"What is it dear?" Ask Diane.

"I finally made my decision, i will go back to school. I'm done with my rehabilitation and it's time that i resume my life."

"Glad that you brought that up sweetie, we were going to talk to you about it albeit not so soon. The school year start in late august, we could hire a tutor to help you catch on. Hopefully you could start at an 9th grader in august." Said Mary

When Nathaniel had is accident, he was in 7th grade, the fact that Mary was even talking of making him a nine grader despite his coma was a clear indication of Mary faith in him.

"You want to put him, a sixteen years old back in school with a bunch of thirteen years old?! This is disgraceful for him and our entire family! He need to stay here, i will hire the best tutor for him to catch up and hopefully next year he could go as an 11th grade, he's clearly bright enough." Assert his grandfather with a strict voice.

"This is our son and this is our decision father!" Said Mary angrily.

"Ok guys, you need to calm down. I will make the decision myself and i decide to do neither of those things." Said Nathaniel while raising his hands in a sign of appeasement.

"What do you have in mind dear?" Ask Diane, wanting to diffuse the situation.

"I made my mind, i will go to college next semester."

Hearing that, all the family has a reaction. Robert jumped out of his chair, Diane seems to have lost her words while Mary and Karine have they eyes open like saucer, theirs mouths open in an 'o'. Immediately everyone start talking at the same time to rebuke him.

"That's crazy!" Was the last thing that he hear before he raise his hand again to signal he wanted to talk.

"I know that seems crazy to say it but i was reading and catching up with school work the last couple of month. I know i can do it." He replied confidently

"Sweetie i know that you think you can but that's simply not feasible." Said Karine with kindness.

"Moms, you always knew that i was smart back then and i was hiding most of it. I knew in that time that we didn't have the means to hire a tutor for me and i didn't want to be a bother for you two. The truth was that i didn't have any friends back then because i was too mature for twelve years old kid. At twelve i was working on freshman material when i was at school or i was learning new language because i was bored otherwise."

"Why didn't you say anything baby at the time? We would have figure something out!" Said Mary tearing up.

"You both loved your work and i did not want you to give it up for my sake. You had made enough sacrifice for me already. Moreover i was confident to start making money for me soon enough." Nathaniel add while patting his mother hair which was crying now.

"What language can you speak?" Ask Robert.

"I'm fluent in French, Spanish and Mandarin. I know a fair bit of German and Russian too but not fluent quite yet." He answers.

Seeing the sceptic look on his grandfather face he start saying things in the language he mentioned previously. He was surprised to see his grandfather respond to him in German and Spanish and his grandmother in Russian. Of course, Karine respond to him in French as that was her maternal language.

"Your Russian is not that bad dear, still need work but this is sufficient if you don't planned to make a living out of it." Compliment his grandmother with a proud smile.

"We are getting out of topic." Said his grandfather wishing to come back to the previous subject.

"Where do you want to go to college?" Ask Mary, starting to worry. She didn't want to see him leave far away.

"I will study in New York to be with you guys. I choose Columbia, i want to have a law degree." Said Nathaniel.

Hearing that they were once again surprise unlike Karine who start smiling joyfully. She had graduated from Columbia with mention and she knew he was doing it for her sake.

"Baby are you sure? This is a very competitive law school, it's one of the top five in the country." Said Mary.

"You would need to have a 170 score in LSAT to apply and that's the minimum, even with that, you could not be admitted. I had 172 to mine and i barely passed." Clarified Karine.

"I will help, i know a few people. But i will start making phone calls after we have the results of your test. When will you take it?" Ask Robert.

"We just finished the song and the guy you send me to make the music video say that will take a few days. Let me two weeks and i will be good." He answers.

"Very well grandson, i will make the necessary arrangement. Do not disappoint me." He threaten before leaving.

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