"Nathaniel Lyndon?" The same voice that he heard on the phone previously said, prompting him to lift his head from his phone.

Nathaniel was surprised as the women was really not what he was expecting. He thought his mother had chosen an experienced lawyer to help him better but it happened to be the exact opposite. The women in front of him was around 5"6" with flowing blond hair and clear green eyes. Late twenties, the women was a knocked out by any definition of the word. Wearing a black, stern dress, the women was looking experienced and wad giving off competency while still displaying her obvious charm. What was even more impressive was that his mother had sent him the accomplishment of the women in front of him and seeing her this young was amazing. She had achieve so much in her young career that Nathaniel could only respect her.

"Yes, I'am. Miss Lombardi I take it?" He said, getting to his feet and pulling her chair to help her sit.

"Indeed and thank you." She put a professional smile on, sitting at the table.

"I've taken the liberty to order you an orange juice, if it's not to your liking, I can order you something else." Nathaniel said, nodding in the direction of the drink near her.

"It's fine, I'm working on caffeine all day so an orange juice would be a nice change." She said, taking a gulp of it. "Let's jump right in as my time is limited. Your mother summed up the reason of your presence here. I made some inquiry and found out that an arrest warrant have been issued against your employee named Amal Rockea. The police claimed that he killed two police officers and is on the run, they launch wide network alert on TV to find him."

"I see." Nathaniel said, knitting his eyebrow in concern. He needed to find Amal before they do or the consequence would be dire. "You know the situation, do we have something that we can used on this whole affair to help us gain ground or at least made them back off?"

"I have something but this is too little to help us in your current situation. These two cops were not even on duty on the time they were killed. One of my friend in the police give me a copy of the file in question. Now, that information have been edited from the police database so if we were to used it alone, we would not achieve much."

"A cop friend of yours? Can he be trusted?" Nathaniel asked, doubtfully.

"There is a lot of good cops in the department you know but they don't know who to trust to give names. I did go toes to toes against corrupt cops over the years but i could only control the symptomes, not cured the disease." She said, her eyes dimming a little.

"Yeah, I know. I read your files. You are an impressive young woman to accomplish so much at your age." Nathaniel compliment her making her giving a smile, genuine this time.

"That's not everyday that I get to hear a teenager called me 'young woman" like that, especially when I'm ten years older than you, now that you turned seventeen." She said, lifting a meaningful eyebrow, Nathaniel simply smile and changed the subject.

"Editing the database of the Police Department, is this something every cops can do?" Nathaniel questioned.

"I actually don't know. I can looked it up if you want." She said.

"No need, I will find out myself. Thanks by the way for the medic, he was as you said, competent and not the chatty type. Do you perhaps have news about Jean Martin?"

"I do in fact. He got out of surgery two hours ago. The surgery did go as well as they hope but his prognostic vital is still engaged. He's too weak right now to undergo a new surgery, if one of the suture rupture, he could die from internal hemorrhage. I'm sorry but it's up to him right now to pull through."

"I have faith, Jean is a fighter and he will fight to live. I have no doubt in my mind about that. Do you perhaps know people working as a security who are not intimidated by cops? I don't want them to act on him while he can't defend himself." Nathaniel said worriedly.

"Yes, I know security who fit that description. People with enough influence to not cower in front of dirty cops. I will hired them on your behalf but like the doctor, cheap is not in their dictionary."

"Money is not what matter right now but keeping my people safe, make it happen the sooner the better please."

"Consider it done. Your people said that the man who got beat up was at the hands of corrupt police officers, do you know their names so I can start filing lawsuits?"

"Let's just say they are not among us anymore and leave it at that. There is things one lawyer should not know, you're experienced enough to know that by now I hope." Nathaniel said, making eye contact with her.

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"Indeed, it's better I do not know." She said with an unbother voice but Nathaniel had clearly saw the gulp that she tried to hide.

"Can I advised you to stay in your hotel the time this blows over? The cops could try to grab you if they were to know you are in the country. You are a target right now."

"Ohhh worried about me? This is so cute." Nathaniel said with a youthful voice, smiling brightly almost making her laugh but she managed to keep a stoic expression .

"No, nothing of the sort. I'm just worried that I will not get paid if you were to be grab by some corrupt cops." She made a wolfish smile.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not the type of man to be grabbed without at least being invited to a nice restaurant before hands." He teased right back.

"Duly noted." She said, trying not to laugh and steer back the conversation on topic. "If you are not going to hide, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find Amal and bring him back to safety. After that, I'm going to hunt the people who were involved in the kidnapping of my grandfather and have justice."

"And how are you going to do that exactly? It's your first time in Italy and you don't even talk the language, I don't think you think this plan through."She said, doubtfully.

"I'm like you Valentina, I'm not only a pretty face." Nathaniel said in Italian, enjoying the momentous expression of surprised on her face.

"You do talk Italian, it was not present on the information I read about you." She said, recuperating quickly.

"Well, it's a recent developpement. A ten hours recent development actually."

"Yeah, right." The female lawyer said sarcastically. Nathaniel on his end just looked at her, a little smile on his face. "Wait, tell me you are kidding."

"Nope, I still have a lot to learn about the language but I can make a few phrases alright. I don't believe I will need more than that for my purpose here."

"People said that you are smart. I think smart is putting it mildly." She said with a bitter expression on her face.

"Ohhh you really said the cutest things sometimes, Valentina." Nathaniel used his youthful voice again.

This time she could not hold it and let out a very unprofessional giggle.

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