Immaculate Spirit

Chapter 230 - :

San Pedro. Belize. 07/04/2013. 01:25.

On the North East of the island, the street name Bocca Del Rio Drive was following the coast line, separating the beach with the rest of the city. Even if it was late in the night, there were still a lot of people partying and enjoying themselves in the water, enjoying the fact that it was the weekend and it was still quite warm at this hour. Loud music was coming from the numerous beach bar near the water and the atmosphere was quite festive.

Even among the other people walking on the street and wearing bathing suits, there were three particular young women that were gathering a decent amount of attention. Even if they were wearing very skimpy, almost vulgar outfits, that wasn't the whole reason why they were looked at by so many people. No, the main reason for that was because the three of them were stunning in their own way. The first was a hispanic bimbo, the second was an european model and the third was a stunning asian young woman. The three women were heavily made up and look intoxicated, not walking straight and giggling hysterically between them.

"You are going to pay for this Nathaniel, mark my word." Camilla voice whispers in the com between two giggling.

There were quite a few laughs in the com, it wasn't the first time that she had threatened him that day.

"We talked about this already, we need to use that way to get inside the property, there are too many civilians on the street to go in by force. We talked about this already, why are you still pissed off at me?" Nathaniel whispered back, he was currently hiding in the shadow of the bush near the target.

"Someone needs to pay for what I'm going through here and since this is your plan, I decided it will be you."

"Well, it doesn't seem fair but suits yourself. For the record, I like you all better without the makeup and the outfit you are currently wearing." Nathaniel said honestly.

The fact that they were so heavily made up wasn't an accident but something intended from the beginning. It was an effective way to change their appearance and to be honest, making them uglier to suit their purpose. If they were going in with their original appearance, nobody would believe the role that they were impersonating.

"At least you girls can show off, me? I'm relegated to hide my ugly face away from the light." Lina injected herself into the conversation with a hint of humor.

Lina was currently five hundred feet away from the position of Nathaniel, posted on top of a five story building. In her hands was a AW L96A1 sniper rifle, her right eye glued to the sight, looking with attention at the street below her and particularly to the girls. She had tried a lot of different sniper rifles while she was training with the team but she had bound to this one easily. Near her, was Hans look through thermal binoculars, keeping his attention on the house that they were targeting, his M4 near him.

"That isn't true and you know it. You are our eyes in the sky. Do you see something interesting from where you are?" Nathaniel asked.

"Beside a lot of guys trying to make love to our girls with their eyes, there is nothing I can see." Lina smirk.


"I see a lot of heat signatures inside the house, I can say between ten and fifteen, excluding the two outside right now. They are standing too close to each other inside the house for me to be more precise than that."

"Got it, girls it's up to you now and Camilla you should move your h.i.p.s a little more when you walk." Nathaniel said before cutting the com to mute the insults that he was sure came his way.

Lucie, Camilla and Na-Yung kept walking in the direction of the house when they were stopped at the gate by the two guards. The two were leering at the girl with undisguised l.u.s.t, the girls smiling shyly at them.

"Hey girls, what are you doing here at this hour?" The guard asks in spanish.

"We are here to have some fun with you guys. Madam Guerrero is the one who sent us." Camilla answered.

They had learned after poking around and paying some information that there was some mercenary who was quite actif in a brothel but didn't visit for the last two weeks. After looking into this some more and spending a few thousand dollars, they had found out that this was indeed the people they were looking for. They were keeping a low profile and stayed in this house the last weeks without communicating with their friend and family. That is why Nathaniel had devised that plan to enter the property.

Hearing what Camilla said, the guard smile stifled.

"That's nice of her to do so but we are busy girls, we can't let you in. I'm sorry." He said, shooking his head.

"That will be free of charge, we are a gift. Madam Guerrero sent us here for us to learn with some fine gentlemen like you are. We are very new and we would like to learn from you, a lot." Camilla added sultrily, biting her lips.

"Ah ohhhh…" The guard start to stammer, his eyes glued to Camilla lips. "Okay follow me."

"Thanks, handsome." Camilla said with a bright smile.

The two guards lead the girls to the front door where he knocks on it using a distinctive pattern. The front door didn't take long to open, making a man appear in the doorway.

"What the hell do you wa...." The man said harshly before stopping quickly seeing the three girls. "Who are they?"

"A gift from Madam Guerrero." The guard said with a smile.

Attracted by the conversation, a few more heads appear behind the one who open the doors and they start looking at the three girls while licking their lips.

"And? Do you know what is at stake right now morron?"

"Dude! They are new and they are hands down the hotter girls the brothel ever has. And they are free!"

"Wait, when you say new, you mean…" He trailed off.

"Yes, new AND free! This is an offer too good to pass on." He said excitedly.

"Holy fu**! Girls, you can enter." He said.

Moving to the side, he let the girls get past him, spanking Lucie on the way before moving back in the doorway to block the two guards.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Get back to your frigging post or I'm calling the boss on you!" He shout before slamming the door in his face.

The two guards outside start raging immediately after the door smack in their face.

"What bastard!"

"Yeah, that morron hates me since the time I hooked up with his younger sister! Well, not gonna lie, she was w..." He started to say when he was stopped by two hands coming to his mouth and neck.

With a powerful twist, the guard neck broke and he was dead before knowing how that happened. Accompanying the body to the ground to avoid making a sound. Silently, Nathaniel took the body and hid it to the side of the building. Looking up, Nathaniel saw Scott doing the same thing. Nodding in his direction, Nathaniel took a bag from where he left it early and put it to the side of the front door, Scott doing the same thing. The both of them were wearing hoods with black camo, beneath full tactical gears, Nathaniel with his usual HK416 in hands.

Making a signal to Scott, he nodded before lifting Nathaniel up for him to cut the wire of the light on top of the door. Once it was done, the two of them took position on both sides of the door before Nathaniel made a single, quiet knock on it. The door swings open, revealing Na-Yung in her skimpy outfit. Taking the bag they had brought with them, Nathaniel and Scott enter the room, Na-Yung closing after them.

The previously calm living room was now looking like a scene coming from a horror movie. The five mercenaries who were previously enjoying a game of cards while drinking beers were now lying on the ground in a puddle of their own blood. Putting the two bags in a relatively clean space, Nathaniel took position and aimed his weapon in the direction of the staircase while Scott did the same thing in the direction of the hallway, both of them turning their back on the girls.

Wordlessly, Camilla, Lucie and Na-Yung open the two bags and start taking off their clothes before putting the same black camo that Nathaniel and the rest of the team were wearing.

"I swear, if I see your head turn even a little bit, I'm going to shoot you." Camilla threaten, making Nathaniel and Scott smile.

A minute later, the girls were fully dressed and had armed themselves with their weapons, a hood hiding their faces.

"How is it going Lina?" Scott asked in the com.

"So far so good, everything is calm outside." She answered.

"Good, good. We go according to the plan. Nathaniel and Camilla go to the first floor while we clean the ground floor. Stay alert from an entry to the bas.e.m.e.nt, this is where the girls are most likely held." Scott reminds everyone.

"Wait, I have a contact." Hans interrupts suddenly.

"What is it?" Scott asked.

"Based on what I'm seeing right now on thermal, someone is going to the rooftop."

"This is bad." Nathaniel said. "This person is going to see that the two guards are no longer there and if he looks closely, he will find their body in the grass. If the alarm is triggered, our chances of getting the girls alive are going to be close to none." He adds with gravity.

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