Immaculate Spirit

Chapter 236 - :

New York, 12/04/2013. 09:10.

Lucie's apartment in New York could be considered anything but humble. It was expected considering the fact that it was nine hundred square feet and situated in downtown New York. The price being around two thousand dollars per square feet, it was easy to do the math. That was a drop in a bucket for her and even lower than that for her family but it was an insurmountable amount to come by for any middle class american family. The apartment had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office and a living room a little over three hundred feet square with view on Time Square.

The place had long been furnished with exquisite pieces of furniture and even the office had been turned into a private gym. That was where Lucie was at the moment, running at full speed on the treadmill, two earphones dangling from the side of her head proving that she was listening to music. It wasn't any music that she was listening to but Nathaniel's new single that will be the music for the next SpiderMan.

He had sent a copy of the demo to the entire team asking what was their take on it. That was the four times that she was listening to it and Lucie quite liked it. She had noticed two times where the song could be better and had taken a mental note of it but she had nothing more to say about this. Truthfully, she was bluffed that he could be that talented in music when she knew his others areas of expertise. Even more when she knew he was doing the lyric and the melody arrangement himself. He was of course calling others musicians when he needed a special instrument but all the rest was just him.

That was one of the things that she was bothered the most about him, how could he be that good at everything and how he had the time to do all of it. She had asked him about it and he had told her that he was good only because he took the time to be and that he wasn't good at everything but refused to say what he was bad at. He had just smiled and just said to figure it out herself. He knew she was investigating him and he didn't appear to care about it, more there was time where he almost dared her to figure it out.

That was one of the things that she liked the most about him. He was always honest with everyone, even strangers on the street. He didn't care about statut, money, race or gender. Like he always said, he was respecting talent, only morons had the privilege to have issues with the rest. It was at this moment that her thought and the music was interrupted by a phone call. Not bothering to look at the caller ID, she took it.


"Oh cousin! I was starting to worry."

Recognizing the voice, Lucie started slowing down the treadmill until she was walking and then got off of it.

"Duchess, why would you worry about me?" She asked, taking the towel that she arranged early and put it on her neck.

"I tried to reach you a number of times in the last couple of days and each time it did go straight to voicemail. So I got worried and asked to ping your phone and it said you were somewhere in Springfield, based on what I learned, this is where the fictional family, 'The Simpsons' is living. I didn't know you had that kind of skill or such a youthful humor cousin." Brunhilde said in a neutral tone but with a lot of innuendos.

Lucie had to bite her lips to prevent her from laughing out loud. Of course she wasn't responsible for that but Lina was, after all she was the only one who had the skills and the sense of humor to pull a prank like that. She didn't believe that her cousin was really worried about her, it was only an excuse to keep tabs on her and to trail Nathaniel to a certain extent. Lucie was not anxious about the chance of being tracked, after all before each mission, they were leaving every personal item on a safe and their phone was cut off and the battery extracted.

"I'm sure you were sick with worry, Duchess." She answers the same way. "Nothing nefarious happened to me if it's any consolation, I was just swamp with work and didn't have the time to look at my phone."

"Oh good, I'm glad to hear that. Where are you now by the way? We should meet."

"I'm in New York right now, and you Duchess?"

"Me? I'm in Los Angeles, it's a nice city, I have never come before and I quite like it. I met your friend again, Nathaniel Lyndon, we had an interesting conversation."

"Why are you so fascinated in him Duchess? He's interesting, no doubt about it but this is not like there aren't scores of other mens around you that aren't as interesting as him. I'm assuming that you look at his genealogy like I did."


"Then you must know that the council would oppose any form of union with him. Hell, they would even stop me and I'm not even one of the main Five. I really don't understand why you are so curious Duchess." Lucie said, shaking her head.

"Don't play coy with me Lucie, I know you better than that but I must say it's a pleasant surprise to see you fight back for a change. I also must remember you that our annual reunion is next month, I would hate to see you miss it."

Lucie had no doubt about the fact that it was a real threat.

"Of course I will be there, when I ever missed one?" Lucie answers.

"Glad to hear that, I will see you there then. Take good care of you little cousin. Bye." Brunhilde said before hanging up.

Once the call ended, Lucie sighed. Talking with the Duchess was a very exhausting thing to do as they had hidden meanings in each of her words. Maybe this was why she liked Nathaniel so much, he was open where she was secretive and manipulative. She didn't have the time to dwell into it when her phone started to ring again. This time though, she took the time to look at who was calling and wasn't very surprised to see the name on it. Still, she answered her phone.

"Hello." She said on the phone with a resigned tone.


"Alright Andy, sit. Grandpa, sit." Nathaniel said.

He was sitting himself in the middle of the living room, his grandfather to his left and Andy to his right.

"Hey! I'm not a dog!" His grandfather said angrily, taking a kneeling position.

"Nathaniel, was that necessary to say it like that?" His grandmother asked, alternating between being annoyed and amused.

"Necessary? No. Funny? Yes."

"Why am I even here? Besides you, that wolf hates everyone!" Robert said, annoyed.

"He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't trust you and so thinks you are dangerous for his pack. Now, don't raise your voice please." Nathaniel said.

"Could you have picked someone else to try your little experiment? Maybe one of the maids." Robert asked but this time in a much more measured tone.

"The maids already have a tedious work, they are not paid to be experimented on. I could have picked grandma of course but if Andy here eats someone, I would live better with myself if it's you. Now, hush." Nathaniel said, raising his hand to stop any complaint.

"Andy." Nathaniel called, the crossbreed immediately looked at him upon hearing his name. "Family." Nathaniel said, touching his chest with his right hand. "Family." He said again, this time touching Andy on the chest. He put his hand back to his own chest and repeated. "Family." but this time he moved his hand to his grandfather's chest. "Family." After that, he put his hand back to Andy's chest and said again. "Family." Seeing the intelligence in Andy's eyes, Nathaniel this time used his two hands. Repeating 'Family' but this time saying it when his hands were touching simultaneously his grandfather and Andy.

"Alright, let's test this. Grandpa, move your open right hand, palm first in front of Andy."

"You want me to do what?" Robert asked, looking at his grandson like he was crazy.

"It's for him to sniff it. Wolf relied a lot on their sense of smell to function." Nathaniel explained.

"He's going to bite my hand off!"

"No he's not and if he tries, I would stop him before he touches you. Trust me."

Moving his hand slowly, Robert did what he was told, presenting his palme to the wolf. Seeing him approach, Andy looks at Nathaniel before giving a sniff. He seemed satisfied by what he found because he then licked Robert's fingers. Andy then put his muzzle into Robert's hand and then let himself be patted.

"I can't believe it works." Diane said, awed.

"Yeah, me either." Nathaniel added, releasing his breath.

"What the hell! You told me it was going to work!" Robert shouted, incensed.

"Well, wolves are wild animals and crossbreeds are especially known to be highly unpredictable and dangerous. That's not for nothing that they are the first to be put down in animal shelters. I had high hopes that it was going to work because Andy is really smart and he can understand me. Good job, Andy by the way." Nathaniel said, patting his head and giving him a biscuit as a reward.

After being properly shouted at for his carelessness, his grandmother was also accepted by Andy which made things infinitely more easy for him. In the past, he could only let his pets inside when he was completely alone and then was forced to lock them in the yard when his grandparents were there. Now that it was done, Andy was sleeping on the carpet where his grandfather sat near him reading a newspaper. Jaydon was being her usual self, closed enough to be part of the group but far enough to be left alone by the humans. The only two exceptions being Andy which Jaydon enjoyed playing, hunting with and even sometimes cuddling and Nathaniel which she liked to play with but she was showing clearly that they were not in cuddling terms yet.

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