursue is to compete with the strong in martial arts, to get on the ring to compete. Now it seems that I have failed...but what about you? What are you pursuing? powerful?"


Jing Yang thought for a while and said, "If I have to say it, what I pursue is the continuous accumulation and transformation of Qi itself! It's quite ordinary."

In fact, it should be interpreted as the pursuit of continuous transformation and sublimation of the essence of life. However, saying it at this time seemed to be a boast, so Jing Yang changed it to a common term.

"People who are more angry are not necessarily stronger, and they may not be able to win the battle." Jing Yang said with a smile, "So for me, whether you are strong or not is just a matter of course! There are so many strong people in the world, how can I challenge them? Come here!"

He looked at Zhehao, who had a dazed look on his face, and said, "You said that super powers are flashy and eye-catching. It's so unfair to you who are obsessed with martial arts. It's not what you are pursuing. But from my point of view, you are just escaping. . As far as I know, many martial artists naturally mastered Qi on the way to pursue martial arts. After mastering Qi, they unswervingly regarded themselves as martial arts fighters, defeating powerful enemies one after another. But you are used to the past. Martial arts experience, because you are a martial arts genius, you are a fighting expert, you are not willing to step out of the comfort zone of the old model, you are afraid of falling in the ring, you are afraid of falling from a genius to a mortal, you are not willing to become a rookie again, A beginner..."

Before Jing Yang could finish speaking, Zhe Hao had already burst into tears and murmured: "There's no need to go so far..."

"Zhen Yuanzi, are you not affected in any way in the ring from the beginning?"

he asked persistently.

But Jing Yang just smiled and waved, without answering, and turned away.

Behind him, Zhehao's collapsed shouting, "That's why I hate the so-called superpowers! It's really unfair! Wuwuwu..." and the medical staff scolding him.


Jing Yang thought as he walked, maybe!

If just now in the ring, I was forcibly banned by the opponent's operation system ability, and even unable to use Qi freely, then it is indeed possible that I will lose.

But there is no if in reality.

You can use telekinesis to try to force both parties back to the Muggle state, so of course I can also use telekinesis to be immune to this kind of control.

That’s actually quite fair…

Jing Yang found Xiao Di and Kurapika who came to watch the game, and found that Yun Gu was also there. He couldn't help but said: "This way I also win."

Yun Gu smiled and said, "I look forward to playing against you."

"What's the use of expectations," Jing Yang asked curiously, "Aren't we applying for a battle system here? As long as we limit the time we can participate in the battle to the same day, there is a high probability that we will be arranged to fight together."

Being straightforward like this suited Yun Gu's temper just right. He pushed up his glasses and said, "That's fine! Only by fighting with masters can you hone your strength. When do you want to set the date? I have 87 days left in my battle preparation period."

Jing Yang said, "Let's talk while we walk. Go to my room."

He didn't return to his personal room on the 200th floor, it was arranged for free anyway.

After a group of four people went to Jing Yang's room, Jing Yang sat down to rest for a while. Yun Gu suddenly said: "Remind you, I am an enhancement type. In a head-on battle in the ring, I should have an advantage."

Jing Yang was startled and said with a smile: "Really? It doesn't matter. Well, I just won a match, and there are exactly 90 days left in the preparation period for the battle, so we will decide to compete in the ring after 90 days. How? Sample?"

"After 90 days?" Yun Gu was a little surprised. He pushed up his glasses and hesitated. Master Bisji assigned him a task, and he still wanted to win 10 games as soon as possible to be qualified to challenge the poster.

"Not just after 90 days, but if you've won nine games, I've won nine games."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Now you and I are 1 win and 0 losses. Until 90 days later... don't forget 90 days. Today is February 15th, so let's set it on May 15th. On May 15th Before, we all had to achieve a record of 9 wins. During this process, both sides could watch the other's game. In short, we will compete on the stage on May 15th. Whoever wins will get the 10th victory. Challenge the poster’s qualifications. How about it?”

Yun Gu accepted it happily, "It's just what I want!"

"But I also have a request." He pushed up his glasses, "Since there is a three-month deadline, then... 'Practice'!"

Yun Gu's eyes condensed, and a large amount of Qi was released from his whole body, like white flames gushing out fiercely.

So strong!

Kurapika was secretly surprised, and was slightly calmed down by the powerful aura released by this elegant young man.

Jing Yang also showed off the power of "Lian", with the Qi on his body constantly spurting out and outputting it at maximum power.

It was like joining hands before a martial arts competition. After practicing like this, Jing Yang and Yun Gu had a rough idea of ​​the opponent's strength, especially Nian Liang's momentum.

"The difference is about double..."

Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Yun Gu thought at the same time.

The energy released by Yun Gu's "training" was nearly twice that of Jing Yang!

Moreover, Yun Gu is an enhancement type!

Whether it is "hard" or "hard", or various basic offensive and defensive battles, the enhanced type can exert 100% of its power. It is the type of telekinetic user who is naturally more suitable for melee combat.

What's more, Yun Gu's thoughts far exceed those of Jing Yang...

"It seems that it's very difficult to win against you!" Jing Yang calmed down his momentum, exhaled, and returned to his usual "Training" from "Practice".

The spiky Qi on Yun Gu's body also gradually converged, becoming as calm as running water and wrapping around his body.

He pushed up his glasses and said with a smile, "Well, see you on May 15th!"

Xiaodi asked doubtfully: "That's not true, is it?"

Yun Gu sweated. Indeed, they had also agreed to achieve 8 more wins before May 15th. Of course, he would also go to watch Zhen Yuanzi's games during this period. Presumably Zhen Yuanzi would do the same, and they would inevitably meet during this period. and communicate…

After Yun Gu left, Kurapika turned around and asked, "You used the ability that you used to control me to control yourself, so Zhehao's ability is ineffective against you, right?"

Jing Yang said unexpectedly: "Have you noticed all this? You have enough understanding!"

"Because I assume that there is no incomprehensible telekinesis ability, so since there is the ability to control others, there should naturally be ways to prevent being controlled by similar abilities." Kurapika said calmly, then frowned slightly and asked, "But when you competed with Zhehao in the ring, until you beat him away and won, the energy in your body didn't change too drastically..."

"Oh, I just used the "Flow" technique. I used it fairly skillfully and covertly, so it's not easy for a novice like you to see through it." Jing Yang smiled and said, "If you had used 'Condensation' at that time, If you observe carefully, you may be able to see some flaws."

"I see. It's because my practice is still shallow." Kurapika suddenly realized.

At this time, Xiaodi said: "Yun Gu said that he is an enhanced type. It doesn't seem to be easy for you to win against him in the ring."

Jing Yang is from the operating system, and his biggest trump card is the control of the star. Xiaodi didn't think that Jing Yang would use it easily in full view of the arena, and it didn't seem necessary.

"When you have a goal, you can sprint forward and practice!"

Jing Yang smiled and said, "I think the recent slowdown in progress and reaching a bottleneck in practice is a factor, but there is no specific goal to challenge, which may also be one of the reasons."

Kurapika raised his head and said: "It has been three months, and the opponent is probably getting stronger. He may not have the same strength as just now on May 15th."

Everyone has three months to go. It seems a bit difficult for Jing Yang to overtake him in a corner and overtake his opponent in terms of concentration and basic skills.

"So, we have to think of a way from the perspective of telepathy." Jing Yang pondered.

He didn't plan to use the Star Mark in the ring, and the Flying Star Bubble was naturally banned for the same reason.

The magic power of snapping fingers seems to be prone to accidental injuries when surrounded by spectators. The audience are all ordinary people. Even if they are touched by the magic power of the finger, they will basically die or be injured. If one of them fails, they will have to take a spoon to clean up the scene... Unless the angle is correct, this trick must be used with caution .

You have to think of ways to develop new abilities!

It must be suitable for your own situation, it must also be suitable for ring fighting, and it must have the ability to defeat the strong with the weak...

"Basic training, developing abilities, and at the same time, we have to win 8 more wins." Jing Yang said with a smile, "The next three months look like they will be very fulfilling!"

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