"Spider Man? The movie with Tobey Maguire is not that old I think." Nathaniel said with a frown.

"2002 for the first movie and 2007 for the third and last opus of the series." Maggie interjected.

"Very good." Marc complimented, nodding in the direction of Maggie before refocusing on Nathaniel. "Yes, it's not that old but the studio wants a fresh actor to hype the movie and they want it soon. The movie was originally planned to be released this year but I refused since I did not find the Main Character I wanted. They suggested a dude who was in The Social Network but I was not sold on the idea." He said.

"But why me? You are not going to say that you made up your mind just by watching me making hand tricks on a screen. It can't be it."

"You are right, there is more. I called Jillian Brown and she said only good things about you and god knows how rough that woman is. She is one of the more skilled agents in finding hidden gems in this whole town and she found you. Then there is Maggie here who is also well known in Hollywood to be one of the best agents and she is working for you. They would not back you up this much if you were not talented."

Nathaniel sighed internally. He knew the reason that Jillian only said good things about him was not for his talent in acting but because he saved her life and her daughters life, almost dying in the process. For Maggie, Nathaniel suspected that she worked with him only to bully him and charge him more money but despite all that, god knows she was worth it.

"You are still not convinced." Marc observe. "You know I made a lot of video clips for singers before becoming a movie director. Maybe it's influencing my decision."

"Really? With whom did you work?" Nathaniel asked curiously.

"Evanescence, My Chemical Romance, Miley Cyrus, Green Day, and others."

"Wow that's impressive. I'm nowhere as known as them though." Nathaniel said.

"You say that but you have more followers on twitter than any of them except Miley of course."

"It's because my fan base is relatively young and more inclined to go on social media. It's not proof that I'm better than them, quite the opposite actually." Nathaniel explained.

"At least what they said about you is true, you are indeed smart and humble. It just makes me want you even more. Will you become my lead actor, please?"

"Listen Marc, you seem to be a nice guy and your movie does indeed tempt me but I will be honest. I'm already running for time each day and it will only get worse at the start of next year. I can't become your actor, I'm sorry." Nathaniel said with regret.

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It was true, now that he had the President as support and he had recruited Lina and Scott in his team, a mountain of work was waiting for him. He needed to supervise the work being done to the bomb shelter underneath Lyndon tower and coordinate with a defense contractor to install every security measure he had in mind. After that there was recruiting the rest of the team, some of whom were not even in the US which implied long distance travel. And finally training them to become what he had in mind. There was no way in hell he would go into hostile territory without people trained and knowing each other. It was much easier to simply shoot himself in the head, and a more direct way to die.

"Nathaniel, can I speak with you for a moment in private, please?" Maggie asked.

"Of course, excuse us for a moment please Marc." Nathaniel said.

"No problem, take all the time you want."

Getting a little afar, Maggie did not lose time.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked clearly pissed off.

"Telling the truth, that's why. I barely have time these days to even see my mothers and it's because we are living under the same roof. I don't have the time to do another movie right now Maggie." Nathaniel answered calmly.

"I know that but don't you realize what an amazing opportunity this is? It could set you for life!"

"What do you mean?" Nathaniel asked, surprised.

"Did you not watch Avengers, the movie? It kind of broke all records in box office." She questioned.

"No, I did not watch it but I saw a couple of pictures of the movie. It was with Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Hulk. No SpiderMan."

"It's because the movie was not out at that time! Do you not read Marvel comics? Spider Man is a member of the Avengers!"

"No, I never read comics, don't like it. I prefer real, good books." Nathaniel said.

Maggie just gaped at him, trying to form words with her mouth but failing each time. The whole incident seemed to have pissed her off even more and she almost growled the last part.

"Listen, normally I would let you decide as it's your life, I get paid anyway but this time this is too important. If you deny that once in a lifetime opportunity, I promise you I'm going to shove my foot so far up you ass that you are going to taste my socks on your tongue! And after that, I will quit!"

Nathaniel almost wanted to laugh at the threat but the glint in Maggie eyes told him it would go very poorly. He also realized something else looking at the expression on her face.

"Wait, you are serious? You really would quit if I were to turn down that offer?" Nathaniel asked, surprised.

"Of course I am! If you are dumb enough to let that offer pass, I will leave you without any remorse. I don't have time to work with retarded people." She said fiercely.

That made Nathaniel pause. In ordinary times he would never let himself being given an ultimatum but in this case it concerned Maggie. She was the reason he could juggle between being a singer/actor and being a college student. Without her, his life would be in an ever more turmoil than if he were to take the gig. And he did know her, she would never force him to do something against his will if there was not a very good reason to do so.

"Okay I will accept the role but it's going to seriously mess with the plans I made for the next year so make them pay when signing the contract. At least, I would have a little money to move along some things."

"Oh, don't worry about that, they will pay alright." She said with a creepy, sadistic smile that made him shiver. He was really glad right now that he would not be in the room when they were discussing about the money.

"Alright, let's go back." Nathaniel sighed.

"So?" Marc asked, seeing them moving in his direction.

"I will take the role. It will seriously mess with my life but my agent convinced me it was for the best. I just hope she's right."

"I promise you, she is and you are making the right choice here Nathaniel. The studio will be thrilled that I finally found my main actor. Expect things to move fast, maybe even before the next year. You should also start training to boost your agility and your strength. You will need to do some stunts."

"Don't worry about this, I'm good." Nathaniel said.

"Excuse me?"

"I do Parkour every morning and my strength is really decent. I'm more ripped than what I lead you to believe." Nathaniel explained.

"You will need to be evaluated by my guy but if what you said is true, that could move forward our planning even more. You are really the man for the job." Marc said excitedly.

Nathaniel could only sigh quietly.

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