Ferdnan was stiffened by the expression of a human woman who seemed to have lived a few hundred years less than he did.

Looking at him, Ashtelin smiled wickedly and thought, ‘This is how you hit the jackpot, and you can tell me all about the fun of spending money when we get there.’

Yeah, it’s a beautiful life for cute cats.

Her plan was to show them the world of riches. Staring at the cat with white fur and blue eyes, Ashtelin asked softly, “Can you turn into a human being? Oh, or you’re too young to shapeshift?”

She asked him that because spending money in the form of a human would be more worthwhile.

At Ashtelin’s question, the white cat raised his chin and barely spoke out, “I can change. I think I can.”

Ferdnan was sealed most of his abilities.

But thanks to a small contract with the emperor cat of Suin, he was able to gain some of his magic.

A simple magic spell could be used. Over time, the constraints on tying his abilities would slowly be lifted.

“Oh yeah?”

Ashtelin smiled satisfactorily. If she carried a cat with her, the number of places and events she could participate in would lessen because of a pet.

It would be quite convenient if the cat became human. “Then, can your tuxedo cat friend turn into a human?”


The tuxedo cat cried quietly.

Ashtelin was not a mage. She was just a normal human being, so she couldn’t understand it.

“He can change, but he’s an amateur.”

“Okay, so… first of all, can you change into a human being right now?”
When Ashtelin said so, the cat with white fur nodded. The tuxedo cat meowed as well.

“You must wear clothes after you change, right?”

Ashtelin slowly closed the door behind her to give them room.

And she was worried for a while outside the door.

‘I’m so nervous… How can I get Ferdnan’s aversion to disappear by overspending?’

Like that…… Ashtelin opened the doors only for her eyes to get blinded by the sight.

The two were so handsome that the clean Centium villa felt shabby.

No, let’s make a correction.

One was a boy with silver hair, a handsome male with black hair, green eyes, and looked around ten years old.

It was a visual that purifies one’s mind and makes one’s eyes happy just by looking at it.

The two were leaning against the wall, and the shabby old wallpaper behind them seemed to fade from the view that Ashtelin ignored.

Fortunately or unfortunately, they were wearing clothes.

‘Ha… I’m so happy!’

It was the silver-haired, handsome boy in the hall that broke Ashtelin’s sentiment. “Ashtelin, right? You can call me Ferdnan.”

‘I heard your accent, and you said Ferdnan.’

It seemed to be a Suin, the white cat. His broad lips were plump and seemed to attract Ashtelin. A crescent-like smile hung on his red lips. It was such a seductive laugh that anyone would be enchanted by it. Ashtelin nodded, of course, because she was more interested in the two cats.

“Yes, I’m Ashtelin,” she said and nodded. It was a common greeting since they were going to be together for quite a long time.

By the way, when Ferdnan was a cat, he used to admire his looks, but when he turned into a human, he felt a little strange…

‘I feel twice as good because I’m more handsome.’

Yes, that was it!

“I was so down earlier, but now that I see you guys I feel better.”

Another face caught Ashtelin’s attention. It was a young boy who was more than two feet shorter than her. There were dimples on the kid’s cute face that had not yet grown. His white skin was like a cute sticky rice cake.

“Hi, Ashtelin! My name is Kiss!”

It was a cute and sudden remark.

Ashtelin asked back in a puzzled voice. “Kiss…?”

The sight of a little boy saying his name was “Kiss” was quite challenging.

More like challengingly adorable.

“You, your name… Kiss? Wasn’t it Catelesia?”

Wait, wasn’t “Kiss” the name Ashtelin was going to give to Ferdnan…?

“Catelesia is right, but I like the name you gave me better!”

Ashtelin patted his head. ‘He’s so cute. It’s a relief I picked up Catelesia as well.”

But then her realization began to come. ‘First of all, you’re not a cat right now, are you? But it’s weird to call him Kiss, right?’

“……then, Kiss. I’ll call you Catelesia when you’re human. What do you say?”

Ashtelin’s rational brain has found the most compromising point. No one would turn down her request or dare to hate humans.

Well, unless you’re Ferdnan…
Most of the tribes seem to be homophobic towards humans, but if you raise them well and treat them well, their hatred will slowly subside.

“Yes, I love it!” Catelesia smiled brightly and nodded. His invisible tail seemed to turn like a propeller. He was more like a dog than a cat.

“Ah! Ashtelin, I’ve changed well, haven’t I? No tail, no ears, right?”

“Nope, there isn’t.”

Ashtelin scanned him from head to toe. There was definitely a human side to him.

“Then scratch my chin! Pat me on the head, too!”

“Well, yeah! I’ll give you as much love as you want!” Kiss was a pet that Ashtelin had always wanted. She raised her hand and gently stroked his head. The touch was fluffy and soft.

“I love it!”

‘I feel like I have a baby.’

Ashtelin was very concerned about this situation.

Kisses, or Catelesia, closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against Ashtelin’s hand as if he was in a trance. Ashtelin also loved the feeling of his soft and clean hair on her fingertips. There was a brief silence in the room.

Catelesia was extremely cute and the touch was warm and peaceful…but it only lasted for a little while.

“What are you doing?”

Peace was broken by the loud voice of Ferdnan.


A sharp handsome man with silver hair and blue eyes, Ferdnan looked at them with his arms folded and asked again.

“Why did you ask us to be human?”

“Oh, I just wanted to have fun with you guys! What’s your favorite activity?” Right after Ashtelin asked her question, something surprising happened.


Catelesia, who was still being petted by Ashtelin, turned into a cat again.

“Kiss, what happened?”


Ashtelin sat down and checked his condition. Somehow she felt like crying………

“Is there a problem?” Ferdnan replied nonchalantly.

“Catelesia is still not used to his human form. When he feels pleasure, he will suddenly turn back into a cat. So if we have to go, it’ll be just the two of us.”

“Oh, really? Then Catelesia, wait for us here.”


Catelesia plopped onto the floor with a mournful look. Ferdnan, who looked at him with cold eyes, asked Catelesia, “What did you say you liked earlier?”


“He likes snacks,” Ferdnan replied proudly.

“Then what about you?”

“I… I like jewelry.” Ferdnan’s personality was just like a dragon, especially the fact that he loved shiny objects like jewels.

Thanks to the world’s damn curse, the dragon’s treasure, or the sparkling jewels in its nest, disappeared. It will take hundreds of years to be recovered.

“Oh, I like things that twinkle too.”


“Then let’s go get the jewels.” Ashtelin’s eyes glistened. It was a sign that meant they were going shopping.

To attract Ferdnan’s attention, Ashtelin said, “Let’s go buy some jewelry.” However, before that, there was a place to stop by. It was a boutique that would help Ashtelin fix her loose fabric into a fancy dress.

‘Stop by the boutique and buy ready-made clothes, eat dinner, and then buy jewelry.’

It was a perfect plan. So Ferdnan, Ashtelin, and her guard Grisel arrived in front of Niloeda Boutique.

As she got off the wagon with her group, Ashtelin looked up at the two elite soldiers guarding the boutique and stared at the splendid stone building five stories tall.

“Why does the boutique look so lame?” The guard tilted his head. The fashion industry was a luxury industry for high-ranking female aristocrats. Then, the number of soldiers guarding the front door has to increase, and there must be servants coming forward and escorting the nobles, right?

‘Why is it so unorderly here?’ Ashtelin was sure that this boutique wasn’t supposed to look shabby, even small boutiques look better than this.

In this society, high-ranking nobles usually call famous seamstresses to their mansions because they don’t go to boutiques. But Ashtelin wanted to finish everything quickly and go home.

After all, Ashtelin is exempt from all of a lady’s norms and can do whatever she desires.

Anyway, the most important thing was that Ashtelin stood in front of the soaring boutique building without knowing that it was actually high up in the sky. This was the real Niloeda Boutique, this is what the boutique was famous for.

It was by far the best boutique except for the boutique used mostly by the famous Clemence. Ashtelin chose Niloeda Boutique because she did not want to meet with Clemence.

“Miss Ashtelin Pharadi, please enter,” Grisel spoke out in a hearty voice.

‘That loyal attitude, where did it come from? I’m afraid you’re misunderstanding………’

Ashtelin nodded her head and said immediately, “Let’s go in. Oh, only Ferdnan can follow me. If there’s anything you like inside, I’ll buy it.”

It was because Ashtelin was greatly indebted to him. Ferdnan grinned at her words. Then they stepped into the boutique.

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According to Ashtelin Pharadi’s memory, the last time she went to a boutique was disastrous.

She used to pester seamstresses, asking them to copy what Clemence wore. It was a pretty painful job for the seamstresses, but they could not speak up or do anything about it.

Most of the seamstresses were from lower-class nobles and commoner families and did not dare to rebel against Ashtelin. As time went by, Ashtelin’s notoriety gradually increased among famous boutiques.

It was the same with Niloeda Boutique.

Aida, a seamstress of Niloeda Boutique, was waiting for Ashtelin nervously.

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