Hampton. 30/04/2012. 17:55.

Nathaniel stopped running upon arriving on the back door of his grandparent mansion. If the nurse who was there when he awoken, she could not recognize him. He had grown from 5"5 to 6"1 in three month which left speechless his moms and grandma. He had gain weight and more importantly muscle. Not that he care but he got now an impressive 6 pack which would make anyone drool. Nathaniel didn't care about the aesthetic of it, he just wanted to have an athletic body he could use to defend himself and his loves one. He had today surpass the body of Marc in his prime which was good enough for him. He didn't plan to become a soldier nor a model nor an actor.

A soldier was out of the question. Marc fight his whole life for his country and get betrayed by it in a heartbeat. Moreover Nathaniel didn't have the envy or the interest to work for the government in any capacity. As for a model, he wasn't that shallow. He prefer to be know for his intellect or not at all. He wasn't that categoric for becoming an actor but that implied to know people and know how to act, which wasn't in his priorities at the moment.

"Nathaniel, this is you?" Said the voice of his grandmother upon entering the house.

"Yes granny it's me! You need anything?"

"No, no dearest. I just want to remind you that tomorrow i take you to buy clothes. Everything that you wear currently is tighter that it should be." Said his grandma happily.

Since the end of last week, she was ecstatic. Since his height and weight start stabilizing and his body was in shape, she could now go in a shopping spree to dote on her grandchild. His moms who were working, she had a free pass to buy him anything that she wanted without reservation which make her happy to no end.

Even better, she could now show off her comely grandson in front of her friends and their children. Thing even better, a good number of her friends had good-looking granddaughter who she could present for marriage prospect. If Nathaniel knew what was planning his grandmother, he would be scared out of his mind. Diane had the idea to organise a party named "Welcome back from coma" and everyone needed to come with gift for Nathaniel. Knowing that her friends were wife from very wealthy man, the present were going to be impressive. The party was going to take place on saturday. Every people invited was impatient to come and a number of people not invited ask to come. Nobody ever met Nathaniel and they were curious to see the future heir of the Lyndon label.

"I didn't forget, don't worry grandma. I'm going to my room now, i need to study."

"Alright Dear, see you later." Said Diane while evaluating him critically thing that Nathaniel didn't notice because he was busy taking off his sweaty close.

He always was cute with his kind smile, chubby face and sparkling blue eyes but now that he was working the hell out, everything change. His face lost his chubby appearance and became handsome. His always present smile, blue eyes and thin eyebrow were giving off a kind and trustworthy aura. His carve body with his 6 pack, broad shoulder and unblemish skin could send every women drooling. Two thing could be better. His long blond hair needed a fresh cut which she will get covered on thursday. The second thing was his skin was a little "too" white, he needed to work a tan. She start to consider sending him on a warm country for a couple of week to fix that.

Her evaluation finish and satisfied of her conclusion, she got back to organising the party, focusing particularly on promising young women for her grandson.

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