Chapter 493 Too many questions

  Zhao Yuqi resisted the movement wholeheartedly, but Su Keman couldn't stand it.

   "You dare not run? Afraid you can't beat me?"

  As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yuqi's war was ignited.

How can it be!

  What does it mean to be incomparable!

   Absolutely impossible!

  So, Zhao Yuqi changed clothes in a daze, and followed Su Keman out for a run.

  After she came out, she regretted it within two steps.

  Why do you have to be stubborn? So what if you admit defeat?

   Getting up and running this early in the morning, isn't that too much?

  Although she did sleep well last night and felt refreshed, she doesn't feel sleepy now, but there is no need to go out for a run so early!

  However, after she came out, she saw a lot of people around, and everyone was exercising.

   There are also some old people jogging with them.

  These old people are full of energy, and they look more energetic than her.

  Zhao Yuqi didn't have time to think so much soon, because she couldn't breathe soon, and she didn't care how old other people were.

  Su Keman also took care of her, instead of sprinting as fast as before, but ran slowly. If she couldn't run anymore, she would laugh at her.

  Stimulated by Su Keman, Zhao Yuqi ran for ten minutes.

  Finally, she couldn't run anymore, so she could only stop panting.

   "Then take your time and rest, I have to keep running."

  Su Keman jogged around her twice, then continued to run forward.

   This time, Su Keman accelerated the speed.

  Zhao Yuqi: "..."

  She didn't even know she still had such a speed!

  However, Zhao Yuqi really couldn't keep up. She was afraid that she would die if she continued to follow.

  Forget it, there is no way not to admit defeat.

   Fortunately, the assistant is as useless as she is.

  Then, the two began to relax on the spot.

   During the break, she saw many people running past her.


  The sound of a dog barking came from behind, and Zhao Yuqi couldn't help but look back, and was immediately startled.


  Two round young men and women ran over quickly, followed by a few dogs.

  Seeing that they were about to be bitten by dogs, Zhao Yuqi's expression changed, and he screamed immediately.

   But to her surprise, the two speeded up and distanced themselves from the dogs.

  The two ran past her and smiled at her.

  There was no tension or fear in that smile.

  The dogs behind didn't pay attention to them, and continued to chase the people in front.

  The assistant pulled Zhao Yuqi, "Sister, this should be their own dog, right?"

  Zhao Yuqi also noticed it, holding his fast heartbeat, "It should be right."

   "So, they're walking the dog?"

   This trick of walking the dog is really rare!

   If you are not careful, you will be bitten by a dog.

   "It's really strange here." The assistant whispered.

  Zhao Yuqi nodded involuntarily, watching several hale and hearty elderly people running past her, all of them smiling at her.

   Just looking at that smile, she didn't know if they were laughing at her weakling.

  Of course, it may be that she thinks too much.

   After relaxing, the two of them didn't want to stay where they were, so they walked forward.

   After walking for a while, they saw three cows.

  The three buffaloes looked tall, bigger than the ones they had seen in other places.

   Moreover, they are obviously still in lactation, and the bottom is bulging.

   Several elderly people are milking milk with buckets.

  The sweet smell of milk floats in the air.

   Several people who were working saw them, couldn't help but turned their heads, and asked curiously: "Are you new here?"

   "We are Su Keman's friends." Zhao Yuqi said.

   "Oh, Manman's friend."

   A few people suddenly realized, and the expressions on their faces became kind and eager, "Our place is very good, let's play slowly."

   "Okay." Zhao Yuqi nodded.

   "Are you a star too?" an old man asked.


   "I'll just say it! She looks so pretty, she must be a big star!" The old man laughed.

  Zhao Yuqi also smiled, and then asked: "What are you doing?"

   "Oh, milking."

   "Did you raise these cows yourself?" Zhao Yuqi was a little curious.

   "No." They shook their heads, "This is Ah Jing's cow."

  Zhao Yuqi was puzzled, "Are you raising her?"

   "No." They still shook their heads, "We don't need to raise these cows, they can eat by themselves. We just milk them."

   "They are very well behaved, and they know where to poop, they are very smart!"

  Listening to the old people's words, Zhao Yuqi's eyes fell on a few buffaloes, "You milk so much milk, can you finish it?"

   Several people laughed, "Why can't I finish it? I will send it to the cafeteria to drink together, sometimes it is not enough!"

   "Send it to the canteen? Sell it to everyone?" Zhao Yuqi was full of questions.

   "No. No money."

   "No money?" She was even more puzzled, "Isn't this a cow raised by Ah Jing? Why is the milk sent to the cafeteria? It doesn't cost money?"

   "Yes. We eat in the cafeteria for free."

  The old people laughed.

   But Zhao Yuqi had more questions in his heart.

  It seems different here than outside.

  However, the old people didn't have time to talk to her so much. They had already milked the cows and were about to send them to the cafeteria for preparation.

   Everyone will have breakfast later.

  When they passed by with buckets, the smell of milk became even more fragrant, rushing straight into their nostrils.

   Smelling the sweet smell, Zhao Yuqi couldn't help swallowing.

   It feels good to drink.

   This taste is better than the imported high-grade milk powder her nephew drinks.

  At least she won't have the urge to eat it when she smells the powdered milk.

  Then, she thought of the Yunshan milk that had caused a lot of trouble before.

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  Although she has never stayed in the L&D Hotel, she is also concerned about the affairs there.

  She knew that the hotel would provide guests with a bottle of Yunshan milk every day.

   This Yunshan milk has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet before.

  A blogger evaluated Yunshan milk and other milks.

   I don’t know if those bloggers received money, no matter which bloggers are full of praise for Yunshan Milk.

   Knowing that L&D Hotel also has Yunshan Milk, many people went to the hotel to join in the fun.

  However, the hotel is already full, and the old guests can't get a room, let alone the new guests.

  So, the business of L&D Hotel has not changed much.

  Zhao Yuqi couldn't bear it anymore after watching the excitement on the Internet, so he asked his assistant to go to the supermarket and buy a bottle.

  For that bottle of milk, the assistant spent a lot of effort.

   But I have to say, that milk is delicious!

  However, the milk she drank in Yunshang Shengjing tastes better!

  Oh, yes, they are all related to Yunlu Villa!

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yuqi's eyes fell on the milk.

   After drinking milk for breakfast, she finally confirmed her guess.

  (end of this chapter)

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