I’m Working As a Renter In An Unfinished Building

Chapter 458: go to the supermarket to buy milk

  Chapter 458 Go to the supermarket to buy milk

  After being rejected, Feng Jieshan was ready to give up.

  There are so many good things in this world, why should we fight with this little milk?

   It's not like she couldn't find a better one!

  —Well, she really can't find better milk right now.

  When she was in the hotel that day, she happened to see two guests asking the front desk if breakfast was included.

  Of course their hotel also provides breakfast, but there are very few guests here because of rats in the past few days.

   It was rare that two guests came, and Feng Jieshan happened to be there, so they couldn't help but pay more attention.

   But unexpectedly, after they learned that breakfast was served here, they excitedly asked if Yunshan milk was also served here.

  As soon as this question came out, Feng Jieshan's expression changed immediately.

   Fortunately, she was standing behind the guests, otherwise, her face would scare the guests away.

  The front desk was startled when they saw her face, and then denied it with a look of embarrassment.

  The guests didn’t know that the boss was right behind. They only heard that there was no Yunshan Milk here. Even though the front desk tried hard to persuade them, saying that their breakfast was delicious, and they invited famous chefs to carefully prepare it, they still left.

  Feng Jieshan listened from behind and knew that these two guests were going to the L&D Hotel next door.

  Although I know this place is already full, let’s try it, what if?

  Feng Jieshan looked at their backs, her face darkened.

   Isn’t it just a bottle of milk? As for this? !

   But judging by the reactions of these guests, it is true.

  I thought it was just one wave of guests, but I didn't expect two waves of guests to come later, all asking the same questions.

   After hearing that there was no Yunshan Milk here, they left.

  Feng Jieshan's face is getting darker and darker.

   Who are these people! Just leaving for a bottle of milk? ! Have they never drank milk? !

  Feng Jieshan was extremely irritable, but the situation in the hotel really gave her a headache.

   When she was annoyed, she received a call from Xue Zhenpeng.

  The two have been together for many years. When Feng Jieshan received a call from Xue Zhenpeng, she was still as happy as a little girl.

   But she was quickly disappointed, because Xue Zhenpeng called to ask about the management of the hotel.

  Feng Jieshan's heart skipped a beat, why would he ask such a thing?

  Xue Zhenpeng has more and bigger business to deal with, these hotels are nothing to him, and after handing over to Feng Jieshan to take care of them, he didn't pay much attention to them.

  If Feng Jieshan didn't mention the hotel, he usually wouldn't take the initiative to mention it.

  So, today's phone call surprised Feng Jieshan.

  Although she was muttering in her heart, she still replied obediently: "The hotel is running smoothly."

   "Successful?" Xue Zhenpeng snorted coldly, "Are you sure?"

  Judging from this tone, Feng Jieshan knew that he must know something.

   Yes, if you really look into it carefully, you will definitely find the problem.

   It's just that she didn't expect Xue Zhenpeng to be so interested, and suddenly came to ask about the Shengxing Hotel.

  Although it was embarrassing, she still felt a little sweet in her heart. After all, it meant that he cared about herself.

   "Well, there is something wrong with the hotel." She decisively chose to show weakness.

   Xue Zhenpeng's machismo likes women to be weak in front of him.

  The reason why the woman from the Mo family was not liked by him was because she was too strong.

  As a married man, Xue Zhenpeng values ​​his dignity and self-esteem the most!

  So, Feng Jieshan knew very well how to deal with him.

  If he acts stubborn and tough in front of him, he will be very disgusted - Mo Yi'an has this kind of temper, so the relationship between father and daughter is getting farther and farther.

  Feng Jieshan did the opposite, she would always show her liking and dependence on him, as if she was relying on him, no matter what happened to her.

  However, she worked hard to get the hotel management, and she also wanted to make a career, so she didn't want to ask Xue Zhenpeng for help.

   But now that Xue Zhenpeng has understood the situation, it is useless for her to pretend anymore, and she still chooses to show weakness.

   Sure enough, after she showed weakness, Xue Zhenpeng's tone softened a little, "Why don't you come back to me when you encounter such a thing?"

   "You are too busy, how can I be willing to trouble you with such a small matter, you will be tired." She said softly.

  Lover’s words were very helpful to Xue Zhenpeng, “I just heard that L&D is developing very well.”

   Hear, who do you listen to?

   Wouldn't it be what Mo Yi'an said? The relationship between their father and daughter is so good?

  Feng Jieshan frowned, and said with a smile: "It's okay over there."

   "I heard that their breakfast is very good, you can copy their practice."

  As soon as these words came out, Feng Jieshan's face darkened.

  Copied? !

  Although Shengxing Hotel is playing against its neighbors in all aspects, it is not copying!

  Feng Jieshan was annoyed, but she still didn't dare to say it out, so she could only smile angrily: "What is copying, I also worked very hard!"

"You copied all the previous ones, and it's not bad." Xue Zhenpeng couldn't understand the real meaning of her words, and continued: "I heard from Xiaoan that the reason why their hotel has improved is because their breakfast Very good, everyone likes the milk in breakfast very much...can you just follow suit?"

  Feng Jieshan's complexion was unpredictable.

   It was actually Mo Yi'an who said it!

  This is too strange.

   The relationship between Mo Yi'an and Xue Zhenpeng is ordinary, and the father and daughter are not close. Unexpectedly, Mo Yi'an would take the initiative to bring up these things.

  Although everyone can see these "secrets", it is really strange that Mo Yi'an would take the initiative to tell Xue Zhenpeng about them.

  However, Feng Jieshan quickly figured it out.

  Mo Yi'an has made an achievement, and he wants to seek praise from his father!

  Thinking of this, Feng Jieshan's mouth curled into a mocking smile.

  Mo Yi'an probably wouldn't have imagined that when she asked her father for compliments, her dear father would blow her words out later, right?

  Thinking of Mo Yi'an's possible reaction after knowing the truth, Feng Jieshan almost laughed out loud, and most of the previous depression and annoyance disappeared, only full of pride and happiness.

   "Okay, I see." Feng Jieshan nodded, and said coquettishly: "You are still amazing! Without you, I don't even know what I would do~!"

  Although she is no longer a young girl, Feng Jieshan has long been used to acting like a baby.

   Besides, she was holding Xue Zhenpeng to death.

   No, Xue Zhenpeng's mood improved when she acted like a baby.

   "You, there is still a lot to learn!" He said majestically.

   "Yeah, I will definitely learn more from you in the future!" Feng Jieshan's voice was soft and full of sweetness.

   "Okay, remember to call me if you need anything."

   "I know. I will definitely find you."

  After hanging up the phone, Feng Jieshan's face changed suddenly, and her eyes became cold and hard.

  Xue Zhenpeng said so, she can only do this!

  She called her assistant, "Let everyone go to the supermarket to line up for me to buy milk!"

   Before, I always thought that business wars were very high-level, but only later did I realize that in reality, business wars are about taking a strong man to grab the official seal and cutting off the power of the opposing company... o(╯□╰)o



  (end of this chapter)

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