Chapter 412 Dividing Mooncakes

  Before everyone heard that moon cakes were to be made, and they were always looking forward to it.

  Now that the moon cakes are ready, everyone can't help themselves.

  Looking at the small and exquisite mooncakes being brought out, everyone's eyes turned green, like wolves.

  After getting the mooncakes, everyone couldn't wait to take a bite.

  The ice skin mooncakes made this time are all the same, giving everyone the experience of opening a blind box.

   "Ah! This is durian!"

  Meng Sichun realized that what he got was a snowskin mooncake with durian filling, his eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help but yelled.

   "Fuck! Super delicious!" She couldn't help but swear.

   This is so delicious!

  Meng Sichun is not used to eating raw durian, she always feels a strange taste.

  However, if durian is made into various desserts, she likes it very much.

  However, because of her ordinary family background, she is only willing to buy Durian Xuemei Niang once in a while, even if it costs more than ten yuan each.

  At that time, she thought these durian desserts were delicious, but after eating this durian mooncake, she realized that her knowledge is really too little!

   "How can it be so delicious!" She whined, almost crying.

   This is so delicious that I shed tears!

  The skin of this durian mooncake is soft, waxy and cold, very chewy. But the most amazing thing is the durian filling inside.

  Soft, glutinous and sweet, with a dense and firm taste, and some pulp, like eating durian ice cream, the texture and taste are top-notch enjoyment!

  The stinky scent of durian has also turned into a strong scent, which makes people unable to help but be captured.

  Meng Sichun has never eaten such a delicious durian, she feels that the world is different!

   "The strawberry ones are also super delicious!" Qi Yuejun also had the same reaction, so delicious that he stomped his feet.

  This strawberry is so fragrant and sweet!

  The aroma of strawberries is unprecedentedly strong. When the pulp that is not completely crushed is bitten in the mouth, there is a slight hint of refreshing acid, which successfully neutralizes its sweetness.

   The slight sourness made her unable to resist taking another bite, it was so delicious!

   Others didn't react any better than they did.

   "This runny egg yolk is delicious! Super delicious!"

  Mu Congyue also ate mooncakes abroad before, and some customers gave her some very expensive mooncake gift boxes.

  The taste of those mooncakes is still good, but she usually doesn't touch the second one after eating one.

   It may be to adapt to the tastes of foreign guests. Those mooncakes are very sweet, just like ordinary desserts.

  However, she doesn't like such a sweet taste. As far as her taste is concerned, she may be like the Cantonese people, she likes sweetness that is not too sweet.

  So, these mooncakes are very, very much in line with her taste!

  It was also the first time she knew that there were such delicious mooncakes!

   I feel that those I have eaten before are not called moon cakes!

  Liang Shenyu and others were also very happy and satisfied. If it weren't for the small number of mooncakes today, they might not be able to stop eating one bite at a time.

  The elders were also very happy to eat. Some elders chose the five-nut mooncake, and they were astonished as soon as they ate it.

   "The five kernels are so fragrant!"

   "Five kernels are delicious!"

   "Ouch, how could it be so delicious!"

   Seeing them eating so happily, Liang Shenyu and the others couldn't help being a little tempted, "Wu Ren is really delicious?"

  No way, the snowskin mooncakes they got had already been eaten, after all, there were only two.

  However, I have also made a lot of five-nut mooncakes, and there are quite a lot of them now.

   "Delicious! Very delicious!"

  The old people eating five-nut mooncakes nodded repeatedly, "Try it!"

   This five-nut mooncake is not big, just the size of a palm, but it has been cut into four pieces.

  —This is the ritual sense of eating mooncakes in Guangdong Province.

  In the eyes of people from other provinces, isn’t mooncake a whole thing that you can hold in your hand and eat?

  Such a small mooncake can be eaten in one bite, yet it still needs to be cut?

  However, people in Guangdong Province will basically cut up a small moon cake and share it with the whole family.

  No way, otherwise, they won't be able to finish eating!

   Especially the five-nut mooncakes, if you don’t share them with others, you may not be able to finish one in two days!

  No, just now the old people dug out the knife and fork from nowhere, and cut the five-nut mooncake.

  Some old people also cut up the small snowy mooncakes, and then tasted them carefully, unlike young people.

   Seeing the beautiful cut sides of the five-nut mooncake, the young people quickly nodded, "Okay, then I'll try it!"

   Anyway, it’s only a quarter, just stuff it in in one bite.

   "Eat slowly, don't finish eating in one bite." The old people also pointed out.

   "Okay, got it." They were perfunctory.

  However, after the five-nut mooncakes entered the mouth, their expressions changed.

   "I'll go! It's delicious!"

   Their eyes widened in shock, and they were shocked, "Since when did Wuren mooncakes become so delicious?!"

  The various nuts inside are very crispy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant they become.

   There are also peanuts here, which were harvested before the villa.

   This piece of peanut is the same as the previous taro, which grows in the wild.

  According to Xiao Yijing's calculation, it may be that the mouse ate peanuts before, and the remaining flowers grew out.

   At that time, the growth was not good, but after Xiao Yijing gave it a spiritual rain, it quickly grew up.

  No, it was accepted a while ago.

  Everyone thought that these peanuts might not be too many, but unexpectedly, there were so many peanuts dug out in the end!

   It looks inconspicuous on the surface, but when you pull it out, a large string is pulled out!

   Finally got on the scale, and it was two hundred catties!

   Of course, not so much after removing the shell, but not less.

  Half of the peanuts were used to squeeze peanut oil. On the day the oil came out, the fragrance of peanut oil permeated the whole villa, attracting Mu Congyue from the studio.

  This is so delicious!

  In order to taste the aroma of this peanut oil, Xiao Yijing asked people to kill a few chickens, and used peanut oil and soy sauce minced garlic as a dipping sauce.

   In the end, everyone yelled after eating.

   Some of the remaining peanuts are used to make five-nut mooncakes.

  The five-nut mooncake uses five kinds of nuts. Some five-nut mooncakes do not use peanuts, but Xiao Yijing waved her hand and asked to add peanuts.

   I have to say that after adding peanuts, the taste is even better!

  Everyone seemed to be eating nuts, and it was a joy to eat them.

   Even Bai Yanchong, who had just arrived, was attracted by the harmonious atmosphere of the cafeteria, and a smile could not help but appear on his face.

  However, these mooncakes are too few, after all, they are just a trial.

  After eating, Liang Shenyu took the lead in booing, "Ah Jing, is there any more?"

   "I still want to eat!"

   "It's super delicious! I really want to keep eating!"

  Hearing everyone booing, Xiao Yijing was not angry, and smiled, "If you want to eat, I will help you make it tomorrow. Otherwise, Ah Ting and the others won't be able to cook so much."

"no problem!"

  Everyone nodded again and again, it was nothing more than helping.

  The next day, after everyone finished their work, they went to the cafeteria to help.

   But this process is also quite painful, because when making the jam filling, the taste is so fragrant that they are all confused, and they almost couldn't help but eat them just like that!

   With the help of everyone, many mooncakes were quickly made, and red beans and taro paste were added.

   Then, everyone was divided into twelve mooncakes, two of each flavor.

  Xiao Yijing also sent a mooncake gift box to Su Keman and others who were outside.

   I don’t seem to have eaten any mooncakes in the past few years. This year, my friend gave me a box of four mooncakes. It is said that it is a new type of moon cake, which tastes like peach oolong, and the most important thing is that it is not sweet! However, I still feel so sweet after eating it! Then, I ate two and left the other two...they got moldy hahaha, I found out after more than a month and had to throw it away.



  (end of this chapter)

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