Washington DC, White House. 13/11/2012. 18:35.

In the Oval office, the President William Hayes was clearly showing sign of tiredness. After his impromptu meeting in the kitchen and the thorough search of the White House to find his interlocutor, he did not get the chance to sleep and get back to work immediately. The schedule of the leader of the free world was packed to put it mildly. Every seconds of his day was accounted for to met each of his meeting on time.

Despite all of that, there was one people in the entire world who could come and go to his office and it was the exact person on the other side of his desk now. Grey hair, 52 years old and rather slim, his interlocutor was not impressively build. Despite that, he had an intense aura around him that made him notice and respected by the people who knew him. Tobias Cain was the head of the secret service since the first day William have been elected.

Knowing each other since high school where they play football in the same team, they had developed a faithful friendship despite their difference. Where William got admitted into Harvard, Tobias engage in the military immediately after college. Distinguishing himself in the rangers and after more than thirty years of service was call back by his old friend to be in charge of the secret service.

While their life lead them in different direction, they had always managed to keep in touch over the years, keeping their friendship very much alive contrary to many of High school friendship.

"Do you think the files are legit?" The President ask.

After reading through the information in that file, he needed to know if the thing in there were real before using them.

"This is too early to say for sure but i'm willing to bet they are. The question that i'm asking myself is how a brat can have access to this kind of information while we can't." Tobias say thoughtfully.

"This is not the only thing that can't be explain. What i'm asking is how in the hell he succeed in entering my home and exiting while we were on lockdown without getting spotted even once. Do you found something in his history that could explain what he can do and if he has associates?"

"No, there was nothing my friend but i still found interesting information. Do you remember the attack on the Hotel in New York a couple of month ago by the Dark Hand?"

"Of course i remember, this was a shit show through and through, the operation in South Korea cost us a lot of good mens. What about it?"

"He was in that Hotel and there is more. In the record he claim to have hide under the bed while an unknown individual start killing the assassins in that hotel. I believe there was no unknown individual but it was him who take care of these guys. If he's as skill at what he did like last night hinted at. On the attack by the Dark Hand, he kill six of them, all by a single bullet to the head and without even missing a shot. He was also the one after the fact who give the information to the FBI that it was the Dark Hand."

"And nobody suspect him?" The President ask, dumbfounded.

"No, they only saw him as a scare kid, adding the fact that he is a singer, no one suspect him even for a second."

"He could have killed me last night and disappear without leaving a single evidence behind him." The President realized, a little afraid.

"Yes, he could have but he didn't. I study his file and the only thing that i can affirm is that he's not of the bad type. He often donate money to association who help war veteran and support a couple of orphanage in New York. But still, tell me again why you don't want me to arrest him?" Tobias ask.

"Because he was right and with what you told me about him, more so. He is a young actor and singer, if i order his arrest for breaking into the White House, nobody would believe it and we will get tremendous public backlash. And when you consider that he has 3 millions follower on twitter and he is best friend with the more popular popstar of this country, you start to understand how bad it will get. We will fight an uphill battle all the way and since we have no evidence of him being there beside my testimony, it will never hold up in court. And i'm not even talking about his grandfather." The President sighed.

"It even worth than you think, the kid is known to have a genius legal mind, it will not even need to pay an attorney to screw us in court. Do you know his grandfather well?"

"Not really but we met a couple of times at fundraiser. He support my firstand second campaign publicly and financially. He is smart, hardworking, influential and ruthless when people touch at his family and company."

"What are you going to do then? If you give the order, i can have a team assembled in the hour to take him down and send him to Guantanamo prison to extract everything he knows."

"No, not yet at least. I'm considering his offer to work for me as an unofficial action team. God knows how much i need one but we don't have any information who that team might be. Nothing on his calls that could pinpoint to his team members?"

"No except a girl working as an IT in his grandfather company but i did find something surprising in his calling history. He seems… Involved… with a woman called Madison Livingston."

"Livingston? You mean…"

"Yes my friend, daughter of Senator John Livingston." Tobias said with a pained smile, they both knew who exactly was the senator.

"And you want me to throw that kid into Gitmo? Are you insane?" The President shout to his friend dumbfounded

William was extremely familiar with John Livingston as they were political opponent, fighting over different issues all the way through Congress. If he were to take that kid into prison and the senator heard about it, he could rallied the whole Senate to impeach him.

"No, i just say the option was there if you wanted to take it, i'm not advising it however. But still, that kid represent a danger for national security, we need to do something."

"Yes we do." William answer thoughtfully. "You send some agents to keep an eye on him. What did he do today?"

"He wake up at six thirty and then run for almost two hours in Rock Creek Park. After that he was invited by a local TV channel around noon to give a little interview and promote his movie who is going to come out soon. He passed the rest of the afternoon in the Library of Congress." Tobias answered.

"Does he know we are tailing him?"

"Yes, he knows." Tobias respond, smiling bitterly.

"How can you be so sure?" William ask, surprised.

"He brought coffee to my stakeout agents fives minutes after they arrival in front of his hotel." .

"Really? Who did you sent?"

"Parker and Millan, both of them have undercover work experience before entering the secret service and he still made them in minutes. That's not all, he also brought them sandwich and cool drink too. When they ask him why he was doing that, he answer that since they were here because of him, he could try to make their stakeout more endurable." Tobias said, shaking his head amused despite himself.

"Where is he now?"

"A second, let me check." He said, taking his phone out and dialing one of the stakeout agents. The call did not last long and when Tobias hand up, he has a thoughtful expression on his face.

"So?" The President ask, impatiently.

"He's at Walter Reed Army Medical Center."

"It's a military hospital handling only injured military personnel. What is he doing there?"

"I wish i knew my friend."

"Okay, tell our agents on the ground to pick the kid and bring it to me and make sure we have at least half hour on my schedule for that effect. We need answer and he is the only one who can provide them for us."

"No problem." Tobias said, knowing the conversation was over and that he needed to go back to work.

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