"If you don't mind I will go with the HK USP tactical." Scott answer, looking at the gun in question.

"I don't and I believe it's a good choice." Nathaniel nodded approvingly.

He was not surprised by the choice of gun of Scott because it was a weapon greatly appreciated by special forces as you could mount on it a flashlight and a suppressor. Using 45 caliber bullet and with a load capacity of twelve bullets, it could made a lot of difference in term of firepower. Even Marc had used this pistol quite often in combat and had always appreciated.

"Michael, are you going to stay with your Beretta 92fs or you want something else for target shooting?" Nathaniel ask.

"I'm quite comfortable with my Beretta, thanks." Michael answer.

"Suit yourself." Nathaniel said, he did not even bother to ask the question to Amal as he was a professional and would have already changed if it was his choice.

Walking in the direction of the first cabinet, he unlock it sliding his pass on the electronic lock, unlocking it in the process. Nathaniel had in his hand one of the only three masterpass used by the company that could give you access to everything in the tower. The others two were in the hands of his grandfather and mother.

Picking the gun Scott wanted, he chose for himself a Sig Sauer P226. It was the handgun that Navy SEALS used and that was the weapon he was the more comfortable with even if he could shoot very well with virtually any handgun. Proof enough when he used the SA 1911 that he took to an assassin that he had kill and start killing the others with it on the attack against Na-Yung family.

Puting the guns to the table, Scott came near him and both of them took their own gun and start dismantling it. Cleaning each piece with the material available near them, the two were working with so much dexterity and speed that the others in the room could not help but watch them with awe. Scott in his case could not even believe it as the movement of Nathaniel was even more assure than his and he was a Delta Force with twenty years of experience. Nathaniel had lived for less time than Scott career in the military.

"Michael, you can close your mouth now." Nathaniel said with humor.

"I see that you are quite familiar with guns, sir." He said to put it mildly after closing his mouth with an audible clap. "Can I ask how you acquire that knowledge and dexterity? I can't help to be curious." He ask.

"You can ask Michael, I do not guaranteed that I would answer however. Here take this Scott." Nathaniel said, giving a holster to Scott.

"How do you know I'm left handed?" He ask surprised, taking the holster and putting it on his hips with the gun in it.

"I read your personnel file, remember?" He said lifting an eyebrow.

"Ah, right, make sense."

"Sir, everything is set up." Jean said, coming back into the room.

"Good. Now we just have to wait for… and there she is." He finished when the door open and a cute looking girl enter the room.

"Lina?" Michael ask, surprised.

"Dad? Nathaniel?"

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"Sorry Lina and Michael for the surprised. I called Lina to get a shooting session and then I run into you Michael so I invite you along. By the way Lina, pick a gun, no matter which as long as you are comfortable with it and a holster too."

Accepting the explanation, Lina walk to the rack and Nathaniel was not surprised when she choose the same exact beretta as her father. Looking at her practiced movement when sliding the clip and arming the gun, a couple of eyebrow shot out in the room but nobody choose to ask a question.

"Let's go guys." Nathaniel said once Lina was ready.

Going to the shooting range, everyone pick a different line. Nathaniel could see that the three others security agents choose to stay and were looking at them behind the bullet proof glass. Nathaniel put his protected glasses and wait for the others to do the same before talking.

"Okay, I'm going to explain to you what is going on. This target was modified by me and so I made a few hundred printed out for training. You would notice that it's the same human target that you are used to by now except for the few circles in addition. You have the usual big circles that are the Head, Torso and Groin. Those are worth 20 points. The circles in the hands are worth 25 points. And now you will notice that there is some tiny circles located on the torso, more precisely where the heart is and on the head between the two eyes. Those tiny circles are measuring two inches or five centimetres and are worth 35 points. Touching any part of the body outside of these circles are worth 5 points and of course if you miss it's 0."

Nathaniel made a pause to make sure that everyone was understanding him and was seeing those two targets.Seeing that everyone was on point, he continue.

"The format of this little tournament will be simple. When I give the go, you will draw your weapon and shoot at the target and then put it back in your holster. Once you gun is out of the holster, you have two seconds max to shoot or it will not be validated and trust me, I will count. We will shoot five times and the one who has the most point will be the winner. The winner will get 5 thousand dollars in cash." Nathaniel said the last part with a smile.

Hearing their will be a cash prize at the end, the whole demeanor of everyone change and they became even more focused on the target. The was the desired effect that Nathaniel wanted.

"Okay, everybody ready?" Seeing nooded all around, Nathaniel continue by shouting. "Go!"

Nathaniel draw his gun, aimed at the target and shoot at it following by holstering it again in one fluid movement. A motion that was mirror by the five others peoples on the shooting range.

"Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!"

"Okay put the safety on guys and bring your target in the other room for the counting."

Picking his target, Nathaniel was followed closely out of the shooting range and back into the armory. He wait that everyone was around the table before speaking.

"Okay, let's begin with you Amal" Nathaniel said.

"One in the little circle, three in the circle chest and one body. 100 points for me." Amal said, in his usual deadpan voice, not bother in the slightest to be single out. Every person around the table was looking at the target, obviously it was not possible to cheat in that case.

"Very good. Note that down with your name on it." Nathaniel said, giving him a pen he found on one of the table. "Michael, you are next."

Doing what he was told, Amal write on his target and then discard it on the side to make place for the one of Michael.

"Three chest, two bodies. 70 points." Amal write down.

""Very good Michael." Nathaniel nodded appreciatively at Michael who gave a little smile as a thank you. "Jean, you are up."

"One tiny, two chest, two bodies. 85 points." Amal write down with a hint of a smile on his face. He was looking happy to beat his friend and partner.

"Lina." Nathaniel called making the girl blushed a little as she slide her target on the table.

"Interesting." Amal said with a raised eyebrow, Nathaniel could tell he was surprised. "Two hands, two chest, one body. 95 points."

"Congratulation Lina." Nathaniel said with a smile, there were others around the table who also give her a few good words and her father put his hand on her shoulder, looking proud. "Scott." Nathaniel called, watching Scott sliding his target on the table.

"Two tiny, two chest, one head. 130 points." Amal write down, an ounce of respect in his voice.

"I was expecting better Scott." Nathaniel said.

"Sorry sir, my back is still sore from the burn. It will heal with time but I believe it's your turn now." Scott said with a challenging smile.

"You are right about that." Nathaniel nodded sliding his on the table.

Looking at the target of Nathaniel, everyone around the table were dumbfounded. This was not what they had expected at all.

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